domenica 22 giugno 2014

'Ndrangheta: How to recycle

My name is Rocco Varacalli, are the only regret of the 'Ndrangheta in Piedmont. I lived twenty years of feuding, murder, and business. " He never spoke with reporters. His story is a double-edged, from Calabria to Turin collected by reporters for La Stampa (15.12.2009) Monga and Zancan.
In honoraty Calabrian society Varacalli, 39, came to the degree of racketeer finalized, the middle level. But it is the only one who decided to cooperate. After signing hundreds of pages of records, now wants to write a book. His story is considered criminal by the police very interesting, by the DIA and the prosecutor of Turin. He did open three surveys. Some results have already emerged. Others, sensational, they will come. (...)
Of Varacalli, the investigating judge Emanuela Gai, writes: "Quite unexpectedly decided to cooperate. A genuine decision. In fact, he made ample confession of serious offenses for which had not been achieved by any restrictive measure. " It has already been in jail ten years. Hangs on him a sentence of twenty years for murder (...)
What is the beginning of the story?
"Born in Natile Careri, I got to Turin to 15 years to do the mason with my uncle. I carried the money to my mother, sewn into pants, because I do not train them stolen. At age 19, I hosted Joseph Amedeo, a friend of my father. I knew I was carrying oranges. One night I left an envelope on the table: "For the trouble." It was a million and a half. I hid cocaine under the bed. I figured out how to live well. "
"I went to the country. I would put the drug in the wheels, two trips a week. In Turin in '95 I was out 2 pounds every three days. I bought the 40 per gram, was selling in the 130-170. The cut down by the Milupa, one of the children. I put the mask because I'm picky. Never used drugs in my life. "
How much earned?
"Even 130 million per month."
How to recycle the 'Ndrangheta in Turin?
"Contracts and subcontracts, building and buying real estate. The 'Ndrangheta today have all of the companies. With drug money to pay employees on time, buy equipment and materials. Then aspects of business transfers contractors. There are companies that work dell'ndrangheta in Turin for 30 years. And no one has ever touched. "
Where she has built in Turin?
"The palace after the flyover via Mazzarello. All the new area next to the Palazzo Lancia. I took the job as a subcontractor in 2003. I was building the skeleton of 308 units. Then I was arrested with a pound and a half of heroin. But only I, within two years, they are able to recycle 2 million Euros. "
How much 'Ndrangheta's in Turin?
"A large number of, but not seen. It is the most powerful organization because it manages to be really secret. Every area of ​​the city is covered by a local. A core of at least five members: Picciotto, chief young accountant, chief master of the day and society. "
What were your areas?
"In the Province, Grugliasco, Pinerolo, Piossasco and part of the Canavese. In the city Vanchiglia, San Salvario and Porta Palazzo. " (...)

Contacts with politics?
"Many have made a career with the votes of the honorable society. In Calabria and Piedmont. "
How engages the politician?
"The political needs of votes, the Ndrangheta to work in peace. The leaders indicate who must carry on because it makes us take contracts, or maybe makes us a land. "
"The 'Ndrangheta you buy floor plan with gifts, money and women. Nobody suck these things. "
In Torinese professionals and politicians of that level?
"I can not answer is the secret investigation"
She claims to have never killed, but he had reckoned?
"For me it was a joy. Just the idea made me feel important. So many times I pointed the gun at the head of shady characters correct. "
Why did you decide to collaborate?
"The Ndrangheta has betrayed me. I was proud to be an affiliate. I thought it was right between the Calabrian help. I was a man of respect, ospitavo relatives of prisoners who went up to the north. But they have begun to infangarmi. We were on the night of Cuorgnè. If the leaders went with the girls, all right. If I did, they said I did not respect more the family. They put rumors going around. They were tragedies. They said to me on drugs, but it was not true. "
When you repented?
"On the evening of 16 October 2006, but not for the harsh prison. I was in solitary confinement since May 7, throughout the summer I did not do an hour of air. But I said to myself: "Why do I keep doing the mafia if others do not respect our laws?" '.
Because they spoke ill of her?
"I had become too big. Davo bother, I made good money. The 'Ndrangheta, sometimes, you traitor. For them, you're like a robot you build, use you and throw you away. "
Today, as he lives?
"I'm an entrepreneur. I am proud to be regretted. I found Rocco the age of 16. But secretly live with the fear of being killed. My family has disowned me. The country you are dressed in black. " ( Observatory)

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