sabato 21 giugno 2014

Climate change

Korogocho, in 2007, was a delicious morsel, a bargaining chip for a modern affair. Green certificates, tradable on the global market. How it works: I reduce the CO2 in Africa, transformed the benefit to the environment in tradable pieces of paper, and built in another part of the planet, maybe in an area where a factory production increases.

Corrado Clini is a true expert in this field. Its general direction has always been the most powerful engine capable of managing environmental projects around the world. Not only in Iraq: from China to Africa, from Latin America Montenegro hundreds of projects bear his signature. The true magician Italian green economy. And so when a company apparently unknown in 2006 presented a plan of action on the landfill of Nairobi, the former minister - then general manager - he immediately realized the potential. He wasted no time, with the air flew decision maker in Kenya, in the middle of August, ready to conduct all negotiations directly.

The landfill Korogocho
Something, however, has not worked in the project of African Corrado Clini now under house arrest. In that society - the evocative name, Eurafrica - there were people who just convinced Korogocho who knows her very well. The Comboni Missionaries - led by Father Alex Zanotelli priest who has spent a lifetime in Nairobi alongside the poorest people - they feared that the draft environmental recovery could hide another. Business unclear. "What need is there of a feasibility study - said at the time his father Alex Zanotelli, during a press conference - when there are already at least three?".

A project - for missionaries - useless, that it would cost 720 thousand euro. Money that would be managed by entrepreneurs very far from the environmental policies: "In Eurafrica Kenya - continued the Comboni missionary - we found members representatives of arms factories in Africa. As Renzo Bernardi, known to be the representative in the area of ​​Oto Melara, Beretta and other European companies related to the production of weapons. "

The concern of the Comboni was also another because that custody had occurred without competition? And where the Eurafrica came out, a company that seemed to have no specific experience in the field of environmental interventions?

Curious was also the presence of two other members of the group. At the head of the company was the lawyer Bruno that Calzia few months adviser of the then Minister for Agriculture, Paolo De Castro. Expert also well known by Corrado Clini: November 12, 2007, the two were part of the Italian delegation to the Fourth World Meeting of the Association for the promotion of biodiesel (another former minister ball).

The Roman lawyer some experience with the waste actually had, so to be named a few years later represented the private shareholders (the combining of Francesco Colucci) in the municipal Latin Environment, where it still sits on the board of directors. In Eurafrica there was another entrepreneur, Victor Travaglini, a leading expert on African affairs.

The two have in common another African country, Somalia. According to the affidavit of former correspondent for the Corriere della Sera Kenya Massimo Alberizzi before the inquiry commission on cooperation, Vittorio Travaglini - Somalfruit representative of the time - would have been the real target of the attack against Carmen Lasorella, which led to death of the operator Rai Marcello Palmisano. Version - explained the journalist - had been reported by the wife of the warlord Ali Mahdi.

Both Travaglini Calzia that time already knew. And together they represented - in 2006 - the Italian Ministry for Agricultural Policies in Nairobi Conference on climate change, home where he was born the idea of ​​the project in Korogocho. At that same meeting there was also Corrado Clini, as Director General for the Ministry of Environment.

After the allegations of the Comboni missionaries, the project was stopped by the then Minister for the Environment Pecoraro Scanio. The Rome prosecutor's office opened an investigation that also involved the former minister. All archived after a few months, at the request of the prosecutor Maria Cordova. With the arrest of Clini time the dossier is one of many projects that the Roman magistracy - according to rumors - is re-reading carefully.

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