sabato 28 giugno 2014

The story of Italian immigration

The history of the Italian peninsula is dotted with migratory flows. On several occasions our fellow citizens of other times, they faced long journeys with no return for moving to distant lands, dreaming of a better future. Departures from the crowds of desperate people on the "ships of shame" of 800, up to the achievements in all fields, especially in the United States, by the descendants of our emigrants, which winds through the most difficult periods of the last two centuries.

The two world wars, fascism and the Great Depression of the '30s, which saw millions of Italian expatriates in the fight alongside the Americans, bringing to light the almost unknown story that involved thousands of soldiers of the defeated army Bourbon in 1861 from Naples, were shipped to New Orleans with the prospect of being conscripted into the army of the secessionist states of the South in the American Civil War and remained largely where there had been fighting, qualifying in the top Italian Americans. Not to mention the participation of ours to other U.S. wars fought also by the Italian emigrants, for independence from England and the Civil War.
The two world wars, fascism and the Great Depression of the '30s, which saw millions of Italian expatriates in the fight alongside the Americans, bringing to light the almost unknown story that involved thousands of soldiers of the defeated army Bourbon in 1861 from Naples, were shipped to New Orleans with the prospect of being conscripted into the army of the secessionist states of the South in the American Civil War and remained largely where there had been fighting, qualifying in the top Italian Americans. Not to mention the participation of ours to other U.S. wars fought also by the Italian emigrants, for independence from England and the Civil War 
They share the vessels 
Once Italy was one of the most sought after destinations for those who aspired to a future safe and happy. Today, data in hand, our country does not like anyone anymore. Neither foreigners, nor Italians themselves, who prefer to run away. According to Caritas Migrants notes, in fact, even considering the huge flow of immigrants who every day lands on the shores of Sicily, those who cross our borders with the idea to plant roots, are less widely than those who, in the passport hand, fly away. A staggering figure, which says a lot about the condition prevailing in the country. 

In 2011, 90 thousand Italians have sought refuge abroad, the following year there were only 60 thousand, 75 thousand then. But the worst will be recorded this year, when the threshold is exceeded 100 thousand. No margin of error. As stated by Sergio Durando Caritas Migrants, in fact, "these numbers are calculated by default" because they are based on official statistics, such as the Aire, the registry of residents abroad, "and do not consider those who move without or change residence without informing the Italian authorities. "
Examining the identikit of those who emigrate, these are more than 4 million, on average, in their forties, with no significant differences between men and women. Nearly half have a degree or a diploma. The other half did not, and it is a sign that the emigration has been extended - as they did decades ago - the workforce. This is demonstrated by the 3500 Italian who emigrated in 2013 in China, not only entrepreneurs and graduates, but also cooks attracted by the boom of Italian restaurants in the East and is growing at double digits. Just as Asia, according to statistics, is the continent most hype by immigrants, with a percentage that grows by almost 20 percent.

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