domenica 1 giugno 2014

organized crime and illegal waste dumping in Campania

In the provinces of Caserta and Naples, where the failure to open waste collection, except in a few small towns, has for decades designed the whole system of waste collection exclusively to the landfill , many of them illegal and managed by a nominee of the clan of the Camorra . In 2009 , the then special commissioner for the waste emergency in Campania, prefect Alessandro Pansa , the current Chief of Police, summed up the situation , the parliamentary committee on illegal activities related to the waste cycle :
"... To build an illegal dump , you need a total connivance with organized crime , which is the binding factor and organizational . It takes the involvement of companies ( that provide the products, especially when it comes to illegal dumping of toxic products ), and businessmen, a system of vehicles, the owners of the land , those who have access to that land and also those who have vision. The illegal dumping , in fact, are activities that do not work for a few days, but for quite long time . It is evident , therefore , that the inattention is total. Are located in areas not easily serviceable , in agricultural areas where the presence of the checks by law enforcement is very limited, because, as you know, these are mainly concentrated in urban centers. The transport system , however, had to be controlled , since in any case we are talking about large quantities and huge volumes , which circulate in the country and on the main roads . This waste run through almost all the national territory , as most of the products coming from the north , as many surveys have found. During the trip , these products , in fact , changed nature from the point of view of the documentation : the mechanism has always been this . Thus, the unusual and the involvement of local politics ( the defense of the territory , quite rightly, has always been one of the themes of local politics ) , has led to a defense of the territory a little ' suicide , which gave no alternatives. "

When the judiciary came to seize 140 illegal dumps in Campania alone in 2006 and 222 in 2007, well , it has come at last epilogue of a story about environmental devastation , the culmination of which was recorded in the '80s and '90s.

The first investigation to uncover the interplay between politics, mafia, corrupt businessmen and Freemasonry dates back to 1993 with the investigatioAdelphi , conducted by the judiciary Neapolitan , thanks to the statements of a turncoat mafia , Nunzio Perrella , boss's brother Mario Perrella , with interest waste and drug trafficking, affiliated to the clan Puccinelli District of Trajan ( Na) . Perrella revealed that , in its role in the business of waste on behalf of the clan from Naples, had direct contacts with leading members of the national policy , such as the former Minister of the Italian Liberal Party ( PLI ) Francesco Di Lorenzo . The investigation game from his statements led to the arrest of the former environment commissioner of the province of Naples , Raffaele Perrone Capano , and Councilman Ermanno Pelella , both of the PLI . I ended up leaders in the survey also excellent, as Renato Altissimo , secretary of the Liberal Party, and Rosario Gava, the brother of former Minister of the Interior , the Christian Democrat Antonio Gava, head of the powerful current of the DC dorotea .

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The commissioner Perrone Capano , University Professor of Public Finance , according to the survey Adelphi had the task of granting authorizations to landfills , such as Di.Fra.Bi. Plain , the Almadi Villaricca , the Novambiente and landfills Resit 1 and 2 of Giugliano . When the Carabinieri searched records in possession of the councilor discovered the secret protocols and practices parallel , being the leader of a revolution and billing procedures that changed the nature of the waste on the way to the landfill .
And 'interesting to note that Professor Raffaele Perrone Capano turns out to be one of the 103 names to a list called Potential Leaders Biographic Reporting List nel1967 drawn up by the Americans and sent by U.S. embassies and consulates in Italy in Washington, of whose existence we were informed only a few years ago. The list included all young people in their thirties to moderate area ( the list did not include any adhering to the PCI or the MSI) that , based on information gathered from the " representative " American in Italy , had the characteristics to become a ruling class of the country . Of this list, the drafting of which does not allow us to any hypothesis except that which relates to the special attention that the U.S. had in Italy during the Cold War , as many as 14 names on 17sono then become academics.
In a 1998 hearing of the former Prosecutor of Naples , Agostino Cordova, the Committee of Inquiry into the waste cycle, the mechanism of the so-called " ride the bubble " , with which is falfifiedthe documentation that accompanied the transport of toxic waste , was described as follows:
"Normally, these wastes are classified to the production, such as toxic waste and handed over for disposal. During this tour the classification is changed, and are classified as re-usable waste . So they end up in various places , such as quarries almost always illegal , exploited for the extraction of gravel and then filled with waste; or , more simply, are mixed with the soil and buried . Even are interspersed with inert materials used for the production of concrete to the construction of civil rooms, with great danger to the public. I cite the case of sludge purifier Villa Literno , which are even used for fertilization of cultivated land in cauliflower, which are placed on the market. "
Nunzio Perrella made ​​to understand that the anti-Mafia magistrates waste trade became more profitable than drugs and revealed the details of a summit to which he himself had taken part , the restaurant -hotel La Lanterna Villaricca (Na) , in 1989 , in which was signed the pact on waste between the exponents of Caserta and the Neapolitan mafia , the presence of businessmen and personalities related to the affairs of the bourgeoisie criminal waste , as the Advocate of Cipriano Chianese wall ( Ce) , Gaetano Cerci holder of Ecology 89 Ferdinand Cannavale , owner of Tra.Sfer.Mar . Srl in La Spezia and businessman tied to the secretary of the Liberal Party, Renato Altissimo , entrepreneurs Luke Avolio , the landfill operator Alma and Gaetano Vassallo , then city councilor in Cesa and owner of the landfill Novambiente and nominees of the Casalesi clan .
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The landfill Plain and the ACNA Cengio .
Opened in the '50s , the story of the landfill Di.Fra.Bi Plain (Naples ), located in the crater of the volcano Astroni , in its 43 years of activity may well represent the evolution of business around the management of waste up to late 90s . Since its inception , until 1996 , when it was finally closed , the landfill Neapolitan were deposited up to 40 million cubic meters of waste , of which waste and industrial waste from northern Italy , including dust asbestos waste and chemical industries. Between 1985 and 1996, has been authorized to receive 730mila tons of municipal waste per year and 150 thousand tons of special and hazardous .
Part of the contributions of toxic waste to the landfill Plain were regularly recorded, for which it was possible to establish with certainty that the waste spilled there are 16 tons of scrap acrylic adhesive and 50 tons of paint sludge firm Sicaf of Cuzzagna Premosello (Novara )
-21 tons of sewage sludge and 552 tons of paint sludge of Ferolmet of San Giuliano Milanese (Milan)
- 22 tons of sludge coating , resins and sludges from the province of Padua
- 25 tonnes of hazardous waste cosmetics overdue by Tocco Magico Rome
- 79 tons of industrial waste and 113 tons of asbestos dust bricchettate by the Center Storage Ferrara Robassomero (Turin)
- 1106 tons of slag and ash of aluminum from Fonderie Riva Parabiago (Milan)
- 800,000 tons waste arising from the reclamation of the ACNA Cengio in Piedmont, a chemical company created in 1929 , which also produced ingredients for explosives and gas banned for military use, as the gas used on the civilian population of Abyssinia and also assume components for the infamous Agent Orange produced by Monsanto and Dow Chemicals , the dioxin -based defoliant commissioned by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War.
The companies were sold in 1931 to the ACNA Montecatini co-owned by the IG Farbenindustrie , the German manufacturer of Zyklon B used in Nazi concentration camps . The Italian company , according to documents declassified by the British secret service after the war , would have produced even chlorosulfonic acid , a potent deadly gas that would have been also used in German extermination camps in Poland.
After the war , the share of IG Farbernindustrie passed to the chemical state ( ANIC ) and in 1959 at Montecatini . During the '60s, the ACNA acquired and closed all the factories of dyes and intermediates that existed in Italy , concentrating all production in Cengio ( in 1979 the factory had 4248 employees ), becoming one of the only production companies in Western Europe in produce substances that were banned. The emission of pollutants that have affected the valley Bormida relate to a cocktail of toxic substances such as chlorinated solvents, chlorobenzene and dioxin.
The production of components for gas for military use would be continued in secret dall'ACNA Cengio even after the war , starting in the '60s, according to documents obtained by Gianluca De Feonel his book " Poisons of the State" , which has exercised the testimonies of former workers retire ( a testimony, published in " Liguria Bormida Valley and Environs " , number 1 of 2002 , p. 10 ), which confirms that the plant was producing defoliants for the war in Vietnam ; a dossier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center also would signal that ENI and Montedison during the season Raul Gardini and Gabriele Cagliari ( ACNA owners until the closure of the company ) would have provided weapons and patents Iraq and other middle east countries . The gases obtained from patents , or provided directly to the " rogue states" would later be used in the 90s in the massacres of Kurds in Iraq. The hypothesis of the company's involvement in the production of Zyklon B, during the Second World War , is instead contained in the book by Alessandro Hellmann , " One Hundred Years of Poisons ."

In support of these disturbing hypothesis undocumento produced by a chemical engineer , Dr.. Ilvo Barbiero , " Restoration and rebirth of Valley Bormida an alliance between science and work in the service of man," reported that the analyzes carried out by dall'USSLL 58 of Cuneo ( April 21, 1989 ) were detected : chlorobenzene , tetrachloroethane , aniline , chlorophenols , dichlorobenzenes , methylaniline , chloroaniline , chlorinated phenols , trichlorobenzenes , naphthalene, clorometilanilina , diclorometilfenoli , dicloroaniline , trichlorophenols , diclorocresolo , nitroaniline . The concentration of these substances ranged from 22 micrograms per liter for tetrachloromethane to 6965 micrograms per liter for trichlorophenols .
The Triclofenolo is a powerful component for herbicides , such as the Orange , that at 350 ° wetsuit in TCDD , one of the most powerful Dioxins . The triclofenoli were also produced by ICMESA Seveso, where the product was assembled only to be sold to a company in Switzerland , " pharmaceutical " , only to be shot negliStati States where, most probably , it was mixed with other chemicals until it became the deadly Agent Orange .
The waste ACNA Cengio were spilled over that in the landfill Plain, also in the Resit Giugliano , 30,600 tons.
The lobby of the waste
The acronym of the landfill Di.Fra.Bi. derived from the names of two former owners, brothers- Di Biase and Di Francia , who allied themselves with the company of Francis La Marca Octavian (Na) . Giorgio Di Francia pianurese doc later became a major property developer with interests in Italy and Brazil.

"Agent Orange" , Vietnam
In October 1997 , a delegation of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the waste cycle , during an inspection in Pontinia , identified in collaboration with the local police , an area officially intended for the treatment and cleaning of drums for transport of liquid hazardous waste . From the documentation of the company responsible for the system , the SIR Srl of Rome by Vincenzo Fiorillo and Vittorio Ugolini , emerged the billing mechanism typical of the illegal traffic of waste , to " ride the bubble " . The survey made ​​it possible to sequester the presence of 11,600 barrels and two tanks filled with toxic sludge and harmful from companies of international information technology and pharmaceutical industries. The seizure , the most significant so far, gave the cue to the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the waste cycle to draw up a map of the companies operating in the field of waste management , most of which were considered to have connections with each other in what appeared to be a real political Holding the business in which the companies resulted in most cases competitors and partners . A document that is still a perfect picture of the mechanism of pollution of the environment , politics and the Italian society of the 80s and 90s.
For the part that interests us, the Milanese side of the survey , which can not be summarized briefly , found links between corporate Lombardy and Campania, which revolved around the Ecolservice Italy Srl , the company was responsible for the collection, transport account third , treatment, storage and disposal of waste , whose president was arrested in October 1996 by the prosecutor in La Spezia for " conspiracy " on the management of the landfill Pitelli .

The Ecolservice appeared controlled by two companies , an equal number , held the entire share capital : the Elektrica Spa of Naples and Spa fined in Milan. The Elektrica , formed in April 1982 , he inherited the Di.Fra.Bi , mafia hit by disqualification in 2001 and was based in Naples, Piazza Bovio 33 , and was owned by the family of Francis La Marca , George in France, Peter Gaeta and was administered by Gennaro Bruno . The interesting thing is that the company appeared to have a head office in Rome , at the same venue and number of SIR SrL which had started the investigation.
The Elektrica properly connected also with the Italo-Swiss group of Celtica Ambiente Srl , through a company, the Cetan . George of France also appeared to have held until 1993, the managing director of the Environmental Systems of La Spezia , which is the company that managed the landfill Pittelli subject of the investigation that led to the arrest of the President of Ecolservice .

Elektrica also appeared in the Giuseppe Giordano , owner dellaInes south of Brindisi , which later was passed to the SIR Ltd. Components of the Brand family , however, were considered to have shares in the New Spra Environment , a company founded in 1998 by Spra Spa (created in 1972) , and incorporated in the EMAS Almbiente , in turn of Colucci contracts . The brothers Colucci , the subject of a substantial section delll'indagine of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Waste , will acquire as a result of the Italian subsidiary of Waste Management , American multinational waste , with interests ranging from solar energy to the treatment of industrial waste. The Colucci had interests in waste since the 80s. Peter Colucci was manager of the landfill Sessa Aurunca (CE ) , who left to entrepreneurs and Sarnataro Barbers, imposed by the Edwards - The Tower , as he himself told the judiciary, before the landfill was closed following protests by a broad movement People inspired by the then bishop Raffaele Nogaro .
Peter Colucci , later became president of Assoambiente ( Confindustria ), has retained the management of Kinexia (renewable energy ) and Waste Management Italy ( special waste) . Francis Colucciè instead the dominus of the parent company and the subsidiary Combining Daneco , the company that ran the mega dump of St. Archangel Trimonte and operates a plant in Salerno anaerobic 30,000 tons , obtained as a result of the waiver to the management of the landfill Chiaiano (Na ) , after which the fisherman of Avellino in turn had won the race. The Daneco was then awarded in conImpianti ATI Srl Costruzioni Srl and Rcm Acmar Scpa the contract for the construction of the incinerator of Salerno , a structure for the capacity of 300,000 tons , then no more made ​​for a dispute that at the moment has blocked the start of work . The Danec is currently waiting to get to know the outcome of the appeal lodged in Bulgaria for the award of the contract from100 million euro relating to the management of waste disposal in the city of Sofia.

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