domenica 1 giugno 2014

Italian mines for radioactive waste

The mines fall within the unavailable heritage of the state and the result is that the mineral deposit and its appurtenances (among them , in the first place , so far as relevant , galleries ) allow separate use of these objects with respect to land tenure of the soil;
A report published in 1977 by the European Community includes various places in Sicily in the list of 134 Italian sites suitable to host a geological repository for radioactive waste . In this list are cited many mines between Enna and Caltanissetta , including Regalbuto , Agira Assoro and Villapriolo , as well as Salinella and Pasquasia ;
Many of these mines were sold by the companies that took advantage of public companies , which have then ordered the closure ;
since the late 80s , using galleries of abandoned mines or abandoned to the illegal disposal of toxic and radioactive waste is an established criminal organizations Sicilian , who profit on disposal costs making it  illegally with serious negative consequences on human health and the environment related to the contamination of environmental media including groundwater ;
such a use of such sites was confirmed by the associate justice Leonardo Messina during his talks with Paolo Borsellino in the summer of 1992 , stating that the illegal activities on the sites continued since 1984 , ie since the Enea had launched a study geological , geochemical and microbiological testing on clay formation of the mines and their suitability to host nuclear waste; of these circumstances, the witness was relied upon by the then national anti-Mafia prosecutor , Pierluigi Vigna ;
the associate justice Carmine Schiavone in 1997 also testified that in the abandoned tunnels were unloaded metal dust , asbestos, liquid waste , medical waste and special waste;
surveys carried out by ARPA in the provinces of Enna , Caltanissetta and Agrigento have demonstrated the presence of a level of radioactivity much higher than the norm and definitely weird for a little industrialized area such as central Sicily. The index detector consist of the high mortality of the population due to severe degenerative diseases sometimes concentrated only in a few countries close to the reported sites . In nisseno in recent years there has been a sharp increase in cases of multiple sclerosis, leukemia and other tumors with a difference of about 20 percent compared to the national average ;
the data collected by the former provincial councilor Salvatore Alaimo reveal that in the 11 municipalities closest to the mines of  Bosco Palo and Pasquasia 43 per cent of deaths are attributable to neoplastic diseases ;
Sicily in the quarries were later to become illegal deposits of waste disposal would be at least 4 , including Ciavalotta , in front of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento , the quarry of Musselburgh , of Palo Woods near San Cataldo (Caltanissetta ) and last but not least the mine Pasquasia Enna ;
the Prosecution of Enna has started in 2010 a survey on the state of abandonment of the mine Pasquasia and consultants of the prosecution , who have the inspections , they found the presence of a million cubic meters of hazardous waste that may have contaminated the groundwater groundwater and the nearby river Morello ;
The truth is hidden under tons of debris and millions of cubic meters of water . The mine Pasquasia between Enna and Caltanissetta , after closing in '92 was deliberately " tombata " , stuffed with soil and almost completely flooded. All this, in theory , to put the safety and avoid crashes . But to seal the facts has arrived , in 2008 , the silence of the state. On April 16 of that year was published in the Official Journal of the decree regulating , among other things , the criteria for the identification of "places likely to be the subject of a state secret ."

In paragraph 17 of the legislation signed by the then Prime Minister Romano Prodi , over which you refer to ' civil works for power generation ', even to 'other critical infrastructure . " Among these centers explored by ENEA , the Italian National Agency for the energy audit , to investigate the possibility of stowing sludge and waste from nuclear power plants. Until those sites will not be released from the obligation of oblivion , each survey of the judiciary is likely to break against the prohibitions of the state.

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