giovedì 26 giugno 2014

Atomic bomb : perverse use of science

Scientists were playing to the gods, they felt omnipotent and quivered with pride contemplating the colossal bubbles of fire in which vortices, ten million degrees, to shape the material as in the original chaos. At the expense of the whole human race, which rained down tons of radioactive waste, the technocrats could blow up in their dozens bombs, placing enormous state funding. At the end of 1955, the U.S. invested 12 billion dollars atomic industry, which undertook technical and 130,000 had 10 factories for the production of uranium arricchito13. To groped to give a semblance of humanity in this abyss of madness, was spread through propaganda and sets pounding the shameful lie atom for peace. It was said that nuclear energy would be a powerful ally of man, extraordinarily effective tool beneficial to tame nature and improve lives. The military use - it was said - it was just one aspect sorely needed, tragically inevitable (but why?) That it was "a wonderful resource constituting the common heritage of mankind"; "a real scientific and industrial revolution, no less profound than that determined in the nineteenth century, might be able to free him from the need." "In addition to the production of motive power sufficient for all your needs and at a fraction of the cost, the use of atomic energy proves to be even more promising to dispel the specter of hunger."
Each of the previous statement is false enclosed in quotation marks. And none of the above predictions come true. This vision of peaceful, even idyllic, atomic energy is unreal, it always has been and the insiders have always known, even if the only support was a heresy, the affront to the dogma of the sublime goodness of technocratic science. Too many interests tied since the beginning of the atomic research scientists to power, and power in the history of nuclear technology, has always expressed militarily. Usually, the construction of the first atomic bomb is presented as the result of a perverse use of science. It has become popular to the legend of a bitter resignation of the scientists of the Manhattan Project to the tragic reasons of war: to put an end to the war, it was inevitable to use the bomb A. A necessary end justified a terrible way. This is false: the atomic bomb was enthusiastically stubbornly wanted by atomic physicists. In the middle of the beautiful debate whether or not to use a device that, in an instant, he would have wiped out thousands of people, the good man of mild and smiling Enrico Fermi snapped annoyed: "Leave me in peace with your guilty conscience!'s A physical so beautiful. "This is the level of moral sensitivity of the scientist technocrat never forget.
(About the delirium of technocrats, read the card on the harmful effects of strontium-90 view from the American Chemical Society and by a technocrat)
Nuclear tests and earthquakes
On 23 September 1969 China detonated a thermonuclear bomb underground in a shooting in the western part of the country. On September 28, an earthquake hit the state of Victoria, In Australia the south-east. The tremors were accompanied by a series of explosions and appearances of green lights in the sky. 28 and May 30, 1970, there were nuclear tests, and on 31 May the city of Chimbote, things are in order, was devastated by an earthquake that killed 60,000 people. On 27 July 1976 the U.S. detonated a charge from 20-150 kiloton underground Nevada. The next day, the town of Tang-shan (China) and 800,000 people were destroyed by an earthquake of magnitude 8.2, which was assessed on the Richter scale.
13 and September 15 underground nuclear tests took place on September 16, an earthquake (7.7 Richter) razed the Iranian city of Tabas, with 25,000 deaths. On 5 November 1988, France realized in the waters of the atoll of Mururoa nuclear explosion of 50 kilotons. The next day, an earthquake (7.6 Richter) shocked the Chinese province of Yunnan, making about 600 victims. On 24 November of the same year, France performed an identical explosion. An earthquake (Richter 6) hit Canada and the United States of the North-East the following day; while November 26 once again a province of China, Qin-Ghai, was shaken by an earthquake. And again: December 4, 1988, the USSR detonated a nuclear bomb power estimated to be between 20 and 150 kilotons in a base of the Arctic Circle. On December 7, Armenia was shaken by an earthquake (6.9 Richter) that killed 60,000 people and left half a million homeless. On 22 January 1989 a test explosion (20-150 kilotons) was carried out in northeastern Kazakhstan; the day after the earthquake in Soviet Tajikistan had more than 200 people dead. On 23 June 1992 the Americans were the cause yet another underground nuclear bomb; June 28, two earthquakes with unusual violence (7.4 and 6.5 Richter) struck southern California.
Curious coincidences? For many seismologists, the answer is definitely yes. Riley Geary, Caltech, declares that the data do not reveal a link between explosions and sismi17, and Robert Carmichael, geologist, University of Iowa, the hypothesis of a causal link between earthquakes and underground bombs, is "a scientific fraud, comparable magic or to 'astrology'.
Yet other data, all of the scientific, indicate that this relationship is much more than a fantasy or superstition. Professor Gary T. Whiteford, Professor of Geography at the University of Brunswick in Canada, found that earthquakes with magnitude 6 to 6.5 Richter has more than doubled since they started underground nuclear testing. In fact, these were 1,164 earthquakes between 1900 and 1949; rose to 2,844 between 1950 and 1988. Significant increase was also recorded for the stirrings of earthquakes magnitude between 6.5 and 7 Richter were 1,110 in the period 1900-1949; he counted 1,465 between 1950 and 1988. Such increases have occurred in all parts of the globe especially seismic. For example: the percentage of all earthquakes (greater than or equal to 5.8 Richter) in the Aleutian Islands was 3.31 in the time preceding the American nuclear testing in Nevada. This percentage went up to the value of 12.57 in the period of the test. New Britain and the Solomon Islands (Pacific Ocean) were seismically quiet in the first half of our century: the percentage of earthquakes was 2.98. In the era of nuclear bombs the French Mururoa this value is nearly quintupled: 10.08. The island of Vanuatu has paid a heavy tribute to the grandeur of the French nuclear. Its percentage of earthquakes was of 3.36 over the period 1900-1949; during the period marked by the following test, that figure jumped to 9.30. Novaya Zemlya island never happened earthquakes in the first fifty years of the century; since there was built a base for Soviet nuclear testing, there have been six earthquakes of magnitude greater than or equal to 5.8 Richter.
In a global view can be seen that, in the first fifty years of this century, there have been 3,419 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater Richter, with an average of 68 per year. From 1950 to 1989, the earthquakes in question were 4,963, with an average of 127 per year: the value has almost doubled.
Professor Whiteford has made disturbing discoveries about so-called "earthquakes murderers" (killer quakes), ie earthquakes that cause at least 1,000 victims. "Over the course of 37 years of nuclear testing, twenty of the thirty-two earthquakes killers, or 62.5%, occurred on the same day or within four days of the test." Alarming data also comes from a study of two Japanese scientists, Shigeyoshi Matsumae and Yoshio Kato, Tokai University in Tokyo: "Abnormal meteorological phenomena, earthquakes and changes in the Earth's axis are significantly related to atmospheric and underground tests. They have caused a temperature increase terrestrial exosphere 100 to 150 degrees, which grows in an abnormal way immediately after a nuclear test. for example, it was discovered that the absolute temperature rose from 70 to 80 degrees after a test Soviet which was detected from the station d 'observation from Uppsala, August 23, 1975. Similarly, a continuous and dramatic increase in temperature was observed at a dense set of six test explosions that took place between 18 and October 29, 1975. "They conclude: "The temperature of the atmosphere has changed from nuclear testing, a change that even the sun could produce. One can easily imagine what effect all this has on the weather of the earth."
Obviously, the power always denied that the explosion could have similar atmospheric consequences:
"Two scientists Meteorological Office in Washington have completed their investigation into the effects of the bomb explosion at the evolution of the time. They rule out that radioactive particles released by the explosion are likely to behave, in the free atmosphere, as condensation nuclei , and then you can not have an increase in rainfall. they do not admit the slightest that the residues of the projected explosion in the upper atmosphere can lead to a decrease in the intensity of solar radiation and much less that outbreaks can dynamically influence of the ocean 'air. "
It is all too easy to assume that the power would deny any credibility to other serious conclusions reached by the study of Matsumae and Kato. Type: "Nuclear explosions moving the axis of rotation of the earth." The two Japanese researchers noted fact that nuclear testing at least 150 kilotons are slipping significantly the position of the polar axis. This shift causes a change in the length of the rotation of our planet, which is in the order of hundredths of a second, but it reveals how human intervention may interfere with reality for millions of years old and planetary dimension.
The scientific observations of independent researchers clearly show that the experimental nuclear explosions have caused substantial damage to the balance of the structure of our planet. Many scientists, however, exclude it, especially for the reason that the energies developed by thermonuclear explosions are too small and too short.
Yet the facts are evident. How can you deny a causal link when even the statistical analysis, it is more than likely? How to interpret this scientific myopia?
First of all, you should not take any account of the opinions of those who have an interest in denying nuclear dangers. You can not lend any confidence, for example, those two scientists Meteorological Office in Washington mentioned above, because they worked for the same government that wanted at all costs to nuclear testing. They did not put a reasoned opinion from scientific analysis, but served to reassure the public.

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