martedì 10 giugno 2014

one of the greatest speculation that human history memories

At 6:34 on 23 November 1980 Irpinia was devastated by an earthquake, which destroyed entire cities and killed thousands of people.
But the most terrible devastation began at dawn the next day. The Camorra exploited all the possibilities of reconstruction
to achieve one of the greatest speculation that human history memories. Monopolized procurement, made the Campania
his feud and put his hands on the totality of the state apparatus, entering at all levels of his trusted men, the last branch office to the regional administrative heads. A few weeks ago, a judge of the Naples Prosecutor's Office said that at least 70% of the political class bell is colluding with the mafia. And 'the daughter of the Irpinia earthquake of 1980, when the state abdicated in' O System.
In 1989, an earthquake much more terrible, but also much quieter, hit the Campania. This did not happen under the earth, but in front of a table laden. The Taverna Villaricca gathered Camorra, masons, entrepreneurs
and politicians. That night was born that Legambiente, years later cataloging documents of its headquarters bell
and noting that in any judicial inquiry resorted always the same names, called Waste SpA Those present at the table
have divided the enormous waste business, poison and death. The waste crisis of recent years, the scientifically disastrous public management, the triangle of poisons (Villaricca see that in one of its vertices) were born that night.
At 3:32 on April 6 earthquake, devastating numerically less but still terrible, hit L'Aquila, the center of an area where the Masonic mafia infiltration and are the protagonists of the social scene for several years
Organised crime is therefore a soil more fertile than the 1980 Irpinia.
According to the data of the file Ecomafia 2009 Legambiente, Abruzzo is in 9th place national for offenses
in the 'cycle of concrete' and 8 ° for the offenses in the waste business. Of note in the aquilano, Tagliacozzo,
the seizure of a property, which has been reinvested in the 'treasure Ciancimino', mayor of Palermo in the '70s
and convicted for mafia in 2001.
Regularly, since 1997, the environmental organization complaint that Abruzzo is becoming
one of the bins of waste in the north of the country, with trucks of toxic waste that stop in the many
hollow (the huge number of terms) and in many waste places of the region.
The investigation Ebony has documented how in the late 90s there were disposed of approximately 60,000 tons
municipal solid waste from Lombardy.

In this system triggered the investigation by the prosecutor of Naples that led to the arrest of 17 people. Carandente Joseph Tartaglia, owner of the firm, was arrested by the police of Noe (Core Operating ecological) for Camorra association pursuant to the order of remand signed by the investigating judge of the court of Naples Egle Pilla. Carandente, according to the prosecution, is not only a participant in the criminal faction led by Michele Zagaria, the boss for more than 15 years on the run, then ended up in handcuffs in December 2011, but also able through the necessary institutional contacts to address and resolve any situation. Prosecutors call it "the entrepreneur Camorra", a branch of the faction Zagaria, in relations with the thickness of the clan Polverino, Mallard and even before the bubble. Also according to the prosecutor of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples, thanks to the Masons, the "friend" of the boss of the Casalesi Zagaria, he obtained work on the post-earthquake reconstruction. This is what emerges from the papers in the possession of the DDA in Naples, which aims to shed light on the management of the landfill millionaire Chiaiano. The disturbing insight into the interests of Tartaglia in the works after the earthquake is also apparent from the statements of an associate justice, who talked about how Tartaglia was able (thanks to the Freemasons) to solve problems related to a disqualification mafia that would allow him to obtain contracts after the earthquake in L'Aquila. Declarations very important that prompted the police of Noe of Naples and the same substitutes to secrete Investigation file on precisely the lodging business Casalesi on Aquila. According to police sources the interest of the Casalesi would essentially focused in the work subcontracted on private buildings.

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