sabato 28 giugno 2014

Honoured Society

The term picciottu (Italianate in picciotto), which in Sicilian dialect corresponds Italian "boy", is commonly used to indicate the lowest level of affiliation of some Italian mafia-type criminal organizations, especially our thing.

It derives from the Sicilian and Neapolitan language picciottu, which literally means "small", but that means "boy"
These individuals formed bands Sicilian who joined also to Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860, the so-called Sicilian picciotti.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Neapolitan Camorra, which defined their organization as "Honoured Society" or "Society Reformed Bella," called Picciotto Picciotto of honor or one that covered the lower level of the hierarchical structure. Followed after a year of criminal activity in the passage of Sgarro Picciotto. Was reached to the level of the previous Tamurro Picciotto. To become picciotto the aspirant had to be subjected to the tug, that is a duel to the first blood in the arm with a knife. The next grade at Picciotto was the Camorra .

In the 'Ndrangheta or the Picciotto Picciotto smooth is the first quality (figure of merit that gives you the passing grade in the organization) that you receive when you are honored contrasts, that is, all those people who may be affiliated. You become Picciotto said through a rite of Baptism aged 14 years and older. During the ceremony is presented by 7 people including a warrant for him. Picciotto is the patron saint of Santa Liberata. The dowry that is next to the Camorra. Picciotto to day running simple tasks and picciotto of Sgarro if you are very distinct.

The following is a formula-type pronounced during initiation:

Q: What has equipped the company?
A: Seven beautiful things
Q: And what are they?
A: Politics, policy False, Razor, Sperra, Pencil, Paper and Mirror
Q: What do you need these seven beautiful things?
A: The policy ...
A: The sperra to defend my teammates and wise teachers, to report our opponents Pencil, Paper intragettare each played with contrasts, his back to the mirror to look young and wise leader all'Onorata Company.
Q: I'm sorry your friend had so wise leader needs you?
A: Excuse my wise head with one hand and threw a thousand cards with another hand picked cents and thousandths.
Q: How to walk a picciotto?
A: On a sidewalk up fine no wobbles that neither one side nor the other

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