mercoledì 4 giugno 2014

who save the children of Portoscuso ( Sardinia)

In the province of Carbonia Iglesias would present two very worrying situation with regard to environmental safety, in particular the risk of pollution of groundwater and soils;
the first case concerns the remediation of the landfill situated in the subsoil of the abusive factory of Alumix di Portovesme. As indicated in an article published on The Nuova Sardegna on October 25, 2007, it would seem that following an illegal landfill cover found in this plant, occurred a polluting liquid drainage, particularly dangerous oil, arsenic, fluorine and policicliciaromatici hydrocarbons, with underlying groundwater contamination;
for the removal of such material, citing the article, about 10 years ago were earmarked 30 million euros, but still these substances are in that factory and continue to drain into groundwater polluting the environment and endangering public health.
recently in the municipalities of
Gonnesa, Carbonia and Portoscuso, who already have resolved favorably, it would be to give the regional agreement to bury to a depth of 400 meters of special non-hazardous waste, including ash and plaster, resulting from coal combustion used by ENEL's central premises;
the project of these hazardous waste landfill would head to the Carbonsulcis Spa and provides for the disposal of ashes, chalk, MUDs, TSD, waste from fluidized bed coal combustion, underground, using mining voids left by the cultivation of coal mine field of Monte Sinni, through an integrated system consisting of underground installations served by a preliminary deposit on the surface;
doubts were raised about the safety of such a facility, in particular as regards the risk of pollution of groundwater;
even in this case, as in that of Portovesme, the local press, between
 the Nuova Sardegna, gave ample attention to the problems that would result in the creation of such a facility for the disposal of hazardous waste, with the aim bringing declarations of politicians and environmentalists who don't show the environmental safety of the intervention and the real risk that in the future the site of underground disposal in addition to contaminate the soil and water, can become the storage of toxic and harmful material or anyhow dangerous nature;
is in particular the adviser who makes a Angelo Cremone parallel between the story of highly hazardous wastes that are draining into groundwater at Alumix factory, with the possible disposal of plant residue of coal combustion that you would like to accomplish in the extraction of Carbonsulcis empty Spa, highlighting that this latest project could create even more serious damage to the environment and public health  than they're causing the first; the hearing would raise very serious questions about the competence of only regional environmental impact assessment and preliminary study trust created for advice by Politecnico di Torino, where there are inconsistencies and contradictions, especially in reference to the alleged lack of risk of pollution to the water in the underground and for the safe containment of waste that would be pumped into the mining voids.


Children of Portoscuso have a blood lead level (PBB) higher than their coetaneidei neighbours. Lead creates growth, deficits and cognitive engines.In children chronic lead poisoning can cause mental retardation, seizure disorders, behavioral disorders with aggressiveness and developmental regression. The symptoms can  regress spontaneously if stops metal exposure, while reappears if the exposure, but if the damage occurs in the years when children are most receptive no interruption at the  poisoning exposure will ever be recovered a deficit that will be below all the life. In both children and adults can have a hypochromic anemia. Inhaling lead tetramethyl lead tetraetileo acts different with symptomatic frameworks prevailing manifestations of a toxic psychosis. In adults, a characteristic symptom may arise in sequence several weeks or more: personality changes, headache, metallic taste, anorexia, vague abdominal discomfort, vomiting, checulmina in constipation and abdominal colic. Encephalopathy is rare. Already starting from dipiombemia values just above 10 micrograms per deciliter (i.e. 1 µg/litre) can have adverse effects on intellectual faculties and neuro-behavioural performance of children and of adolescent, with neurotoxic actions for lower values. There is a significant reverse statistically association between blood lead concentration and reduction of IQ, corresponding to QI points total 1.29 for each increase of 1 µg/dl PBB.2009 TIROIDEN DYSFUNCTIONS, on a sample of 400 villagers of Portoscuso, 50% was found to suffer from thyroid disorders.


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