sabato 21 giugno 2014

The Chinese triad

In Hong Kong alone that has over 7 million inhabitants are more than 57 active clans of the Chinese Mafia, including the powerful Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo and 14K, very active in drug trafficking and toxic waste, passing counterfeit technology, prostitution, money laundering and gambling.

But by Xienggeng, which in Chinese means fragrant harbor, the Triad gangs also organize and manage illegal immigration of their countrymen to Europe and the United States, including Italy. A crime organization that provides a secure entrance, steady and substantial.

More and more Chinese citizens depart from Hong Kong directly by plane: our border police has discovered that now arrive on a tourist visa at the international airports of Malpensa and Fiumicino and then cover their tracks. According to updated estimates have chosen our country than 200,000 Chinese, with an annual growth rate that exceeds 5%. It is also booming business: in 2009, the Chinese were 49,854, with a record increase of 131.1% compared to 2002, especially in Lombardy, Tuscany, Veneto and Emilia Romagna. Emblematic case of Prato, which now has 50,000 Chinese, 30% of the residents of the town, and more than 5,000 companies owned by entrepreneurs of the People's Republic. So much so that it is the largest Chinese community in Europe. With these numbers it is no wonder, therefore, if the reports of the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate (DIA) and the Service Central Investigation on Organized Crime (scico), in considering the Triads the "fifth mafia" Italian, speak of a presence rooted primarily in Lombardy, Tuscany, Latium, Emilia-Romagna and Sicily.

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