lunedì 2 giugno 2014



1952 Chalk River (Canada). The error of a technical provoked a reaction that led to semidistruzione of the reactor core .

1952 USA . An accident with Argon reactor . 4 confirmed dead .

February 1955 , the Atlantic Ocean. The support ship Holes - Rosalie Royal Navy sank in the Atlantic in 1500 containers each containing one (1) ton of nuclear waste at 1,600 kilometers from the English coast and 2,000 feet deep.

October 1957 Windscale (GB). Meltdown ( the most serious accident that can happen in a station). The reactor is flooded . Escape of radioactivity equal to one tenth of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. The radioactive cloud comes up in Denmark. The radioactivity of London rises more than 20 times the natural value ( London is 500 km from Windscale ) . Milk consumption is prohibited within a radius of 50 km ( each day are thrown 600,000 liters of milk).

1957 Sellafield ( UK). A fire in the reactor where they produced plutonium for military purposes spawned a massive radioactive cloud . The cloud across the whole of Europe . Were made official only 300 deaths traced to causes incident ( diseases , leukemia, tumors ), but the figure could be underestimated.

Kyshtym 1957 (Soviet Union) . A barrel of radioactive waste caught fire and exploded , contaminating thousands of square kilometers of land. Were exposed to radiation around 270,000 people.

1958 U.S.. An accident in Oak Ridge: 12 people invested radiation .

1958 Ural region ( USSR ) . Nuclear catastrophe due to the explosion of a radioactive waste repository . Hundreds of dead . Tens of thousands of contaminated . Thousands of miles . still fenced off.

1961 Idaho (USA). Explosion of reactor 3 deaths. There were counted intoxicated inside and outside the facility . The degree of contamination of the bodies of the deceased proved so high that the heads and hands were cut off and buried in a radioactive waste repository . The plant was finally closed.

1964 U.S.. Reactor accident in Wood River : (1) a dead man.

1964 Garigliano (Italy). System failure emergency shutdown of the reactor. It was gone by the catastrophe.

1966 Belgium. The physicist Ferdinand Janssen intoxicated is taken to the hospital Curie in Paris .

1966 October Lagoona Beach (USA). Some skid plates come off and block the cooling system of the reactor self- fertilizing Enrico Fermi (61 MW ) for which you have overheating ; the automatic stop device does not work ; The reactor resumed its activities only in 1970 ; and finally stopped in 1972 .

1967 Three in Vercelli (Italy). Cracking of a steel sheath of a fuel rod with the consequent closure of the plant for 3 years. For much of this time , the plant discharged into the waters of the Po Radioactive tritium .

1967 France. Melting of fuel elements in the reactor core of Siloam (Grenoble) . This causes the release of Iodine 131 and Cesium 137 in the cooling water of the reactor. Radioactive gases are released into the air.

1968 Den Haag ( Netherlands). For a " technical error " is released in the middle Up 2 the radioactive material. The radioactivity in the city exceeds 100 times the limits of "acceptable" .

1968 January Chooz (Belgium) . Severe accident in a light water reactor . The repair lasted 2 years and 2 months. In 1970, the reactor is broken again.

1968 August Brenìllis (Spain). The central locks up completely . The repair lasted 3 years.

1968 France. The reactor Monts ARREE stops for an accident. Repair period : 3 months.

1969 Garigliano (Italy). Seven arrests in the central fault .

February 1969 Latina ( Italy ) . Stop at the Central Latina to lack of power to the instrumentation. ( In March, you will still have a major failure at the same station).

January 1969 Lavaux (Switzerland). After only seven hours of operation, overheating has ruptured sheaths and infiltration of contaminated water in the basement. The cave contains the plant was finally walled .

Germany in 1969 . For many cracks turbine reactor Gundremmingen on the Danube is closed for 3 years.

1969 U.S.. Fire in reactor - Rocky Flats. Plutonium is lost during the fire .

1969 France. Several kilograms of uranium is lost during an accident in Saint Laurent des Eaux . The repairs will last several months.

1970 Belgium. Another incident in the heart of the Chooz reactor .

1970 Chicago (USA). The plant Edison lost 200,000 liters of contaminated water.

1970 U.S.. The reactor 600 Mw Dresden 2 is completely beyond control for 2 hours to a fault to a control apparatus .

1971 Den Haag ( Netherlands). Rupture of a pipe for the conveyance of radioactive water .

1971 Kansas. It turns out that the salt mine choice for the storage of radioactive waste , safe water is full of holes and the AEC ( U.S. Agency for Nuclear Energy ) is forced to improvise plans for surface storage .

1971 France. Fournier reveals in "Charlie Hebdo " no. 14 that a technician from the nuclear center in Saclay attempted , two years before , to commit suicide by setting fire to the laboratory where she worked.

1972 France. Two militants of the environmental group ' Surviving et Vivre » discover that more than 500 out of 18,000 drums of radioactive waste stored outdoors at the nuclear research center in Saclay , have wide cracks that leave so escape the radioactivity.

1972 France. A Portuguese worker who does not know the warning signs of working several hours in a room radiated the center of Saclay .

1972 France. Even in the middle of Saclay beyond ten cubic meter of liquid radioactive .

1972 U.S.. Two workers in the plant of Surry die for the explosion of the tubes of a safety system while inspecting tubes already defective .

March 1973 , Chinon (France). Permanent cessation of the nuclear Chinon I, after only 11 years of operation. In fact, the central has moved the turbines 43,000 hours, or for 5 years.

1973 Hanford (USA). The AEC admits that in the 15 previous years there have been 15 incidents in which released radioactive liquids for a total of 1,600,000 liters.

September 1973 , La Hague (France). Escape of radioactive gas . 35 employees of which 7 are contaminated seriously .

September 1973 , Windscale (GB). In the workshop reprocessing there is a rejection of radioactivity. 40 workers are contaminated .

November 1973 , Hanford (USA). You have the (17 ^ ) Seventeenth leak radioactive liquids . The accumulation of plutonium in a mass grave near the town are so large as to make possible a chain reaction .

December 1973 (USA). 39 reactors in the U.S., 13 are out of service. Brown 's Ferry is working at 10%, 2% Peach Botton , Connec 2-20 % .

1973 Den Haag ( Netherlands). 35 plant workers are intoxicated (7 in a very severe). Clouds of radioactive gas spread for 15 minutes on the countryside.

1974 U.S.. A survey shows that more than 3,700 people who had access to nuclear weapons had to be fired. Reasons : dementia , intellectual decay , alcoholism .

1974 Shevchenko ( USSR ) . Reaction between the sodium (used as a coolant ) and the Water with generation of hydrogen and caustic soda ( which in turn corrodes the transport circuit of the fluid ) . The result is a large explosion .

April 1974 , (Austria) . Someone deliberately contaminates the train Vienna -Linz with Iodine 131 and Iodine 113 . Twelve (12) persons are hospitalized . The perpetrators were never caught.

1974 May Casaccia (Italy). It splits a vessel containing plutonium . We do not know each other.

May 1974 ( USA). The USAEC announced that 861 anomalies were produced in 1973 in the 42 reactors in operation ; 371 that could have been set and that it was actually 18 (including 12 with escape of radioactivity ) .

1974 U.S.. Tritium is a radioactive cloud to form a gas leak from a duct of the central Savannah Mirex in Carolina. The cloud is slowly drifting to a height of 70 meters.

1974 France. At 60 years after the start of a factory radio , despite its dismantling , get rid of one more significant radioactivity . The purchaser of the land of gyf -sur -Yvette on which the factory is located at various points discovers radioactive sources that exceed 50 times the maximum permitted dose .

1974 Belgium. The water in the conduct Visé, captured in Pletron , contains from 2 to 3 times more Radon 22 ( radioactive gas ) of the maximum permissible for an adult population close to a central .

January 1975 , the United States. It ordered the closure of 23 reactors for failures in the cooling system , abnormal vibration and small leaks of radioactive gas .

Germany in 1975 . On November 19, 2 workers die in the reactor Gundremmingen . The two had to repair a valve. Leaving 4 liters of radioactive steam at a pressure of 60 atmospheres and at a temperature of 270 ° C.

1975 November 22 , Italy . Two (2) American ships , the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy and the cruiser Belknap , on board of which there were nuclear weapons, (as evidenced by the alarm code ' broken arrow ' which was launched by the commander of the U.S. Sixth Fleet , which indicates just an accident that involves nuclear weapons ) collide off Sicily . The Belknap caught fire and was badly damaged , but the fire was stopped a few meters from the warehouse that contained nuclear weapons .

March 1975 , Brown's Ferry ( USA). To search for drafts in the cockpit of the device is used as a candle sets fire to all the electrical wires blocking all security systems. Are unable to remedy fortunately ( for a more detailed account of this serious incident see the "Corriere della Sera " of 02.07.1977 , p . 3 . ) . According to the calculation of the probability that an accident may occurrence in a case of one million !

January 1976 , Germany. Also in Gundremmingen snow fall in abundance breaks the power lines that convey the energy produced in the reactor. This , off with the emergency procedure was subject to an internal pressure such that the safety valves were opened and freed radioactive steam .

1976 Windscale (GB). The reactor contamination of Iodine 131 hundred miles of territory.

October 1976 Tallinn ( USSR ) . Jump in the air a nuclear underground : at least one hundred people died. The Soviet authorities deny but after October 25 , and for a week at least , the Russian newspaper has published a dozen obituaries each number (For a more detailed account of this incident see "Panorama" of 30.11.1976 , p . 145 . ) .

Bulgaria in 1977 . In the central Klozodiy , due to an earthquake , skips the control instrumentation of the reactor. Thanks to the technicians who were able to stop the reaction , Europe has avoided serious consequences .

April 1977 , El Ferrol (Spain). Radioactive leak . More than 100 people infected .

1978 May Caorso (Italy). The day of the connection of the power plant to the power grid ( May 26 '78 ) there were leaks in the turbine division limited . There are valves that do not take , supporting structures , such as rods that support the radioactive gas pipes , poorly designed with miscalculations .

1979 Three Mile Island, Harrisburgh , USA. The overheating of the reactor caused the partial core meltdown releasing radioactive gases into the atmosphere equal to 15000 terabequerel ( TBq ) . On that occasion, 3,500 people were evacuated .

1982 USA . In the middle of Giuna , one of the pipes of the cooling system slot and yes radioactive discharge boiling water .

1982 USA . After the accident Giuna are discovered in seven other central metal objects forgotten in ducts. Many plants are so stopped because they are considered unsafe .

1986 Chernobyl accident , the Soviet Union . The absolute worst nuclear accident of which we have news . Overheating caused the meltdown of the reactor and the explosion of radioactive steam . He rose to heaven in a cloud amounted to 12,000,000 TBq of Radioactive Material airborne ( for an entity of the disaster compare this value with the 15,000 TBq of previous nuclear accidents recorded in 1979 at Three Mile Island in the U.S.) . About 30 people died immediately , another 2,500 in the next period for diseases and causes cancer . The whole of Europe was exposed to the Radioactive Cloud and for millions of Europeans increased the risk of cancer and leukemia. There are no official figures on deaths linked with a total of Chernobyl since 1986 .

Finland in 1989 . Failure in the control system in the station at Olkiluoto .

Germany in 1990 . Infiltration of tritium in nuclear power station Kruemmel .

Finland in 1991 . Turning off manually due to a fire station in Olkiluoto .

Germany in 1991 . Accident during refueling station in Wuergassen .

Germany in 1992 . Failure in the cooling system in the central Brunsbuttel .

Germany in 1995 . The High Court decided that the German business license granted to the station Mülheim- Kärlich is illegal , because of the lack of consideration being granted , the risk of earthquake in the area.

1996 Germany . A program of the German TV , Monitor, reveals that Siemens has made numerous mistakes during the construction of the station Kruemmel .

Germany in 1997 . 20,000 demonstrators crowd at the storage of radioactive waste to Gorleben to protest against the transport of nuclear waste.

Germany in 1997 . A train carrying nuclear liquid derails in front of the station Kruemmel .

1999 January 8 , France. Central Cruas Meysse , 65 people evacuated after you have turned on the lights alarm radioactive .

1999 March 11 , France. Central Tricastin , one (1) contaminated.

1999 June 16 , Russia. Central Seversk , 2 contaminated by radioactive leak .

1999 June 23 , Ukraine. Central Rivno , fire principle .

1999 July 4 , Ukraine. Central Zaporozhie (Ukraine) , blocked a reactor as a precaution.

1999, 12 of July, Japan. Central Tsuruga , blocked the reactor in a water loss .

1999 July 17 , Ukraine. Chernobyl , 3 workers contaminated .

1999 Tokaimura , Japan, 1999. An accident in a factory Nuclear Fuel activated the uncontrolled chain reaction . Three people died instantly while the other 450 were exposed to radiation (119 so severe). On Thursday morning, authorities reveal that , due to a leak of uranium , it triggered an uncontrolled nuclear fission in the reactor core . At 10:30 am the alarm goes off , some workers were contaminated so very serious. At 24:41 the police create a ' cordon ' around the plant , it is understood that the incident is becoming more serious than expected . At 15:18 some families living near the plant are evacuated. 21:00 held an emergency meeting and the government at this point includes the severity of the accident ; over 300,000 people invited to stay at home . 24:00 radioactivity in and around the plant reached levels between 10 and 20 thousand times higher than normal . At 02:30 the following day the plant operates 18 technicians accept a mission by real ' kamikaze ' , they must enter the plant to stop the chain reaction, well aware that , after the mission , would no longer be the same. 06:00 The authorities claim that radioactivity is reduced to zero (0). After it is established that it was a human error , the engineers were in fact carrying, inside the building where uranium is used as fuel in the nearby nuclear power plant, two barrels of uranium - nitric acid mixture (which were mixed in hand , with a rudimentary funnel , 30 kg each : these are unwittingly fallen earth and having mixed, have triggered the reaction. engineers have stopped the reaction to the hospital in critical condition.

1999 October 2 , Ukraine. Central Khmelitskaya , block the reactor to malfunction.

1999 October 4 , South Korea. Central Wolsong , 22 workers contaminated .

1999 October 5 , Finland. Central Loviisa , loss of hydrogen .

1999 October 8 , Japan . Waste repository at Rokkasho , leaking radiation.

1999 October 20 , France. Superphenix an accident stops the discharge of radioactive material.

1999 October 27 , USA. ' The U.S. children living near nuclear power plants in New York , New Jersey and Florida have in the teeth a ' radioisotope ' ( Strontium 90) that exposes them to a very high cancer risk ' . So Ernest Sternglass , a professor of radiology at the University of Pittsburgh began in the last press conference of the non-profit project of ' radiation protection and public health ' . The disconcerting result was achieved by U.S. researchers who analyzed 515 children residing in the states of New York, New Jersey and Florida. The levels of radioactivity in the samples collected from 1979 to 1992 , they were very close to those seen in the mid- 50s when the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War , dabbled in experiments with invisible weapons . According to the project managers levels of radioactivity were intended to be dropped close to zero . ' If the nuclear tests of both surface and underground are actually completed, the first suspicions fall on nuclear reactors and related accidents ' , said Sternglass , who added: ' The world is too small for nuclear accidents ' . The project attribute part of this radioactivity disaster occurred in 1979 at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl in 1986. There are federal documents that testify to escape from the nuclear reactor in Suffolk (New York) in the early '80s .

1999 November 18 , Scotland. Central Torness , a tornado drops to less than 800 meters from the plant.

1999 December 13 , Russia. Central Zaporozhe, stop the reactor.

2000 January 5 , France. Central Blayais , a storm forces them to stop flooding for 2 reactors .

2000 February 15 , USA. Indian Point 2 reactor , radioactive steam escape .

Germany in 2001 . Explosion of a part of the system of Brunsbuettel .

2004 Aug. 9, Japan. In the No. 3 reactor of Mihama plant , 350 kilometers west of Tokyo, a leakage of steam at high pressure , with temperatures exceeding 200 degrees , it's claimed the lives of four (4) workers. Seven other workers are in very serious condition . It was the most tragic incident in the history of the exploitation of nuclear energy for civilian purposes in Japan. The Kansai Electric Power Company , which operates the plant , was quick to announce that : ' There was no radioactive contamination ! ' .

2004 Aug. 9, Japan. other central unspecified . As far as the agency Kyodo reported , the flames erupted in the area where the waste is disposed adjacent to the reactor number 2 at a plant located in the prefecture of Shimane . Also in this case there was no radioactive leak ...

2004 Aug. 9, Japan. Accident in the nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) , the largest producer of energy in Japan. The company announced that the generator plant in Fukushima - Daini was stopped for a loss of water .

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