lunedì 23 giugno 2014

Naples : 20 years of the lobby

Campania, what a bargain. 20 years of the lobby have devastated the region: "The real motivation for which no measures are implemented as resolution of the collection lies in the fact that large lobby, the likes of Impregilo, with interests in the construction of incinerators, derived from the famous Cip6, which provide substantial funding for renewables.
This legal technicality, all Italian, pretends to renewables also "eco-bales" with derivatives incinerators, which are not for nothing. " (Love)
The intercepts.
Catenacci: "They make a deal to 1.325 billion" Bertolaso ​​said on the phone: "Mortacci" - The calculation of eco-bales stacked around the Campania does Corrado Catenacci. It is March 7, 2005, at 18:59 and the former commissioner calls the head of the Civil Protection Guido Bertolaso. Catenacci: "There are at least two and a half million bales in Campania. As for the amounts, I think there are about 400 billion lire. "Bertolaso:" Because they derive electricity by burning, no? ".

Catenacci: "pay it to him at a reduced fee, all a strange movement that have made them." Eighteen minutes later, at 19:17, the prefect richiama.Catenacci: "I have come to terms with Turiello, is a monstrous figure, 1.325 billion." Bertolaso ​​"Mortacci guys.». The first call is related to the number of ecoballe (or waste, according to the charge) stacked on that date, a number that will grow from there on up to three million. The second, however, refers to the expected proceeds from the sale of electricity produced by burning millions of bales that the prosecutor believes nothing to echo. The Ministry of the Environment "reports the opportunity to investigation."
He is told that all is well, thanks to the "practice of taming the results" that "must be taken as proved." Just as "proved" is also the fact that from the outset was clear the difficulty of disposing ecoballe. Sergio Tomato, manager of Impregilo, the PM explains it this way: "I checked that, if they had used all the Italian cement and had even resorted to forms of combustion in coal-fired power groups, the production of RDF would saturate all those plants» . April 2, 2005, the same Armando Cattaneo speak with an attorney of the decree law sull'additivazione waste, "Siniscalchi said that the Senate, the League has been quiet because he hath devolution and refrained from breaking the boxes, but the House expect greater battle.
It is feared fringes of An and the League against. Vabbuò Ds there is you. "

 On 7 March 2005, the bugs recorded the conversation of an official of the High Commissioner for waste. Are 13:16. And the phone call to the investigating judge does not need comments: "It is no longer the fuel has to be stored. This garbage is real. " Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the waste cycle in Campania: "Moreover profiles advantageous and positive from the point of view of the donors, the initiative of the project financing of the integrated waste cycle proposed by Fibe Campania had been placed - to the findings in the production of cdr-with the related benefits of CIP 6 "burn energy and sell it was a fundamental part of the business of Fibe" and banks "accounted for 60 percent of the revenues of the project." (Acts of the Commission Parliamentary Inquiry into the cycle of waste and illegal activities related to it, the XIV legislature, territorial Report on the Campania 26.1.2006). Let's go back to our days, keep in mind that no judicial measure was taken against intercepted. Talk to the number one ASIA

"The situation is worrying, we are able to collect more waste than they are produced in a day in Naples, men and resources were spent to the limit, but we can not do it for a long time." Daniele Fortini, managing director of Asia, the company's collection of waste controlled by the municipality of Naples "More than three days, the problem is another. If we continue to insist on the model of the collection and management of waste, imposed by Impregilo, and received by the Region and the Government, we will have a devastating crisis every two years. "
A contract ever signed between the City of Naples and and Asia, the company officer in the service of denial. Raffaele Monda, author of the lawyer appealed to the TAR presented to get the price of the service of waste collection. "I had a surprise. Relates the Asia with the municipal administration is governed solely by the resolutions, the latest of which dates back to 2009. First? And 'dated 1999." "If we keep to the 40 percent threshold to reach for the waste, the waste-not'll never make it ... So if it is your intention, the majority and the opposition, you have to lower the amount of waste." Thus, according to the Republic of the September 23, 2010 in a telephone call between ras waste Abruzzo Rodolfo Di Zio and the Regional Minister for the environment, as well as with the company Lombard Ecodeco
In the investigation is also mentioned the Ecodeco of Milan, which is Venturoni Di Zio would be offered in exchange for the free transfer of technology for the plant Teramo, to be "allowed to participate in the construction of a plant for the incineration of waste Abruzzo ", with the direct assignment of the contract" to a company which was attended both the Di Zio as the Ecodeco. " Disqualification of one year contracts with the public administration and the seizure of 750 million euro. This is the outcome of the judicial investigation by the Prosecutor of Naples against some of the Impregilo group companies, including Fibe, FISIA and Fibe Campania, managing waste disposal facilities of the seven fuel from waste in Campania and construction of the Acerra incinerator. The investigating judge Rosanna Saraceno, granted the requests made by the prosecutor Giuseppe Noviello and Paolo Sirleo, coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Camillo Trapuzzano. The companies are alleged administrative offenses arising from a case of aggravated fraud. It was 2007.
I wrote in 2008:
Campania has neither the means nor the legal instruments able to govern or administer or eradicate a next revolution. Emerge disturbing truth about the project that was to bring the Campania to normal. Truth and assumptions not emerge from the documents as amendments hallucinating. The magistrates decided to take action by sending the institutional CSM their concerns about the decree recently launched: Article 9 of Law 90 May 23, 2008.
Prosecutors will no longer have seizures estimates of landfill or storage areas deemed to be in the hands of the Camorra; in this way the government can clean up the streets using these landfills and polluted underworld. That's why some judges in unison they reject the decree urlandone the potential dangers and devastating. So they wrote: "Only in the Campania region, since for the other Italian regions exists an absolute ban, it will be possible to dispose of waste in a landfill normatively considered dangerous in any European country."
"In recent years, several preliminary investigations have established the consummation of serious violations of criminal law, all relating to the current system of collection, transportation, storage, recovery and disposal of solid urban waste and other types", reminiscent of the 72 substitutes and 3 of the Prosecutor Naples.''
Not to mention the 650 pages of interceptions that led to the arrest of 25 people under house arrest. Characters that were supposed to solve the vexed question of waste.
Two executives of Fibe (the company that won the contract for the disposal of waste) - writes the "Republic" - speak of the landfill Villaricca, become a "pool of leachate." Possible solutions: cover with sand, so that apparently seem nancy. One of the two recalls that the other party if the landfill will receive tons of other junk could become a new Vajont.
In a shut-talk is Marta Di Gennaro, at the time deputy director Michele Bertolaso ​​and Greek. Di Gennaro describes the risks of overflow of leachate, images known as "impressive". Added to this is the military crackdown in which the population has been forced Naples. Repression that has identified and offended all the protesters labeling them terrorists Camorra. The Neapolitans are not the Camorra, the mafia reigns in the zany and totalitarian institutions. This unwarranted abuse of power by a government incapable of acting under the dictates of the European Convention is the real armed and organized crime can not go unpunished.
Let's go back to November 5, 2010. 200 wells and 40 landfills to be closed in 15 square kilometers Giugliano, between Naples and Caserta. One area that the locals have nicknamed "Land of fires", because the nights are lit by bonfires of rubbish. The garbage brought by the State, the toxic waste. Cesaro what it does? It has to open a new landfill in Afragola. That's why it prohibits all municipalities to self-determination in waste management. In order to better manage their dirty business. No municipality can manage themselves automamente the separation and storage, this is the order given by the Lobby.

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