lunedì 9 giugno 2014

The camorra and her children

The Camorra seen through the eyes of her children

The latest novel by Alessandro Gallo, "Apes" is a book of seventy pages load of gritty realism and lived experience, which the author himself struggles to define novel. Graduated at DAMS of Bologna, he knocked out the seventy-four pages "belly", as he repeats several times during his presentation. He wrote as if he were speaking to the audience of his students or kids, that look in his tours tirelessly to educate the culture of legality. "Apes". "Who are the monkeys?" Asks a girl from the audience. The monkeys are among the animals most free in nature, but at the same time are more easily taught and taken into captivity by humans. Similarly teenagers slum of Naples, who ambitiously dream to break free from the squalor of the apartment blocks and the mediocrity of their own families, but found that as the only occasion the luminous sign of the Camorra. This is the story told by the book. The story of three olds, Pummarò, panzarotto and cleaning rod. Their dreams of revenge and empowerment in Naples in 1985, in particular the district Trajan. In Naples and around those are the years of Cutolo, Bardellino, the years in which the Camorra strengthens its tentacles on everything from racketeering to prostitution and smuggling. Those are the years of dealing heroin. The lure of easy money, lots of money, the allure of power, the desire to be leaders, to impose themselves forcefully on a reality that offers little for other roads and with little effort. These are the warnings, the sirens with which the Camorra attracts new recruits. And the three characters, three monkeys, they are a sample specimen. However in Naples those were also the years of Giancarlo Siani. Or better 1985 is the year of execution Siani, a journalist and attentive too inconvenient for those who wished to lay down the law and be invisible at the same time. The stories of three teenagers, who start their ascent into the system Camorra, are intertwined with that of the journalist. He, the street urchins like them, called them "muschilli." Quick, strong and cunning as the "muschilli." Siani tries to show them the true face of the machine which they consider beneficial source of jobs and wealth. It makes him smell the blood in the streets where the Camorra produces corpses. Makes him see death in the eyes of toxic, whose bodies in those years thronged morgues. Who better than Giancarlo Siani, a pioneer dell'anticamorra, could fill this role? And Giancarlo Siani is dedicated to the book, "Monkeys". Seventy-four pages written not by an outside observer, not a character unconnected with the facts. Alessandro Gallo was born and raised in the neighborhood of Naples Trajan. Son of the affiliate of the Camorra Gennaro Gallo and cousin Cristina Pinto, said Nikita, the first lady killer of the Camorra, in adolescence, he had been a "muschillo." Then the discovery of the theater, which occurred by chance. The passion for art and acting saved him. And now Alexander has left behind the legacy of his family. He fights with his strength, and his means and feeds the ignorance that is rampant lawlessness. The real fight against the Camorra has its mainstay in the information, "educating the boy Scampia, who wants to break his leg to his teammate just because the father is a splinter." This is the real anticamorra: education legality, change minds in the future. Alessandro Gallo concludes: "The Camorra is a pile of shit and the problem is that we have become accustomed to the smell."

Source: Young, free information

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