domenica 22 giugno 2014

The Albanian mafia

Since the early nineties, as a result of the profound political upheaval, economic and social that have shaken the world, we have witnessed the 'settlement of criminal organizations in our country of foreign origin, the so-called new mafia.
It is more or less structured partnerships with different characteristics depending on ethnicity, which, maintaining close contacts with the countries of origin and variously interacting with the local mafia in a constantly changing balance, over the last two decades are rooted more or less permanently in Italy, controlling entire sectors of illicit markets with high profitability, ranging from drugs and toxic and nuclear waste, trade in arms, to money laundering, smuggling of cigarettes and especially trafficking human, for prostitution and illegal workers.
In that case the market of prostitution has gone to meet a real revolution thelatest disappearance from the streets of prostitutes Italian, which now operate almost exclusively in the apartment and the irruption of foreigners of both sexes, from South-America, from Nigeria, from 'Eastern Europe and in more recent years, also from China. It is a market operated almost exclusively by foreigners (mostly Romanians and Albanians) and in which Italians, who are many, play a supporting role, renting apartments or transporting women at "work". The most significant among the foreign criminal organizations is certainly the Albanian mafia which is distinguished by particularly violent methods and that, strictly speaking, is the only Balkan mafia, being the only ethnically based. Its structure, according to the DIA (DIA Project Shqiperia. Albanian crime in Italy, Rome, October 1999) recalls the 'Ndrangheta, the presence of groups in horizontal structure, based on family or kinship within which emerges the shape of the head and working under extremely tight relationships, governed by the unwritten laws of the kanun, a system of customary law that defines the moral and legal norms of Albanian society. The Albanian criminal groups, initially very fragmented and distributed mainly in Northern Italy, have joined forces and are now operating throughout the country, interacting with the local criminal organizations and in close cooperation with the representatives criminals residing in the country of origin.
The criminal activities appear different depending on the geographical context, orienting in the central and northern regions especially towards the drug trade, trafficking in illegal immigrants for prostitution and the sexual predators (mainly robberies and house robberies of Rolex watches, credit cards and large cars). The latter, according to the Ministry of the Interior, fueling a vast market that is increasingly asserting itself in Albania, luxury cars, SUVs and trucks of illicit origin.
In the South, however, where there remains a strict control of criminal activities on the part of traditional criminal organizations (Cosa Nostra, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta), are made occasional alliances aimed, in Sicily, Campania drug trafficking in drugs trafficking and women of prostitution, and Calabria to traffic in drugs, weapons and sexual exploitation of young women (MSM, Organized Crime, foreigners and non-EU judicial organization, Rome 14 December 2000 Ministry of Interior, report on crime in Italy. analysis Prevention, Contrast, 2007).
In particular, a recent survey of the Commissioner of Castrovillari (Operation Cerberus, 09/02/2010) highlighted in the Sybarite in Cosenza, the existence of an operating agreement under which the Calabrian clans in exchange for supplies of arms and Drugs, allowed the Albanian mafia control of the exploitation of the prostitution of young women from Eastern Europe, forced into prostitution through violence. In one case a woman was even kidnapped and forced to Bologna where he resided with the power to engage in prostitution in Calabria. By virtue of its geographical position, Puglia is a terminal required for trafficking from the Balkans, so they are much more organic relations with organized crime Puglia, which, through the Albanian criminal organizations, had convenient access to all sorts of the illicit market and is firmly implanted in Montenegro.
In recent years, however, the Albanian crime, in which many women today work with the roles of the protagonists, tends to affirm a strategy to camouflage, select the input mode in less sensational Italian landings on the Apulian coast (practically ceased from 2003) and neglecting high social alarm crimes, such as robbery at the villa. The criminal interests of these emerging groups now tend to circumscribed drug trafficking and exploitation of prostitution.
As regards, in particular, international drug trafficking, Albanian groups, after a debut in the trafficking of marijuana produced in Albania, are now an organized and efficient network whose direction is outside the USA, able to ensure, through numerous couriers, a steady flow of narcotics destined for the Italian market, with diversification of supply channels (derivatives of cannabis indica, produced on a large scale in Albania outside of any control, heroin produced in the Middle East and South-East Asia and raw opium produced in Macedonia, Afghanistan and Iran and converted in refineries Albanians, as well as cocaine and ecstasy from the Netherlands from Bulgaria).
According to some estimates the Albanian mafia controls 75% of the supply of heroin destined for European markets and 50% of the heroin sold in the USA. The narcoproventi are reinvested in Kosovo and Albania, where he is said an emerging class whose enormous wealth, in addition to fuel the illegal activity, is entered in the commercial and financial circuit, severely polluting the legal markets and establishing trade relations with the local authorities, often involved in business mafia.
For the most attentive students of the Balkan countries the Albanian mafia is no longer a "normal" criminal phenomenon, but has penetrated deeply within the institutions and in the words of Raufer (Mafia Member, Limes QS, 2000), it is "state within a state, territories with actors, laws and armed forces." The distribution network in Italy (especially in North Italy) is made most often from non-EU nationals and regular Italian labor, placed in a subordinate position (small and medium-sized dealers) who underwent, in the event of insolvency of violent retaliation and forced, in many cases, to sell the car to cover their debt. Another area of ​​interest of the Albanian criminal organizations has always been the management of migratory traffic with the facilitation of illegal immigration (smuggling of migrants) and the related human trafficking (trafficking in persons), in which the Albanian mafia holds today a predominant role, working in a transnational dimension and constitutes the most reliable network for the collection, transport and landing against the criminal organizations of all Europe.
Originally the victims were young Albanian women held for sexual exploitation, but in more recent times the traffic, which borders on slavery, it was extended to women Moldovan, Romanian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian or from the Baltic countries, attracted in Italy with the promise of a job or even seized their places of origin, sold repeatedly to different "owners" and made come through Kosovo and Montenegro, Albania, from where they embarked for Italy 's with false or falsified documents, products Italo-Albanian organizations specialized in this field. Landed on the coast of Salento, victims, destined for prostitution market, are taken over by the exploiters operating in Italy, mostly Albanians, and launched mainly to the rich squares of Northern Italy, although in recent years there has been an increase in prostitution markets Also in the southern regions. According to UNICEF, more than 80% of human trafficking from Albania relates to underage girls.

Taken from: Italian Review of Criminology No. 1/2010

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