sabato 28 giugno 2014


Experimentation on CHILDREN
(used by MNCs as PIGS)

Secret ties between patient organizations and pharmaceutical companies

Source: Investigation of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the U.S. newspaper The Philadelphia Inquirer published an investigation into the links almost never declared six non-profit organizations, who claim to act in the interests of the patients of the same disease, and drug companies.
The six organizations, which last year received a total of $ 29 million in donations from the pharmaceutical industry.
see: Criminal Trials industries of drugs and vaccines
And DRUG PROTOCOLS for Children (Panorama Apr. 2008)
ONLY 2% of clinical trials to test drugs in pediatric purposes, is based on Independent Audit Committees (not related to the pharmaceutical industry), to evaluate the presence of any adverse reactions.
That 'what emerges from an analysis carried out by the University' of Nottingham (UK), which was published in the journal Acta Pediatric 739 international trials carried out between 1996 and 2002, and some tests also included adults with the children ...
While 74% of published studies describing the way in which the monitoring was conducted on the safety, only 13 out of 739 had committees composed of members NOT enrolled by the pharmaceutical companies!
Adverse reactions to medicinal products (including hypertension, bleeding, renal failure, psychosis, etc..) Have been reported in approximately 37% of the trials; 11% of the reactions were mild to serious, and 6 clinical trials were stopped early because of severe toxicity 'of the drug; not surprisingly were also those committees with independent control!

British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is implicated in the scandal!
Observer investigation has revealed that orphans and vulnerable children, even three months old, were used as guinea pigs in medical experiments, potentially harmful, sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.
British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is implicated in the scandal. The industry-sponsored experiments on the children 'Incarnation Children's Centre', a pious Catholic institution of
New York, which specializes in treating HIV. The children were infected with HIV or born to HIV-positive mothers. Their parents were dead, untraceable or not considered fit for maintenance.
Observer investigation has revealed that orphans and vulnerable children, even three months old, were used as guinea pigs in medical experiments, potentially harmful, sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.
British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline is implicated in the scandal.
The industry-sponsored experiments on the children 'Incarnation Children's Centre', a pious Catholic institution in New York, which specializes in treating HIV.
The children were infected with HIV or born to HIV-positive mothers. Their parents were dead, untraceable or not considered fit for maintenance. According to documents obtained by The Observer, Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 1995 using Hispanic children and blacks.
The documents show the details of all clinical trials conducted in the U.S. and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the 'safety and tolerance' of anti-AIDS drugs, some of which have potentially harmful effects.
Vera Sharav, president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, said that the children were treated as "laboratory animals".
Taken from:
see: Big Pharma Experiments on Children


Those children used as guinea pigs to test a vaccine died in 28
In 1933 he injected the serum against diphtheria, for many it was lethal "In those little martyrs is not even dedicated a plaque."
SPINEA - "At that accursed March 1933 were used as human guinea pigs. I survived, many other children do not. But all those little martyrs is not even dedicated a plaque."
Exactly eighty years have passed, but the memory is still vivid in the minds of Adam Gasparotto, who now lives in Spinea and has almost 86 years. For local historians and elderly residents of the country, that of 1933 is remembered as "The massacre of Gruaro."
The story, poignant, is documented by many historical research related to the fascist period. "The prefect and other authorities of the time, on the recommendation of the scheme (Editor's note: Today, the same thing happens and the Ministry of Health in-', and agencies to the" protection "shall include but turnovers Big Pharma pretend nothing ...), they chose the towns of Cavan and Gruaro to test a new vaccine against diphtheria - tells Gasparotto -. our doctor was totally against it, but apparently there was a need to field test the vaccine. puncture was made in 253 children and over 28 died in the following days. almost in silence. "
Among those 253 children were well Gasparotto and his little sister three years: "We administered the vaccine clinic common, but back home we all felt bad - he says the testimonies of adults reporting period -. Fell to You ground and eating it threatened to choke. everybody was crying, the country was apprehensive. Eventually we had to shelter in Portsmouth, where the hospital was full and were organized departments of luck. everyone was terrified, sometimes a child died and you could tell by the screams of the mothers. "
Gasparotto and sister fared, and only in the following years it became clear what had happened: "A container of serum in a laboratory of Naples was not boiled - tells Gasparotto -. Vials that ended in Gruaro contained virus vaccine" live "a lethal substance."
By Gabriel Pipia - Taken from

VACCINES: SECRET EXPERIMENTS IN ITALY on children, approved by the Ministry ... - 16/10/2012
The vaccines do not serve the health of children, but only to feed the profits of multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Another proof of this silent genocide, covered by a large part of the medical Italiot?
This is the case of a trial unknown to the public, made using children as guinea pigs in good health.
Do not believe us?
Then it was the year 2006, and ruled according to the government of Romano Prodi during the fifteenth legislature.
Vice Presidents of the Council of Ministers were the warmonger Massimo D'Alema and turncoat Francesco Rutelli. Minister of Health at that time was Livia Turkish.
There is a parliamentary act nailing the highest authorities.
Now let's see if someone returns the memory because the story was shelved by the institutions of control, so to speak.
Some things political power - which was affected by the economic (under corruption) - not keen to let her know about.
After vivisection on the animals for at least five years these beasts unscrupulous test the babies.

  Embarrassing question - The act of Senator Sandra Monacelli - dated 23 November 2006 - bears the number 4/000 924.
"To the Minister of Health - Resulting that the questioner: the pharmaceutical company Charles River with registered office in Milan, Via GB Pirelli n. 20, on behalf of Wyeth Lederle SpA, has applied for clinical trials with vaccine "Pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate" in healthy children, at the ASL RM E of Rome;
- Said the trial is addressed to "immunize" children of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae for, but this disease in Italy, would not result in serious possibility of contagion and epidemic diseases particularly serious or definitive; the trial drug is composed of a hexavalent vaccine, already experienced, to which were added other types of Streptococcus, until arriving to thirteen;
- Some of these 13 strains would be virtually non-existent in Italy, so this would result in an unnecessary attack on the immune system of children subjected to such testing service vaccinations ASL RM E;
informed consent proposed by the pharmaceutical company Charles River and distributed to parents of children participating in the trial says:
"There is no guarantee that answers will be recorded on this 13-valent vaccine, or if any answers will show protection.
This experimental vaccine may not protect your child from infection Streptoccoccus pneumoniae.
This experimental vaccine may not be helpful for his son, but others may benefit from the information obtained by this study. "

However, despite these serious concerns, and strict rules about the "Ethics Committee" of the ASL RM E, has decided to issue an opinion in favor of experimenting, he demands to know:
- If the Minister considers it appropriate to address not promote initiatives aimed at verifying whether the case described above, the authorization for the experimentation has been issued according to the strict criteria of the current rules on the ethics committees; not consider it appropriate to submit the same permission to the National Ethics Committee. "

Government response - without conscience and without mercy.
The Health Undersecretary Antonio Gaglione hazards a ridiculous explanation of June 28, 2007, complete with a confession of failure of official acts.
In fact: "With reference to the parliamentary reported in the act, it should be noted that nothing has come from ASL RM And the information requested by this Ministry in this regard.

The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) has stated that, in accordance with current legislation (Legislative Decree 24 June 2003, n. 211, implementing Directive 2001/20/EC on the implementation of good clinical practice in of clinical trials on medicinal products for clinical use), the clinical study called the 'Protocol 6096A1 - Study of Phase Ill, randomized, active-controlled, double-blind trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine administered to healthy children during pediatric immunization schedule provided for in Italy "-
Code EudraCT 2005-004771-38 - was submitted by the pharmaceutical company Wyeth promoter Iederle SpA (via the Charles River) at 12 clinical centers in Italy.
It should be noted that the "Ethics Committee" of the Centre Coordinator (Ospedale Maggiore di Milano) has expressed a positive opinion about the meeting of 14 July 2006; others "Ethics Committees" involved, including that of the ASL RM E, expressed independently their acceptance or rejection of their participation in this study.
It should be pointed out that, prior to the formulation of their opinion, the "Ethics Committee" check the specific documentation (including the protocol, the certificate of insurance, the information sheet for patients, informed consent etc. - (Editor's note: data provided by the pharmaceutical companies), and only after the evaluation of these parameters (Editor's note: NOT independent) possible for committees to comment on the potential risks and benefits of a clinical trial.
In the present case, however, the Ethics Committee of the ASL RM E has pointed out, to protect the health of children, the following recommendations for the medical investigator:
1) doses of vaccines must not be administered concomitantly with other routine vaccines, in order to avoid possible interactions;
2) must not be enrolled subjects born prematurely or who have experienced seizures, to avoid the possible occurrence of episodes of apnea;
3) must be explained to the parents (or legal representatives) of the child the meaning of the term "apnea", which were mentioned in the information sheet, and must be given precise instructions on what to do, if there is such an incident. "

The judiciary knock once immediately (Editor's note: but 'in the service of bullies not to that of the population is enslaved and ill ....), then give a concrete sign of legality, from the activities of those responsible for AIFA and the Ministry of Health.
Because apparently the controllers and the guarantor of collective health, in particular beings just come into the world, they are once again out of control.
But the civilization of a people is not measured by the degree of attention and respect for children?

PARLIAMENTARY QUESTION 1996 - Damage of vaccines on children - unanswered ....
PDF of the response of the Ministry of experimentation:
By Gianni Lannes


  INTERVIEW Nobel prize for Medicine: RICHARD J. ROBERTS. - MEDITATE and SHARE!
  The winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, Richard J.Roberts, denounces the way in which they operate leading pharmaceutical companies in the capitalist system, putting the economic benefits to the health and slowing the development of science in the treatment of diseases cure because it is not fruitful as the chronicity.


Here's the first baby GMOs "chosen" genetically - 18 Mar. 2011
The son would have inherited from his mother a high risk of cancer. The Spanish doctors with pre-implantation diagnosis have chosen an embryo without the disease gene.
You will not be lucky and it will not be the case. A Spanish baby will not get sick with cancer, and genetic selection will be about.
Science has cleaned up his bad genes, the same people who for generations his family have continued to broadcast.
Today science has interrupted the mechanism, defused a curse, broken the estate with the "genetic selection." This child was born a few days before Christmas in Spain, will be free from pancreatic cancer. And like him, his children.

Doctors have waited three months before presenting it to the world. Today, the examinations have been made and that his health is excellent, there have been formal presentations is the first baby without a gene, BRCA1, which is strongly linked to the development of tumors, especially breast, ovarian and pancreatic .
A unique experiment in the world, made ​​possible thanks to the Spanish law on assisted reproduction, which allows genetic selection of embryos free of certain diseases linked to a single gene. A precise pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, which ensured the final result. But as we have made ​​the process? Different eggs were fertilized, producing embryos, two of which, without the BRCA1 gene, were implanted in the mother, in whose family there had been several cases of cancer. Only one of them survived. And nine months after the first baby was born without BRCA1. "In that case - says Olga Martinez, head of the assisted reproduction center in the center - the likelihood that parents trasmettessero the affected gene to their children was 50 percent."
"In the child's family there were already several cases of malignancy, and all early, around 30 years old, and you knew that the mother was a carrier of the mutated gene."
The intervention of science is positioned so: as a cheater that looks at the cards in advance to make his game. "The Spanish couple had presented itself at the center for a classic problem of fertilization, says the doctor. At the beginning - says the doctor - you are presented to a normal IVF. When we did the initial investigations we realized that we had the opportunity to speak on the fate of the child, "cleaning it" from this disease. "A success.
And now there is already a second request waiting to be authorized. This is a couple that has high probability of transfer to the child colon cancer. But the doctor warns: "Do not all couples have the same history and the same problems. For this reason, each case must be considered on its own.

And above all, we are not able to cure any type of cancer. We doctors have to put a certain limit. "The doctor seems to want to defend those who think already to complete a lifesaver. "You can not create embryos free from any disease." This not-yet-science can ensure this.
By Manila Alfano - Taken from the

Comment Editor's note: ... but the cancer does not come from the genes! but ... from the fertile ground, that 'from a plot oncological, then what' they have done in addition to being useless and 'also FALSE!
see: Vaccine for malaria vaccine + Immunosuppression


One experiences the malaria vaccine. Guinea pigs are the kids - Nov., 2001 -
For the development of the program have already been invested more than $ 500 million and working alongside researchers from a global giant in the pharmaceutical industry and the best doctors in the U.S. armed forces. Sponsor, the all-powerful master of the new information technologies. It is the testing of a new vaccine for malaria, code-named "RTS, S/ASO2."
A special unit of the U.S. Army in Kenya (USAMRU-K) and the British multinational GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) are making tens of thousands of tests on children and infants in some of the poorest villages on the African continent.
All under the eye "vigilant" of U.S. Army Africa, the command of the military forces land in Africa established in Vicenza, that one of the aims included a "medical missions in support of the U.S. Army on the African continent." It is in the Muriithi-Wellde Clinical Research Centre Kombewa, city of the province of Nyanza (Kenya), the data of the investigational vaccine is collected and analyzed by the team of USAMRU-K.
"Our unit depends on the Command of the U.S. Army Medical Research (USAMRMC), located at Fort Detrick, Maryland, but we are coordinating activities in the continent with the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) in Stuttgart and U.S. Army Africa Vicenza, "says the spokesman of USAMRU-K. "A Kombewa is in an advanced stage of development, the research on the effectiveness of the vaccine for malaria.
USAMRU-K participating in the trial of what could become the first anti-malarial vaccine for children. Participants receive free medical care for a period of three school years ...... Once proven its safety and effectiveness, the vaccine may be placed on the market.
The study today stems from a partnership with the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) and the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). "For the development of the vaccine, GSK has already invested $ 300 million and another 100 will be spent over the next two years. The financing of research has contributed 107.6 million dollars the U.S. organization "nonprofit" Path using an ad hoc fund the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the foundation "humanitarian" Microsoft mogul, Bill Gates. - See Control of Population
The vaccine RTS, S/AS02 was created in 1987 in the laboratories of GSK Biologicals Belgium (a subsidiary Glaxo) and was tested the first time in 1992 on "volunteers" (military) in the United States of America, thanks to the collaboration of the U.S. Walter Reed Army Institute of research, the U.S. Army medical research Institute based in Washington.
The first campaign of wide-ranging trial of RTS, S, however, has taken off in Africa in 1998 and in 2002-2003 the tests were performed on the population "adult" in the center of the villages of Kombewa clinical co-managed by USAMRU-K.
"The tests produced data was encouraging in terms of safety and immunogenicity, as well as the end of 2003 was started the experimental phase" Ib "of 90 children of the same geographical, which has produced encouraging results once again," it said in a report of GlaxoSmithKline. "Immediately after the game is being" II ", conducted on over 2,000 children in southern Mozambique.
Unknown, of course, what happened about 2,000 children in the flesh.
Some time after you have started the experimental phase "" IIb "to determine the effectiveness of" long-term "anti-malarial vaccine.
With effect from guinea pigs, this time, more than a thousand babies Kenya and Tanzania and an unknown number of children in Mozambique.
In the same months a further test was carried out in Kenya and Tanzania on 894 children between 5 and 17 months of age. "We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the RTS, S / AS, combined with another property of GSK Adjuvant System, known by the code AS01," say the leaders of the pharmaceutical company. "They were administered to each child three more doses of the experimental vaccine RTS, S/AS01 or the anti-rabies vaccine.
It has been proven that the formula RTS, S/AS01 reduced episodes of clinical malaria by 53% over an average period of eight months.
Subsequent studies in Mozambique with the use of the RTS, S vaccine in combination with a different GSK Adjuvant System (AS02) have shown 35% efficacy against clinical disease for 18 months in children aged between one and four years. "
In May 2009 he finally kicked off the experimental stage "III" which saw the administration of the vaccine to more than 16,000 children in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Gabon, Mozambique, Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Burkina Faso ).
According to the U.S. Army, in the center of clinical Kombewa were tested more than a thousand children aged between five months and three years. "The next step will be to find another thousand participants who have no more than six weeks of life," says the head of the military garrison. "That means getting the trust of new mothers in rural villages, as they always give birth at home."
A statement from GlaxoSmithKline on April 21, 2010 states that "if it is shown to be effective in children between 5 and 17 months of age, the new vaccine will be subject to the control of international health authorities in 2013." Additional data on safety and immunogenicity, "will be presented when they will be ready." "If all goes well - continues GSK - the general administration of the RTS, S to children between the ages of 6 and 12 weeks of age will be possible within five years." If all goes well, then. That goes bad you can think of extending the testing to tens of thousands of tiny human guinea pigs in the entire African continent.
If it appears incredibly unscrupulous and unethical the massive testing of the vaccine in areas of the continent dominated by hunger, underdevelopment, illiteracy and the absence of any primary service, raises deep concern the role played in the affair from a "health "elite of the U.S. military. USAMRU-Kenya, however, has a long tradition in the field of "scientific research" and "prevention" of tropical illness.
As the Task Force's foreign Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, the unit was sent to Kenya in 1969 to initiate a study on trypanosomiasis, parasitic infection transmitted by the tsetse fly.
In 1973 he established a USAMRU its permanent headquarters in Nairobi, thanks to an agreement with the Kenya Medical Research Institute. In subsequent years, the laboratories were opened in the capital and in western Kenya (Kisumu, Kisian, Kombewa and Kericho) for the testing of drugs against malaria, trypanosomiasis, "emerging global infectious diseases" and HIV / AIDS.
Just AIDS were intended major efforts more recent part of the United States Military HIV Research Program (USMHRP), the staff of the U.S. Army is developing a vaccine for HIV-1 testing and evaluating the overall effectiveness and other experimental vaccines against AIDS. The headquarters of the HIV program was established again in Kenya, Kericho, at the end of 2000.
Coincidentally, at the end of December 2000 also born in Britain GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) through the merger of two large pharmaceutical companies, Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham.
With over 100 thousand employees and a turnover of 34 billion Euros, GSK ranks second in the world with a market share of 5.6%, behind Pfizer group. The behavior of "ethics" of the multinational has been severely censured by many and there have been scandals that have seen directly involved.
Among the founders of EuropaBio, the association lobbies-which includes industries that promote the legalization of the production and use of genetically modified foods, GlaxoSmithKline was also put under investigation by the Argentine authorities following the death in 2008 of 14 children undergoing the testing of a new vaccine for pneumonia and otitis.
Two other children died during similar tests in Panama and Chile
In early 2007, GSK had begun administering vaccines for pneumococcal 15,000 to as many children under one year in the three northern regions of Argentina, Mendoza, San Juan and Santiago abroad. According to local media, the parents of humble origins, "signed without knowing that it was an experiment in step three, directly on humans, a drug that could pose a risk."
Despite the investigation, GSK has started to distribute across the African continent vaccine Synflorix "to combat invasive pneumococcal disease."
It is a program "humanitarian" cost of $ 1.3 billion ordered by the G8, the World Bank and UNICEF, funded in large part by the Alliance Public-Private International GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation), from five countries donors (Britain, Canada, Russia, Norway and Italy) and the inevitable Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
It is intended to distribute up to 300 million doses produced by a plant opened by the multinational in Singapore.
Just a good example of the global market. While sales and earnings multiply improbably, the management of GSK has launched a plan for the short-term closure of the Centre research and production of antibiotics Verona, one of the two plants in Italy owned by the company. A risk dismissal are more than 600 workers. Relocation in south-east Asia, tests on African children, the dismantling of the production system in Europe. And in the background of the war, other crime of capitalism from the face of more and more inhuman.
In the last decade, GlaxoSmithKline has signed with the Department of Defense of the United States of America 61 well-contracts for the supply of vaccines, drugs and medical equipment, for a total amount of $ 75,555,579.
Much less than what has been done, however, by the partner and "patron" Bill Gates: computers, programs, and war games, the Microsoft-Gates has done business with the Pentagon for $ 278,480,465. Two and a half times more than what was reinvested for new vaccines for malaria.
By Antonio Mazzeo - Taken from

see also: 15 000 deaths from meningitis, after experimental vaccination campaigns and those of WHO in Nigeria!


And 'confirmed: children guinea pigs for a drug - July 13, 2011
Health Minister Fazio, has confirmed the existence of Pisa in an ongoing trial of children for an old drug hypertensive converted into psychiatric drug. Here is the complaint of "Hands off the children."

Response time to record that the Minister of Health Hon Ferruccio Fazio, that in question time in the House of Representatives has confirmed the existence at the "Stella Maris" in Pisa of a trial in progress on children, with administration of a molecule psychoactive to improve attentional performance. "It is an old molecule anti-hypertensive that you are trying to recycle as pediatric psychotropic drug, which is quite questionable, since even if they know the mechanisms of action on the brain of children," said Emilia Costa, Psychiatrist and already 1st Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Rome and Head of Psychopharmacology, Umberto I °. "

in our complaint - says Luca Poma, journalist and spokesman Giù, the most representative Italian Committee for the pediatric pharmacovigilance - was detailed and correct: there is an ongoing strategy to medicalize behavior of increasingly large swathes of Italian children .
The Shire Guanfacine is a molecule stateless person, who made ​​it: what could be better than to invent from scratch a new therapeutic application to earn more money at the expense of the health of children? Not even know the mode of action of this psychiatric drug already and you want it to be authorized for use on our children. "
the Hon. Paola Binetti took note of the response of the Minister Fazio, commenting: "The funds that the Minister has promised in His response to increased vigilance and anti-abuse register on the register also control the dose of anti-depressants to children, which are administered 15 times greater in extent of psychotropic drugs for hyperactivity, are a good thing, too bad that in this Budget there is no trace, hopefully not just another propaganda action.
And for the 'advertising' made ​​by the pharmaceutical company, of which the Minister asking about, I would like to point out that in the twenty-first century marketing campaigns do not move only on the legs of advertising directly to patients, but on the basis of articulated relations campaigns public, just like the one we're seeing: it artificially creates the need for a drug by asking for more scientific congresses diagnosis of hyperactivity, and newspaper articles signed by experts who show the way (4), then the solution will appear, coincidentally a drug. But science - I say this as Child Neuropsychiatry, from before the Parliamentary - has much to say before having to administer a drug to a 6 year old boy. "

Meanwhile, the dossier has arrived in the Hall of the European Parliament, where the Hon. Cristiana Muscardini has tabled a question to the Commission. The Parliamentary Assembly declares that "Guanfacine is an old patent for a long time in search of a disease in which to be associated. Usually the opposite happens, when faced with a disease you do the research to find antidotes and treatments.
Public relations agency that lends itself to such attempts is a matter of professional ethics, we do not want to deal with, but that a pharmaceutical company looking to operate for a hypothetical molecule existing customers and no longer used for the original purpose, it seems to us an very relaxed, which reverses the scale of values ​​to which you should follow when it comes to health: first the children and then the business. "

In conclusion, Poma thanked the MPs for their attention to this important action complaint and supervision, and is back on the controversy also climb to the headlines last week on public relations campaigns underway to facilitate the introduction Shire this psychiatric drug in our country: "As well remembered Toni Muzi Falconi, the incident has raised many doubts as it was handled.
We have not issued a condemnation Ketchum, the public relations agency of Shire, but one thing we are certain: while in Milan denied having relationships with pharmaceutical divisions producing drugs, organized press conferences in Rome, where it was hoped the 'increase in the number of hyperactive children on medication. We can think of an unfortunate series of 'combinations', but then we appeal to Andrea Cornelli, their CEO, a professional of unquestionable caliber, that dissociates from pharmaceutical companies when they do business billionaires at the expense of children's health. "


Psychotropic drugs to children without parental consent - June 29, 2011
There are recordings were administered psychotropic drugs to children without parental consent. The complaint of the campaign Hands Down By Children.
Surreal "does not answer" the question of the Ministry of Health Binetti: Ignore records with the testimony of parents who denounce the administration of psychotropic drugs without their informed consent. Poma (Hands off the children): "And as in the theater of the absurd, ask one thing and another answer, it is the worst of the First Republic, but mostly ignore the problem, obviously not interested in the health of these minors. "Binetti (Room): "To say that they are not satisfied with this response is an understatement"

The question raised by Hon. Paola Binetti and Hon. Antonio De Poli (Third Pole) to the Ministry of Health was on time and very articulate: taking inspiration from a disturbing piece of news, interviews with the parents who said they had witnessed the drugging of their children without having released their consent informed, provided by mandatory rules. A serious offense - if established - that had pushed the two MPs, in order to better protect families with children under the profile of the problematic behavior at school, to consult the Minister of Health Hon Fazio, asking not only account of what happened, but also asking to verify the situation in schools in the peninsula, where a publishing house distributes kits a fee to train teachers on hyperactivity seen as infantile disease tout-court, perhaps to treat with drugs.
The response of the Ministry as well as made ​​to wait months and months - unequivocal sign of lack of interest in the right to health of children - has disappointed the most modest expectations.

It 'spoke about Luca Poma, journalist and national spokesman of "Hands off the Kids" (, the most representative independent committee for pediatric pharmacovigilance in Italy: "The lack of concern of the Ministry'd rather not say, because I'd be too hard. Substance of the response of the Undersecretary Francesca Martini, I do not know whether to smile or get angry if it is the classic 'response ostrich', which confuses the way things should go with the way things actually go. we have presented evidence of the violation of the protocols that govern the administration of psychotropic drugs to children in Italy, and one of two things: either these parents have lied releasing the interviews and were reported to the Judiciary - and so is not! - or what they have said is true and the Ministry should have taken formal steps to return to normal and incisive handling very rough by some centers that administer daily methamphetamine to children, in a vain attempt to cure a disease that does not exist as such, that our psychiatrists confidence we refer instead to have environmental causes, social and non-psychiatric medical. Instead, the attitude of the Ministry and His technical advisory bodies is about as 'inauthentic' there may be: behind the scenes manifest discomfort to the public denunciation and contact centers to understand what is happening, while in response to Hon. Binetti pretend to nothing, giving a long and unnecessary response to circumstance without even mentioning the recordings posted on our website, the content of which is absolutely unequivocal, concluded Poma.

The Hon. Binetti said of the response of the Ministry of Health: "To say that I am not happy is an understatement, and surprises in a person always extraordinarily attentive to the problems of childhood and distress of children as the Undersecretary Martini extreme generality of the response, which evades the question asked. I would have at least expected a firm stance of the Ministry to bring in line those who did wrong and to ensure the full efficiency of the National Health System on a point so delicate, that concerns the health of the weakest among us, the children. seems that in our country we can commit offenses at the expense of the health of children and that this is not a problem for the government, "said the Parliamentary Assembly.
Taken from: Writing Rees Marche - Source:

The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline was fined one million pesos by the Argentine courts to have done clinical trials on children of the poor.

Experiments on the children of the poor: Glaxo fined
The Argentine Justice has confirmed today that it has imposed a fine of one million pesos (about 180,000 Euros) to the U.S. laboratory GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and two of its doctors for clinical trials carried out with babies of poor families between 2007 and 2008, in three cities in the north west of the country, 14 of whom have died. This was reported by the newspaper 'La Nacion', stating that the experiments pointed to the creation of a vaccine to prevent acquired pneumonia and acute otitis. The laboratory and the two doctors had appealed against a first sanction in this regard. Judge Marcelo Aguinsky reiterating, however, has confirmed the investigation of the National Department of medicine, food and medical technologies (ANMAT) under which the experiments were carried out with numerous irregularities. According to the newspaper, GlaxoSmithKline announced in a press release that will appeal even to this ruling, arguing that the families involved "were aware of the experiments as required by law" and that, of Argentina, Panama and Colombia, have been already made for the same purpose "14,000".

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