venerdì 27 giugno 2014

Ukrainian women were trafficked to the west.

The trade of Natasha
Donna M. Hughes
  "Can anyone really trade women and not suffer the consequences? Sometimes I
I sit and I wonder if anything has really happened to me, if it can be really
possible. "- A Ukrainian woman who was trafficked, beaten, raped and exploited
in the sex industry in Israel. After a police raid, has been imprisoned,
awaiting deportation.

Traffic women for sexual exploitation is a black market for thousands of millions
euro. Women are trafficked to, from, and through every region in the world using
methods that are new forms of slavery.
The total value of world trade in women as commodities for industries
sex, is estimated to be between seven and twelve billion dollars a year.
This trade is an activity of women by the high profits with risk
relatively low when compared with trafficking in drugs or weapons. Those who profit
profit are international circuits of traffickers and pimps who profit of dreams
women looking for jobs and opportunities for the future. The activities of these gangs
threaten the safety and well-being of thousands of women as well as the social equilibrium,
and even political and economic stability of countries in which they operate.
The international trade in women is based on supply and demand between the countries of origin
and sending. Countries with a developed sex industry creates demand and are the countries
destination, while countries where traffickers easily recruit women are the countries of
origin. For decades, the main countries of origin were Asian nations,
such as Thailand and the Philippines. The collapse of the Soviet Union has opened a pool of
millions of women from which traffickers can recruit. To date, countries that were once part
the Soviet Union, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia, have become the main
countries of origin for trafficked women in the sex industry in the world.
In the sex industry today, the most popular and sought after merchandise are women
Ukraine and Russia.
This research focuses primarily on a country of origin as Ukraine,
second-largest country in Europe, and currently, one of the largest suppliers of
women for prostitution. Although no detailed knowledge
about the mechanisms of traffic from the Soviet republics, a lot of research on the
trafficked women and support to victims of trafficking are activities developed by
non-governmental organizations in Ukraine and other countries of origin.
At the beginning of the research the problem of human trafficking is discussed and the definition
traffic of the term is redefined. As a result of analyzing circuits criminals
trafficking in women and explores how they have become modern forms of slavery.
The role of the criminal mafias in the circuit of trafficking in persons is considered by some
illustrative cases. One section is devoted to methods of recruitment from the places of origin and
as they are introduced in the circuits of exploitation of other countries. Although there are many
mode of exploitation, their ultimate goal is the subjection to prostitution. is
described how the women in prostitution are controlled and what are the constraints that
make it impossible to escape.
The following chapter focuses on those who profit from this market of slaves, as
the corruption of the official authorities facilitates and protects criminal activity. some
support such as prostitution and black market providing in the bottom of a mass
otherwise unemployed women to earn a living. This conception of how
communities of origin and the women themselves can benefit is examined.
This chapter describes who profits from the traffic, and how, although the problem is
becoming increasingly important, when analyzing the causes of the phenomenon, the features and the size of those that constitute the offer and especially the
question is often omitted from the analysis. A section on the characteristics of supply and
application compares the assumption that poverty is often the main
instrumental in defining what are the countries of origin.
The last chapter explores in greater depth to the demand side in the dynamics between
countries of origin and destination. The legalization of prostitution and brothels
examined and as well as old and new legal remedies that act on the application are

The number of trafficked women
It is difficult to know how many women are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
The market is illegal, women are silenced, the traffickers are dangerous and not
there are many agencies that are opposed. When examining the traffic of the countries of the former
Soviet bloc, women are referred to as "Russian" or "Eastern European" without further
information about the specific country. Again, the word "traffic" does not have a
universal meaning, which results in statistics compiled in different ways according to the
definition assigned to the term.
In writing and analyzing the traffic of women use a definition that I think includes
the essential elements to consider in the area of ​​sexual exploitation
The traffic is any practice that involves the movement of people across local boundaries
or international for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
Traffic can be the result of force, coercion, manipulation, deception, abuse
authority, initial consent, family pressure, past and present violence within
of the families and communities of origin, economic deprivation, and other conditions of
inequality for women and children.
This definition recognizes that trafficking in women for the purpose of exploitation
sexual, occurs both within a country that through His international borders.
In fact, women are sometimes recruited and exploited in the sex industry premises before
being trafficked abroad.
This definition recognizes that trafficking also takes place with the consent of the women
involved, which is compatible with the United Nations Convention of 1949 for the
suppression of human trafficking and exploitation of prostitution.
Stricter definitions of the term require acts of violence or coercion on the victims
before we can define trafficked persons.

A quarter of the 4 million people trafficked each year are exploited in the
sex. In the last decade, hundreds of thousands of women have been trafficked
from Central and Eastern Europe and the republics of the former Soviet Union in the market
world of prostitution. In the European Union alone are estimated at half a million
People Eastern European women exploited in prostitution. A survey of the
crime in Germany in 1998 found that 87 .5 percent of the women trafficked into
country came from Eastern Europe. Seventeen percent were Polish, 14
percent Ukrainian, Czech 12 percent and 8 percent of the Russian Federation.
In 1998, the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior estimated that 400,000 Ukrainian women were
were trafficked during the previous decade; other sources, such as non-
governmental esteemed a higher number.
The International Organization of migrants has estimated that between 1991 and 1998 at least
500,000 Ukrainian women were trafficked to the west.
Popular destinations of Ukrainian women include Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Spain,
Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, United
Arab Emirates, Syria, China, Canada, the Netherlands and Japan. According to a diplomatic source, there are 6,000 Ukrainian Ukrainian women in prostitution
Turkey, 3,000 in Greece, and 1000 in Yugoslavia.
Ukrainian women are the largest group of foreign prostitutes in Turkey, and the second
ethnic group of foreign women forced into prostitution around military bases
American in Korea.
Similarly, as a result of trafficking, Russian women in prostitution in over 50 countries.
In some areas of the world, such as Israel and Turkey, women from Russia and the former
Soviet republics are present in amounts such that the prostitutes are called
Donna M. Hughe
See more : s

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