domenica 22 giugno 2014

Here is what hampers the development of South

The context: the case Cosentino and all the others. Here is what hampers the development of South
Posted on April 8, 2014
Rosaria Capacchione *

A method. A system run in and running that has transformed the Cosa Nostra, the Camorra and the 'Ndrangheta in holding the business and entire industries (concrete, construction, logistics, food distribution) of the Italian economy in sub-para-mafia . And 'the three-legged table described by Angelo Siino, the Minister of Public Works of the Cosa Nostra, the family Zagaria subsequently refined to sum up in one person all the pins on the same platform. And 'the scheme that can be recognized in the acts of investigation that led to prison Nicholas, John and Antonio Cosentino. Investigation in which the contiguity with the Casalesi backdrop but says that, beyond the challenges and implications of the court proceedings, a financial and political system that has prevented and still prevents the normal economic development of Southern Italy. It 'a system so beneficial to those who adopt it and made part of it has become contagious, spreading to other parts of the country: in Piedmont, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, in Lombardy which is preparing to relaunch the product with Italy Expo 2015. But it is in the South, to be precise on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of ​​Naples, the three-legged table (the agreement between politics, business and mafia) has paid off the most profitable. The summary is contained in the words of John Cosentino, the largest of the brothers, the true heir to the fortune accumulated by his father Silvio in the postwar period with the trade of fuel, "Who has more power to shoot" ... "Where do we want the policy c ' is my brother Nicholas; where it takes the money and I'm there where it takes the force there is also strength. " That have used or not does not matter, because in this part of Italy's democracy halved just know that the use of force is not the monopoly of the state; and that among the parents and relatives of the interlocutor is someone who could actually use the force of arms.
It 'amazing to see how the mafia method of territorial control has been applied dall'Aversana Oils to control the distribution of the fuel. Not a single plant could and should escape to the company. And not just in Casal di Principe, where he could assert a kind of protection of honor, of treason border. No, the rule was true across the province, also on the outskirts of Caserta, with no real commercial reason, with the systematic use of nominee: Casagiove as in Casapesenna, thus demonstrating a remarkable sensitivity to the changing balance of the Camorra shooting. In this context, the role of Nicola Cosentino, the politician, is serving with respect to the family. If it were not for him, I would have found another equally available to provide the same services.
But it's also another impression given, which defines the limit of such overwhelming power: the inability to think big, despite the daily dialogue and familiarity with the heads of major oil companies and the Italian energy sector. Let us look, for example, the evolution of large amounts of capital in America, especially those of dubious origin: the second and third generations was given the task of redeeming, at least in part, the ambiguity of the parents returning to universities, foundations, charities, a portion of the stolen goods. Those funds have multiplied also by virtue of the social consensus gained through the distribution (not crony) jobs or assistance. Well, in our case, nothing much is on the horizon. Indeed. In the system of the three-legged table there is no room for anyone who is not part of the same consortium: procurement, supplies, benefits, licenses, jobs are reserved crumbs clientelarmente to those who participate and facilitate the deal. All others are excluded, marginalized, put in the corner, forced to defend themselves in court by complaints instrumental attacked by local newspapers (emblematic dinner between John Cosentino and the then director of a newspaper Caserta) that the scandal have made their raison d'etre.
The Far West? Something very similar. In fact a land of the Camorra is done just so, as it may seem difficult to admit. And in a land so it is much easier to adapt than fight. This also applies to the parts of the State for many years they pretended not to see and not to understand what was behind some economic powers that have dominated for a long time between Naples and Caserta in the sectors construction, health, waste, transport, energy (as in this case); behind the transfer or isolation of police officers and police; behind the futile chase cards just as useless; behind the endless complaints of false leads fake. Potentates who have moved a lot of money without producing real wealth. Leonardo Sciascia has made masterpieces, stories like this. He did, at times, without ever mentioning the word mafia, but the mafia, no doubt, talking.

* Interview published in Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno - Ed. Naples April 5, 2014

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