martedì 24 giugno 2014

The new mafia of New York

The new mafia of New York
The Mafia is no longer as it once was. Always try to reorganize the army, the ways of communicating and above all its expansions. And with new technology put into circulation, the mafias do not toil a lot to prove, even if the changes will have to be very careful.
In New York, for example, to deal with the new times, the Mafia organization look even stronger, especially to escape the problem that both grips, or the famous Act Rico (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). This is the law most feared criminal organizations present in America that is the introduction of strict liability of a person as a criminal offense. According to this law, in fact, an individual belonging to a criminal organization, can be accused of crimes committed by another person belonging to the same association.

Several times, the FBI had given up for dead the Mafia, as the New York Mafia had long since ceased to recruit new soldiers. But still, the phenomenon seems to be enjoying a revival.
This is the same FBI to assert a criticism that he had underestimated the phenomenon: "Cosa Nostra in New York is not more powerful as it was in its heyday, but is able to adapt and is now more powerful than it has been for years "says Special Agent Richard Frenkel.
Speaking of the most important family of New York, or the Genovese clan, one of the most powerful and his new boss's rotation.
By doing so, every criminal organizations, has the task of concentrating the powers not only a boss but more people in pre-established times. Some families even have decided to delegate the powers to the so-called street boss, or the boss of the neighborhood.
The other important change is to no longer use the law of omerta. If, as happened in the '80s, a "kid" was killed for betraying the family, telling all secrets of Cosa Nostra to magistrates and then, repenting, is now no longer the case. Now, once arrested, the mobsters have permission to cooperate with the police, even if only partially, agreeing with the attorney about what can be referred to the magistrates. Only in this way, the family can continue to do business and earn money.
Adapting to the new rules, the Cosa Nostra seems to have recovered by continuing to spread not only in New York but also in New Jersey and in many states of North America.

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