venerdì 27 giugno 2014

Syria: the plight of Christians and crimes of mercenaries

Syria: the plight of Christians and crimes of mercenaries

"The rebels are killing us. The army must stay. "
We feel angry and powerless in the face to the type of information circulating in Europe and make opinion by supporting international sanctions

We live in Syria for more than seven years, we love this country and its people. We feel angry and powerless in the face to the type of information circulating in Europe and make opinion by supporting international sanctions, one of the most unequal weapons that the West uses to keep their hands clean and direct, however, the history of other peoples. Clean up to a point: we multiply the reports of the presence of military personnel English, French (and other countries) to the side of the insurgents to organize guerrilla warfare, international serious violation that passes over in silence.
Were collected signatures and funds to help the "spring" of the Syrian people.

But who gave - in good faith - and offers support for the "liberation" of Syria must know which funded inhuman murderers, providing them with weapons, contributed to the manipulation of information, fomented a civil instability that will take years to be resolved. Upsetting the balance in a country where cohabitation was daily bread. Because speaking without knowing the reality we are no longer free, but functional for other interests that manipulate us.

It is not our job to provide a global socio-political reading of the story Syrian others are doing better than us. And who really wants to can find alternative information. We simply tell only what our eyes see, here in the small country village where we live. And where, almost every night, the soldiers in the small garrison which oversees are attached. Whether by insurgents in the area, both by mercenary bands that pass the Syrian border in an attempt to overwhelm the army and make a passage for the flow of weapons and fighters. The military respond? Sure, and people are happy is because of weapons and mercenaries, the country is already full.

Is about to expire ultimatum for the withdrawal of the army, which no one here - in the literal sense of the word - he wants. People feel safe only when the military are present. Now the violence committed by so-called liberators in cities, villages, roads, and many are so brutal that people only want to see them defeated. The abuses are continuous, killings, homes and assets seized or burned, people, children used as human shields. Are the rebels to block the roads, firing on cars of civilians, raping, massacring and kidnapping to extort money from the victims. Inventions? On the night of Good Friday, not far from where we live, they killed a boy and wounded two others: they returned to their homes to celebrate Easter. The boy who died was 30 years old and it was in our village. They are not the first of our people to pay in person. Now before moving on to the grocery store or even just to go to work, you ensure that the army controls the area. Also we happened to find ourselves blocked by gunfire for three hours at a stretch of highway and we were able to start only when it has formed a corridor of tanks protecting motorists in transit from the shooting of the rioters.

Why do not we talk about all this? Why no mention of the many soldiers killed in various ambushes, the latest yesterday in Aleppo? There are many dramatic examples we could cite. The brother of one of our workers, held prisoner by the rebels in Homs along with other civilians, is now considered dead, two fathers of the family of our village were always in Homs by the rioters because they bought and distributed the bread to those who had remained isolated. The question here, however, we want to emphasize and which is to invite everyone to mobilize international sanctions. Who is paying and will pay even more in a little while, it is the poor people.
There is no work, there are the raw materials and the export of local products, such as cattle and eggs are firm. What little there is, then, is sold at exorbitant prices.

Among the major emergencies is that of milk for the children. The prices of cartons doubled, from 250 to 500 Syrian pounds (the daily wage of a worker is 7-800 pounds). Short supply feed for livestock: the few available packs increased from 650 to 1850 pounds. Shortage of specialist medicines, electricity is scarce because the rebels have blown up several times and power lines run. There is no diesel (and the winter was very cold this year), because Syria can no longer export its crude oil in exchange for refined oil. The tractors are firm and then you can not work the land. They even blocked the trucks that pick up the trash. There are problems with the water because the pumps are working with diesel fuel. Our village and its neighbor - who share the same well - have water one day a week and only for 3-4 hours. You risk a real famine for the future: soon will the grain and thus the bread, the only food that, for now, the government is able to distribute a controlled prices, even to the poorest. And then he complains that he can not bring the Red Cross aid. You can even get to sanction the import of diapers for infants?

All of this is deeply unfair. It has not managed to overthrow the government by force of arms, you want to make exasperating people. Of course, this is precisely the logic of sanctions. When, however, a large majority of the population - like it or not - does not want a violent change of the situation, the system becomes a real oppression. We urge those who can do something to intervene and suspend the sanctions. That our much vaunted democracy proves capable of serving the true good of the people.

A group of Italians who live in Syria b

Source: Future

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