martedì 10 giugno 2014

Criminal History : The disposal of toxic waste to Maputo, Mozambique

The new routes of traffic.
The disposal of toxic waste to Maputo, Mozambique, began in 1997. Should be immediately clear that the activities of illegal disposal in that state is not unique to Italy, but many other countries, also outside Europe, particularly Korea.
A key role is to take on an Italian fixer, former star of shipments of waste to Africa (in particular of twelve ships laden with rubbish games in the eighties from Hamburg to Guinea), as well as involved in "Project Uranus." In the realization of traffic organization makes use of shell companies. Here, too, also confirms the availability of ships capable of transporting the waste to countries in the developing world. Not only the characters involved Italians are known to be affiliated parties organized crime.
The idea of ​​illegal disposal born in Mozambique as part of a cooperation between Argentina and the African nation, which was concerned with the development of industrial activities in the vicinity of Maputo. The affected area was the subject of mining activity at the time of the government of Samora Machel. It is copious documentation showing the successful incorporation of companies that had to manage the alleged industrial activity, as well as the permissions that occurred by the Mozambican government then in office. Real interest of the criminal organization was naturally fill the quarry with waste of any kind, masking the operation with the recovery of the area.
The establishment in 1996 of a company based in Maputo, whose corporate purpose is mainly the installation of industrial complexes for the final disposal of waste of all kinds, as well as an authorization to the company by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Mozambique (also in 1996) to export, import, or receive all types of waste (domestic, hospital and industrial) from other countries for further transport, treatment and final storage in the country, in accordance with the rules and regulations of environmental protection in force, taking as a basis the classification of the Basel Convention. Authorization but did not allow a waste handling only for the purpose of disposal, as indeed is the case then. To highlight again the authorization of the Ministry of Budget and Finance of the Republic of Mozambique (1996), in favor of the investment project called 'waste disposal', granted to two companies involved in the investigation, which is for industrial units for the collection, treatment and recycling of waste and household waste, hospital and industrial, as well as for the installation and use of incinerators to be carried out in accordance with the law of that State. To this end even be requested and obtained the right to enjoyment of land, situated in the locality of Boane, which covers approximately 150 acres, to be allocated to the installation of a treatment plant for domestic waste, hospital and industrial crops from some cities of Mozambique. In fact, different documentation including photographic surveys on site shows that no plant was built, while there is a huge open dump is intended to accommodate waste of all kinds and from all over the world.

A demonstration of the involvement of high offices of the State, there is a letter from the Ministry for Coordination of Environmental actions of Mozambique (10 May 1996), addressed to the Italian ambassador in Maputo, in which among other things proposes a bilateral agreement in order to import waste from Italy, to operate an incinerator, as the quantities of waste collected in Mozambique are not sufficient to feed the incinerator in such a way as to ensure an economic yield. In reality, this system did not exist in 1996, nor is there today! It should be emphasized, however, that the representation is not the only Italian to have been affected, since letters of similar tenor were sent to the embassies of Argentina and Spain in Maputo.
Returning to the facts, it appears that the company formed in 1996 in Maputo (Mozambique subsidiary of a group with Argentine branch in Dublin) has requested the concession area of ​​Boane, asserting having to install an industrial waste treatment from the city Mozambique. The non-compliance stems from the reality of the request for further documentation, such as that from which the Mozambican company has signed an agreement with an Italian company for commercial transactions involving shipments of hazardous waste and / or hazardous Italians at that site, which is nothing more if it is not a dump.
The Italian waste would still not arrived first in that area, since the scanned items tend to proving the disposal of materials from Korea and Taiwan, thanks to traffic managed by the same criminal organization. Other place of origin of waste to be disposed in Mozambique appear to be the United States of America, always treated in a manner - since 1998 - the organization with "seat" in Argentina.
Very likely happened is the disposal of approximately 600 thousand tons of waste from the 'Italian in Spanish Sahara, probably as part of "Project Uranus."
Returning to '' hypothesis Mozambique, "the organization also provided forms to invest the least amount of money possible. Among other things, had to be carried out by mixing the waste with high toxicity with little toxic waste, in order to pay a lower guarantee to the Ministry of the Environment (the guarantee is calculated on the toxicity of the goods). The Hoax documentary is of course also on the amount proposed to have smaller tonnes compared to those actually sent.
It is appropriate at this point to highlight how these activities also hide other illegal activities: first operations of money laundering from illegal activities, such as the international traffic in arms and drugs. The involvement, in particular, the activity of a person indicated by police as belonging to different organizations active in those fields, as well as involved in terrorist events of worldwide importance - the Lockerbie bombing and the seizure of the Achille Lauro - a measure the criminal level. It indicates how the international traffic of waste is a hub of most illicit activities: to clean dirty money, method of payment for supplies of war material and illegal form of realization of large earnings for further investment legal and illegal.
A confirmation of what has been said is the skill and by "important" that ties the criminal organization is able to maintain in different environments, licit and illicit. The same operation modes are indicative in this respect: the operation of waste disposal is covered by a "facade" that appears to be the legal national and international investment for the construction of industrial units for the purpose of waste treatment, obtained with permission also occurred through an asset if not less corrupt than 'complacent' representatives linked to political power in Mozambique.
It should be noted that, unfortunately, once again the criminal organizations have identified the potential for some time now (organizational and financial) of talebusiness offense, anticipating and taking unprepared for the international community. Faced with a similar level of criminal and economic strength - each ship full of waste lead a gain of about 10 billion pounds - it is clear that it is unthinkable to answer only national, but international coordination is needed to combat forces, as what has now been launched to tackle the phenomenon of organized crime. Not so much, or not only, for the traffic of waste as such, but for what it hides such traffic and which was first shown.

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