domenica 15 giugno 2014

Human smuggling and trafficking

The routes and the "recruitment" of illegal migrants

 The routes used by smugglers to bring their compatriots in Italy
wind along various lines. The main overland route below
until the early years of the millennium included the departure by plane from
Beijing, the arrival in Moscow and the subsequent transport in Prague. Here
migrants were collected in predetermined locations and then
delivered to their representatives in relation to the European country of
target. The entrance was through the border in Italy with the
Slovenia, with the passing of the Carso during the night thanks to smugglers
local. Later, with the entry of Slovenia into the European Union, the
border controls have moved to this country.
Active until the early years of the millennium, the second route provided
departure by air from China and an intermediate stage in Moscow,
ending with the arrival by sea along the Strait of Otranto thanks
contribution of Albanian traffickers. Today, with substantial elimination
landings along the coast of Puglia, Chinese organizers have
chose the port of Ancona, hiding migrants in ships
merchant. Finally, the third route is based, as we have seen, on flights
online directly from China, entering Italy through forms
by apparently legal tourist visa.
The methods of recruitment of migrants are articulated mostly
according to the geographical origins of dialect in which the population is divided
Chinese. This aspect emerges from one of the various processes collected in
which traffickers are complaining about the loss of opportunities
profit because they failed to make contact with potential
migrants not belonging to their usual pool of "recruitment"
of the provinces of the North-East.
So investigators summarize the dialogue between two parties engaged
illegal immigration:
"The first (S.) says that the person (awaiting documents) has the
said that if you fail to have them for the three tomorrow, and will not make them more
will go away. S. says that this person is in Fujian and if they lose as
customer, that means I lose so many others, because if they can
provide him with the documents, he then will tell other people that have
The second (Z) says he understands the situation and will call tomorrow for S.
let him know something. 40
[A few days later, direct transcription] Z. S. says: now to make
documents that person has already called and the phone is switched on.
S.: It 'on, but now the person who had to make the documents has been
way, we lost, because after he has found another person
Fujian that has made them to him.
Z: I'm sorry for that day for that person, I was only 50
S.: But we have lost not only a person but a lot of work "
(Court of Milan 2005a, 49).
 Since emigrating illegally involves important risks and many
unknowns, the fundamental condition that causes the migrant
apply to certain carriers is assumed to be able to trust them. Under
this respect, the relationship of trust between smugglers and migrants is based on
indications of relatives and acquaintances that address potential migrants
towards specific groups of transporters. In the most general sense, the
migrant's choice is set according to information networks and relational
gravitate within the same geographical origin dialect, which often
belong to both the migrants and the organizers of the transport.

Trafficking and exploitation of labor

 In the context of trafficking aimed at the exploitation
statement, we can detect, in many cases, a tight connection between
organizers of the transport and entrepreneurs. In particular, the
entrepreneurs provide workshops and restaurants as a place of
collection of migrants waiting to be paid the debt to them or trip
employ in their economic activities. This occurs when the
traffickers are themselves entrepreneurs or the latter are
closely linked to the organization of transporters.
 More generally, however, the relationships between traffickers
and employers who employ illegal immigrants as a labor force are
contingent and non-organically structured. It is, for the most part,
entrepreneurs who, knowing what are the shetou (the "snakeheads"
involved in illegal immigration), they rely on them for
procure workers. It 'a kind of relationship that is based on
satisfaction of mutual benefits, as evidenced by the following
conversation between a woman and a trafficker Shandong woman
"Tells him that she plans to open a laboratory for packaging
shoes and so if you will need workers asks them to him if he can 41
send ". Or, in a similar case, a leader involved in the trafficking
communicates to his companion "to send a woman in Civitanova [Brands]
for work. He puts the phone number and tells him that the master is a
his village and who has already spoken with him, he wants a person "(Court
Milan 2005b, 27, 65).
 The precondition for an employment relationship to
since it is based on the intensive exploitation, giving rise to forms of
trafficking regards, in most cases, the issue of debt
travel, or to the fact that this has been welded (or less) by
the migrant traffickers or the entrepreneur who hired him.
Where the debt persists, workers suffer harassment and constraints
similar to slavery, such as being segregated
within the laboratories working 16-18 hours a day for wages
Monthly negligible or non-existent (Court of Forlì 2006; Trib Bologna 2008a,
2008b) 26. On the contrary, once affrancatisi debt - what happens
in most cases with the help of relatives in Italy - the
migrants are free to go and choose a new employer.

 Smuggling and trafficking: some data

 Complaints involving Chinese nationals for offenses relating
immigration in violation of the dlg. 286/98 are particularly
substantial: from 2004 to 2010 were reported 28 464 people.
Should be noted that in total including a wide variety of crimes,
from violations relating to residence permits, and the introduction
facilitate illegal immigration, to the assumptions
irregular by the employer. .

Some women working in a lab perceived for 10 hours
Daily € 25 per month, while men 75 euro. The migrants had arrived in
Italy by the employer, which was in connection with the recruiters in China.
The agreement signed by migrants to departure provided that they perceive
about 100 euro per month until the extinction of the entire debt of 18,000 Euros. Debt
which included the payment of travel and obtaining the residence permit

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