martedì 17 giugno 2014

Mafia kills children

The scene may remember the "Executions" by Goya. The victims are pushed against the wall, their guns aimed at the chest and the deadly blast that pierces the darkness. But to shoot the Mafia hitmen are Salento. It falls under their blows Angelica, just two and a half years, killed with her mother. This crime was rebuilt after twenty-three years of mystery, thanks to the "repentance" of one of the assassins.

The ferocity of the godfathers knows no mercy and massacres of innocent people. Whether it's men affiliates according to the rituals steeped in religiosity of the thighs Puglia, Calabria and Sicily; who have the mark of the Cosa Nostra, the 'Ndrangheta or the Sacra Corona. The Vulgate popular according to which the mafia does not kill women and children is a lie. The list of victims is endless. The last ambush, in Taranto, where a child of two and a half years has been knocked down with dozens of shots into a car with her mother Carla and her partner. The target was the man, who was riddled as she held the baby in her arms. The car hit by the winds there were two other children, six and seven, were unharmed by accident. A raid which bears the signature of organized crime, which again does not scruple to achieve its goals.

The people, though not in the majority, has rebelled against this slaughter of innocents. In thousands, including children, teachers, citizens and politicians, marched through the streets of Palagiano to express dissent. They took part in the demonstration organized by Libera, the association against the Mafia Don Luigi Ciotti, and was attended by among others, with their banners too common Palagiano Massafra Crispiano and Mottola. Also present were the flags of the PNA. The procession after reaching the main square of the town has stopped listening to the names of the 62 innocent victims killed in Puglia which were read publicly. To remember and to commemorate. "I begin with the words of Carmela's mother, Carla: I do not want revenge but respect and dignity, I ask everyone that there is respect and dignity," said Don Luigi Ciotti.

"The barbarism of the mafia knows no boundaries," says the national anti-Mafia prosecutor Franco Roberti: "Unfortunately, we have seen many small killed by the Camorra, the 'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra. They were often children who accompanied the intended victims that have been found, as has happened in the past in Naples, in the trajectory of a shootout between gangs. Or killed in the arms of his father, which was the objective of the mission of the death of the killers. There are just so many names that come to mind. This is a barbarism that is repeated over time, "adds Roberti, who then concludes:" The ethics mafia does not exist. It's just a rumor that the mafia does not kill children. The events of the last twenty years show just the opposite. "

It's a long trail of blood of the innocent victims of the Camorra. In Naples in November 2000 Valentina Terracciano ten years, fell under the blows of the assassins. The killer wanted to kill his uncle and father. She died in the hospital after a day of agony. And there are among others, Nunzio Pandolfi, two years, murdered by her father, and Fabio De Pandi, eleven years, struck down while he was returning home with his sister and parents. The boy ends up in the middle of a showdown between two clans and a bullet hits him. And there is also Simonetta Lamberti, seven, killed while he was in the car with his father, the magistrate Alfonso Lamberti, missed target of the command.

In Sicily you can not forget the long-term imprisonment and torture 779 days in which it was under fourteen year old Giuseppe Di Matteo, whose only crime was to be the son of an associate justice, one of the first who revealed the perpetrators of the massacre Capaci. The small Di Matteo was seized by order of the Corleone Giovanni Brusca in retaliation against the father who was cheating Cosa Nostra. Santino Di Matteo with great pain did not yield to blackmail the Mafia. After nearly two years of imprisonment, spent with a chain to the feet in pits dug in the ground, not Brusca took pity on the boy reduced as a larva. Ordered him to delete it, literally. He was strangled and his body dissolved in acid.

Yet Cosa Nostra is keen to defend its legend of honor. In the midst of the historic Palermo maxi-trial in the twelve year old Claudio Domino was killed with a shot to the head. For the first time in history, the boss held a statement read in court by taking officially distance themselves from crime. Then a few years later had no hesitation in inflicting a terrible end to Giuseppe Di Matteo.

There are stories of the past. A month ago in the province of Cosenza a three year old child, Nicolino "Coco" Campolomgo was killed with a gunshot to the head, as that reserved for the execution of mafia boss: his body was burned in a car , along with that of his grandfather and a friend to man. A History of the 'Ndrangheta on which it took place, right on the "Express", a woman of Calabria, which carries a strong family name among the clan, from which, however, he distanced himself. She is Imma Mancuso, sister of the eponymous boss and powerful clan, "I wonder how you can get courage to kill a child. This mafia is lousy. Unfortunately, no one speaks. All are silent even in the face of a tragedy such as Coco. People would have to turn over, but unfortunately it did not happen and nothing will be done. The majority of the Calabrian does not change, continue to believe in these murders and the mafia is more disgusting than the first one that I knew as a child. "

A shake the conscience, leaving a mark, was the murder of Dominic "Dodo" Gabriel, a boy of eleven dead after three months in a coma as a result of injuries sustained during a shootout in a soccer field in Crotone in June 2009. Another innocent victim. The parents of Dodo, four years after the death have turned their suffering into engagement, adhering to the movement of the families of the victims of the Mafia.

It upsets a recent interception made ​​in Rosario, in Calabria, home of the boss Bellocco. The men are planning a vendetta against an opposing clan and the boss decides who should be killed all the enemies up to 18 years. But the boss's wife intervenes, and with a firm voice and overbearing, he says: "You must kill all the women and children, because the family no longer has to play."

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