domenica 1 giugno 2014

spy story to the Kazakh

Muxtar Qabılulı Ablyazov
In November 2001 , Ablyazov and his colleagues , including some among the disappointed protected Nazarbaev , together they founded the Democratic particular favorite of Kazakhstan ( Demokraticheskii Vybor Kazakhstana or Qazaqstannyn Demokratiyalyk Tandau ) , a political movement of opposition that challenged the regime of Nazarbayev. The DCK was made up of a combination already in vogue among political and business leaders and claimed instances of decentralization of political power, a strong legislature, and an independent judiciary , so as to ensure the balance of power concentrated in the hands of the executive branch. This initiative of opposition, he incurred the wrath of the regime in brief .
In July 2002 , Ablyazov was found guilty of "abuse of power made ​​as a minister " and sentenced to six years in prison. A prison sentence also struck Galymzhan Zhakiyanov and Altynbek Sarsenbaev , his climbing companions politics.
Many international observers, including the European Parliament and Amnesty International, have called the charges against Ablyazov as politically motivated . The prosecution suffered by him, did not meet the international standards for a fair trial.
There are also rumors that Ablyazov , while in custody , has been subjected to torture , beatings and other ill-treatment . In response to pressure from the international community was released after ten months , in May 2003, provided , however, that renounce political activity .
A different fate suffered his two companions : Jakiyanov , unlike Ablyazov , refused the pardon. Sarsenbaev , released from prison , he became leader of Ak Zhol , an opposition party , and was assassinated in 2006.
At the beginning of 2012, the Kazakh authorities tried to prove the implication of Ablyazov in an alleged terrorist plot . According to an informative report , a ' " obvious reason to try to fit Ablyazov " was the fact that " unlike other political figures in exile, he still has a presence in Kazakhstan through links with a group of opposition newspapers and information local . " According to the same report , the prosecution had been " concocted to tarnish his reputation - and that of his partner - in the eyes of the international community " , as well as providing " a useful diversion for the embarrassment it was in the government after the use of violence done in the western city of Janaozen in December [2011] , when the police were accused of opening fire on protesters , killing 14 people and wounding more than 100 . " The report stated that "the authorities seem to mail to Ablyazov to neutralize the ability to exercise any influence in Kazakhstan ."

The Italian case
Ablyazov is married to Alma Şalabaeva , from whom he had children , including Alua , born in 2007. Both women , in the fall of 2012, they were moved from Latvia to Italy, where the child had begun to attend a school in around Rome.
The permanence of the two women in Italy was marred by a controversial event that took place in the night between May 28 and May 29, 2013 , in a house near Casal Palocco , near Rome .
That night , the house in which they were housed the two women have been raided by a group of 50 people , only later turned out to be a team of undercover agents and officials of Digos and the squad of Police of Rome , alerted disclosure by the Embassy of Kazakhstan on a possible presence of Ablyazov in that place. The cops would not find Ablyazov , but only the two women, both guests Venera , sister Alma , and her husband . The agents would then transferred to the woman in a center for identification and expulsion , disputing the authenticity of the document furnished , a passport issued by the Central African Republic and bearing the surname ( Ayan ) that the woman wore maiden .
In circumstances still not officially released would then be given course , with simplified procedures all'estradizone of the two women , with an Austrian private aircraft , leased Kazakh Ambassador to 400 thousand euro : Direction Kazakhstan
The story is a serious embarrassment institutional government : the Minister of Foreign Affairs , Emma Bonino, defines the story as a harbinger of a "figure miserable " for Italy , which, moreover , is declared to have been completely in the dark until they became aware of it in response to reports of some human rights activists and revelations of the Anglo-Saxon press following the complaint made of the lawyers of the politician .
The dossier on the issue of the Financial Times , all hell breaks loose and the Italian Government puts in serious trouble . And it is Emma Bonino, who knew by heart every violation of human rights , managed to bring back to Italy with a great job , Alma Shalabayeva and daughter.

On 18 July 2013, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has condemned the expulsion from Italy of the wife and daughter of the Kazakh dissident Muxtar Ablyazov , going to find a similarity with the illegal practice of "extraordinary rendition ."

31 July 2013 Muxtar Ablyazov has been discovered in France , where he was arrested by the Gendarmerie Nationale while hiding in Cannes .

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