domenica 22 giugno 2014

DRUGS: Journey into the circle of the damned

DRUGS: Journey into the circle of the damned

To Secondigliano and Scampia you can buy all kinds of drugs known at bargain prices. Kobrett, speed and ball "shaboo" represent the new frontier of drug addiction are deadly mix that send immediately overdosed. -
The statistics and anti-mafia investigations said the Neapolitan districts of Secondigliano and Scampia are the largest drug market in Europe: every day, hundreds of dealers provide customers from all over the region and the South of Italy - all sorts of drugs known. The success of this business is due to the policy of rock-bottom prices, which allows you, with just twenty, thirty Euros, to acquire a dose of cocaine, with slightly more than half, heroin or hashish to smoke or inhale.

The districts dormitory, created to provide shelter to displaced people of the 1980 earthquake are controlled by the powerful Camorra clan of the Amato-Paid, also known as "splitters" or "Spanish", players in a furious feud between 2004 and 2005, half of the Di Lauro clan for control of the market; and, over the years, turned into "forts" impregnable with a lot of speed bumps (to prevent pursuits between patrols of police and drug dealers scooters) and inputs the sad armored reinforced concrete buildings up to 150 families.


Each square shop fails to deliver income for more than 50 thousand euro per day. According to some information, there are at least twenty active throughout the district north. The most important of the area are: Ward Monterosa (cocaine, heroin, kobrett, hashish and marijuana) and batches "Ta" and "TB"; During Secondigliano (kobrett and cocaine); Sailing Sailing yellow and red (cocaine, heroin, kobrett, hashish and marijuana); ward BERLINGIERI (cocaine, heroin, kobrett, hashish and marijuana) and Oasis of the Good Shepherd (kobrett, ecstasy, hashish and marijuana). Other points of gigantic marketing of drugs are: the crossroads of Secondigliano, via Baku, via Roma and via Ghisleri to Scampia. But, with the pulverization of the drug market, it is easy to find areas of retail sales in almost every street of Scampia.


The self-defense techniques from surveys, compiled by the Camorra, are particularly advanced in recent times. In step, then, with those devised by the police to arrest them: each square is controlled by two or more patrol boats (some are fixed, mobile and run all around the area on foot and by scooter), yelling names code to indicate the presence of strangers. The nicknames most common are: Mary (for the police) and Tonino (for the cops). The drug usually is preserved in the beds of public gardens, shrines or in between parked cars. At the base are used to transport various stratagems, the most secure is to hide the package under the seat of a scooter, or to arrange them in a pram for newborns. No one would think to go check between bavetti and covers, yet it is so that the pusher are replenished every day of the twenty squares of drug dealing.


From the seizures made by the police, shows that the highest percentage of sales belong to cocaine, which by now has established itself as the market leader, while increasing the share of "appreciation" of the new drug for the poor, the kobrett, obtained by waste of heroin. Usually, the kobrett has the shape of a ball and you inhale, after it is dissolved with a lighter on the foil.

Just a straw to be able to aspire to. It has a power of physical dependence huge and devastating effects on the lungs and liver. Recently, she appeared in the districts of Secondigliano and Scampia also the infamous "speed ball" (fastball), a deadly mix of cocaine and heroin, which sells for about 40 Euros. Often, it is accompanied with alcohol in order to prolong the effects of hallucinogens. It is this mixture that is responsible for the majority of overdose deaths that occur in the Naples area.

The "shaboo", however, has an effect fifty times higher than that of cocaine and is produced in the laboratory through a mixture based amphetamines. Until a few years ago, was imported exclusively from the Philippines and Burma and cost, wholesale, up to 700 Euros per gram. The globalization of the drug trade brought down the prices and today you can buy a dose in Secondigliano a little less than eighty Euros.


The investigations of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate have shown the degree of loyalty 'clients' specific squares of drug dealing and perfect the mechanisms of organization and sales. In a recent raid, for example, it was found by the men of the police Scampia that, to regulate the flow of toxic, were prepared veritable teams of logistical support to the activity of drug dealers: there were those who, like the mothers, distributing sandwiches and drinks to the pusher and who, instead, was in charge of keeping order in the ranks of the "visitors" - as the jargon of the toxic end-stage - channeling it into appropriate paths delimited by barriers, which flowed behind of a fort, armored bars on doors and windows, which was passed through the appropriate slots dose of drug to buyers.

To make sure the "bunker" from the incursions of the police teams were very young, "lookouts," five or six in all, who could earn up to two hundred euro per day with shifts of six hours. Children, assigned to the service order, had the task to raise the alarm upon arrival of the police, or the police, and in a few moments the crowded plaza shop would turn into a desert district, the center of which would be remained only the papers of sandwiches and empty cans of Coke, hastily abandoned by drug dealers hungry and thirsty. The evidence accumulated over months of investigations, however, have allowed the agents of the Scampia (led by Michele Maria Spina) to arrest seventeen people, including one minor.


And again, in another case, it was found that the blood pact and drug use among the African Mafia, based in Castel Volturno and along the Domitian coast, and the infamous sign of "splitters", which now monopolizes the drug trafficking in inbound and outbound in Campania, had a "guarantor" very special murderess not an unscrupulous black-skinned, nor a formidable mafia boss, nor an old man and charismatic Godfather Marlon Brando.

The "guarantor" of the covenant was a child. An innocent child, a native of Nigeria, adopted by a family of drug traffickers Scampia, come under the scrutiny of the police provincial command of Naples, which led to jail the leaders of a criminal that specializes in the disposal cell Turkish and Afghan heroin. Treated like a child, like one of the family: the child, about six years old, he left the original family who lives in Varcaturo, and moved into the area of ​​the Seven Palaces, the square of that shop - tell the papers of the investigators - employs up to thirty men, including drug dealers, custodians, accountants and lookouts for a turnover estimated at about 40 thousand euro per day.

It is not, of course, an adoption of violent or criminal strategies dictated by twisted, but "of a clear demonstration that the business alliances in the field of drugs, among Nigerian groups and those Neapolitans were consolidated to such an extent as to make possible the transfer of a young member of the Nigerian community in a Neapolitan family, "as suggested by the reading of an experienced investigator.

They tell the old surveys on Di Lauro clan that the first dealer to foresee the potential of foreign trade for the purchase of heroin was Tonino Leonardi, who served as an emissary of the Turkish organized crime to get in touch with the producers of heroin and hashish in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan in Italy and carry tons and tons of drugs. With the passage of time - and with the arrests that have repeatedly broken up network Mafia Ciruzzo 'or millionaire - have disappeared intermediaries and clan Secondigliano entered directly into business with the Nigerian mafia, which soon became sole owner in Colombian heroin industry as well as in that of cocaine.

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