domenica 22 giugno 2014

Islamic Extremism to Naples

A deal, nothing more. But those that make it good. And not only in money. Why can get rid of the stock funds at a good price, recycling them in a market that little bay to the subtleties. And for the Camorra a "gun burned," already worked in murders and azzoppamenti, is nothing more than this: a stock fund, stuff that Naples is worth less than nothing, in fact it 's footprint. While in Algiers, or in any other city in North Africa marked by 'Islamic extremism, it becomes a valuable commodity. Ce n 'is enough to magnetize' interest clan Vesuvius and encourage them to sign an economic agreement with those fundamentalist groups who, for some time, have turned the Gulf of Naples (in the viewfinder but now there 's also the Calabrian port of Gioia Tauro ) in one of the most important means of exchange for the transit of 'arms and men between the' Europe and the Maghreb. Business, in fact. Only business. "Even though the chapter of the ties between organized crime and Islamic terrorism is yet to be written," confesses pm Neapolitan Sergio Zeuli. The first hints, however, shines forth in its request for trial magistrate that this young man, together with his colleague Joseph Narducci, has signed against 22 people suspected of having set up in Naples and Milan, two cells of Al Hijra w 'to Takfir, the structure Algerian subversive now merged into the great stream of Al Qaeda. The 'investigation gets under way in' 95, when the international scenario of fundamentalism is shattered and the North African factions have not yet signed a pact with the Arab common. These are the confessions of Ahmed Ressam, who was arrested by 'FBI in Vancouver while he was preparing an attack to light for the first time the role of Naples to' internal geography of terrorism. Both the cell Vesuvian that the Milanese - then will ensure investigators - were "equipped with operational autonomy" and had the task of 'providing logistics support to the international trafficking of weapons of war. " "Naples is the reception of 'Europe' s Islamic extremism in the Maghreb - explains Zeuli -. Its port is easily accessible, just think that c 'is a daily connection with Tunis. Then, in two days at the most, you can go by train in all European capitals. It controls the stations are certainly fewer capillaries in airports. Not surprisingly, members of the Takfir have gone from here before reaching Bosnia during the war in the Balkans. " What it offered the 'stop' Neapolitan soldiers of terror in transit? A safe haven, weapons, clothes and fake documents. Often with the collaboration of the underworld clan. "Let me be clear - says pm -. The Camorra is not made to enlist, to the maximum enlisted. The business of weapons and false documents, however, is a 'chance that the "families" could not pass up. " moreover, the Neapolitan is not a "cell" device but a real headquarters of the network of logistical support, is confirmed by the fact that yesterday the Italian government has asked the 'inclusion of some defendants in the trial Takfir all' inside of the list of 'European Union that contains the names of terrorists whose assets should be frozen.

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