sabato 28 giugno 2014

Organ Trafficking of Afgan children

HONG KONG: Pakistan is among the top five organ-trafficking hotspots
besides China, Colombia, Egypt and the Philippines, according to a World
Health Organisation report.

Pakistan, where trade in human organs is not illegal, is turning into a
"kidney bazaar", said the chief executive of Pakistan's Kidney Foundation,
Jaffar Naqvi.

There are no confirmed figures for the number of foreigners coming to the
country for new kidneys, but Naqvi said there were 13 centres in Lahore
alone, which reported more than 2,000 transplants last year from bought

Patients, mostly from Europe, Saudi Arabia and India, pay about 500,000
rupees for a new kidney, he said. Donors are paid $300 to $1,000 and often
get no medical care after the surgery.

KABUL - A heart yielded from 25 to 30 million, half a kidney or a cornea. Hundreds of Afghan children, aged between 4 and 10 years, were used as "spare parts" and then thrown dead on the street or in the ditches. A maxitraffico of human organs via Pakistan that has thrived for years in the shadow of the Taliban so in terms of tax beards, women and prayers, but who have never lifted a finger to repress this horror and have even sent a free confessed that only he had killed 60 of kids. 

There are no official figures on the subject, there is no authority to ask on behalf of this barbarism, but there is the memory of the people of Kabul, the street people who counted the corpses, saw in his face the torturers Arab Pakistanis and for the most part, all rich and protected by the regime and could only hope that the same fate would not touch their children. In the largest city hospital, Sha Faknà, there was a ward off limits to locals with foreign medical workers. Thus equipped and cleaner than the dirt and the precariousness of the rest seem almost a Swiss clinic. Explants or even transplants, it is widely believed, were carried out there. 

The raw material was found in the streets of Kabul, teeming with children despite the prohibitions of students with guns. In the book of the atrocities committed by the followers of Mullah Omar, one of the trafficking in human organs occupies unfortunately a chapter of many pages. As many as are the stories of those who have lost a son or a daughter. The following is just one of these, unfortunately, not the last. 

Rhuma was 4 years old. Would have turned 5 in October. It was a beautiful, lively little girl, the only daughter of Ali Akmad, 40, clerk in a hardware shop of the bazaar. This man, small, emaciated that he has since lost sleep and appetite, will never forget again. It 's the date of the death of his Rhuma. Shortly after lunchtime, Rhuma, after eating a bit 'of rice, out into the street and its Akmad live in the populous district Shasdarak to play with other children. It always does. The mother does not care that much. A few minutes after Najib, 18, the oldest brother, heard a screeching halt, a desperate cry and immediately rushes into the street, there is no longer Rhuma and his playmates dumb indicate that if the jeep is taking away. Screams in turn, Najib, "Dad, have abducted, kidnapped." The street is crowded with people, concerned mothers. Redemption, revenge? Two hypotheses that Ali not even take into consideration. He has no money, he earns only a few tens of dollars per month, and has never harmed anyone. Then why?, Wonders without finding answer. Indeed response has it but does not want to consider it. He lives a nightmare for hours making a thousand conjectures, sifting through all her poor life. But no, can not explain why it just touched him. Two days later, on Thursday, at 23. The roar of a speeding car and crashes into something almost against their door startles Ali and his wife who rush out. On the ground there is a lot of raw land. Inside is all that remains of Rhuma. The murderers have as gutted, they took away the heart, kidney, eye and other things hanging out of orbit. 

Ali and his wife shaking for hours on that little body cried all the tears that have, as a curtain is immediately riaccostata in the beautiful house opposite. The one where he lives Arabic. It's called Yasser, has little more than thirty years, is filthy rich. He trequattro wives, servants and bodyguards. Always parked in front of his building off-road brand new, has the dish on the roof and always runs with a satellite so small that it looks like a cell phone. And 'arrogant and violent, has already killed a friend of Ali to take his young women, is a clique of Osama bin Laden, an untouchable then. Traffics in all kinds of things in the light of the sun and hates the Tajiks. 

All times crossing Akmad, which is that ethnic, yells in his face contempt. By the mere fact that it is believed to be a relative of the Tajik Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance, the sworn enemy of the Taliban. "We will put all the wall, including your commander," the threat. Ali now has almost no doubt that Yasser should definitely get into it with the death of her child. If he had a weapon, Ali did not hesitate to take him out instantly, but that does not have hands. He knocks on the door of his neighbor, but one of his bodyguards close enough that it takes a shot: "It 's late, Tajik, try again tomorrow." 

The next day comes to the prefect Njasir. "They killed my youngest daughter tearing the heart, kidneys, eyes, and says I know who did it, I ask, nay I demand justice." Njasir listens distractedly and then dismisses him with a threat: "Be careful, take it easy with the accusations, I understand your state of mind, but you're throwing mud at him a gentleman. Go home, we'll see." If he goes home, and Ali is the only thing you can do: send away the other two children. It is good because in the same district, just a week later, another child suffer the same terrible fate of Rhuma.

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