mercoledì 25 giugno 2014

black market organs

The organ market ... more

Not all organs are essential here is the ones you can do without and what they are worth on the black market. But as well as illegal in (almost) all countries of the world, to be deprived of a body is very, very dangerous. And even buy it ...Un contadino nepalese mostra la cicatrice lasciata dal prelievo di un rene venduto sul mercato nero indiano (© REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar).

A Nepalese farmer shows the scar left by the removal of a kidney sold on the black market of India (© REUTERS / Navesh Chitrakar).
How much is a man? Or better, economically speaking, how much money you can get by selling a man ... or parts of it? No, we're not crazy, but reading the World Health Organization report on the illegal trafficking of human organs for which there is really creepy.

Market Millionaire
According to WHO experts each year (data of 2007), in the world, 21,000 liver transplants are performed, 66,000 kidney transplants and 6,000 heart transplants: 5% of the organs used in these interventions would come from the black market, for a turnover estimated at between 600 million and 1.2 billion dollars.
And the most dramatic aspect is that according to Global Finance Integrity, an NGO specializing in tracking illegal financial flows, the numbers of this gruesome trade is steadily increasing.

At the expense of the poorest citizens of the world, which for a handful of money they are willing to give up a kidney, a piece of liver, intestines or a portion of a cornea. All organs or organ parts, of which you can do without, though with serious consequences and often dramatic.

[Why do we have two kidneys if you can live with just one?]

Supermarket kidney
But as pointed out by Sean Fitzpatrick - Director of External Relations at the Bank of New England Corporation (USA) - in an interview with Popular Science, the removal of parts of the liver or intestine requires rather complex interventions, that can hardly be carried out in clinics improvised third world. The majority of organs from donors who voluntarily sold on the black market is made up of the kidneys: the removal and installation operations are not particularly complex and require neither sophisticated equipment nor skills to the highest level.

The main exporting countries of this unique "product" are India and Pakistan, where according to the WHO every year at least 2,000 people sell their organs to unscrupulous buyers or intermediaries.

And so in recent years have arisen organizations specialized in transplant tourism: contact the donor and buyer and organize interventions in health facilities complacent in the Far East or the South. The prices? They range from $ 20,000 for a kidney Indian to 160,000 for one from Israel. And the donor only the crumbs on average not more than $ 1,000.Giacarta, 12 agosto 2013: quest'uomo offre un rene per pagare la scuola ai figli. (©REUTERS/Beawiharta)

Jakarta, August 12, 2013: This man gives a kidney to pay for school children. (© REUTERS / Beawiharta)

The affaire Chinese
But for those who have a strong stomach, the WHO report continues, citing the Chinese market for human organs officially "donated" by the death row inmates (900 livers and kidneys 12,000 in 2005) but, in fact, sold at high prices to other wealthy Chinese citizens or foreign patients willing to pay rather than wait for a legal donation. According to WHO experts, the Chinese market, you can get a kidney for $ 60,000, but also a pancreas, a heart or a lung for about $ 150,000. In 2012, the Beijing government, in an attempt to put a stop to this trade, however, has pledged to ban the harvesting of organs from executed within the next 5 years.

[Why do you say "have guts"?]

All legal, we are Iranians
The organ trade is expressly forbidden by all the legislations of the world. The only exception is Iran, where every year, according to statistics, 1,400 people have been legally on the market a kidney to their numbers at around $ 10,000.

And the receivers?
Hard life for those who decide to undergo a transplant illegal: according to WHO these patients may in fact twice: first for the sanitary conditions in which they are often carrying out interventions, but also for its lack of guarantees on the state of health of organs implanted, which can be the vehicle of infections and diseases including HIV and hepatitis.

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