venerdì 4 luglio 2014

Children killed while playing with explosives

Four children killed while playing with explosives
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Four children were killed in an ex-military camp
explosion, Diwaniya security sources said today. 
The source added that the children, all between 8 and 12 years, were
playing in the old Diwaniya military camp, 4 km west of the city.
The children found and played with some unexploded shells, which lead to
their instant death. 
The ex-camp was a training course in the previous regime, the source

The bombs bursting because hoe impacted by a farmer at work reap 
still dead and wounded. Even children continue to find objects that instead of 
Toys are the bearers of bad luck. "We wanted to bring home for shrimp 
lunch. They were looking in the water when we saw a ball of metal.
We got her and rejected a few times in the water. I did not know that it was not 
I had never seen anything like it. Luckily, the last time I threw farther, 
and this saved my life. The explosion was deafening, "says Manikan, 
Today twenties, recalling this episode of his childhood. Not everyone was 
fortunate to be affected only by a few splinters, as it happened to him. the 
January 17, 2008, for four of the nine children who were in the South of Laos 
made the same game, the outcome was fatal, and the five survivors were in part 
seriously injured.

By bombs herbal 
Poverty increases the risks fatally. The price of the metal on the world market 
is increasing. Collect the remains of bombs and sell them to Chinese merchants who pay them 
up to 70 cents a pound is a lucrative business in rural Laos. Accidents are 
on the agenda, because the tools for finding that you sell for 
little money in all markets of the country are not absolutely reliable. often, 
near the houses you see bomb containers transformed into the flower beds for herbs. The 
Children are accustomed to seeing these objects, never would think that they can be 
dangerous if they see one away from home.

There are children killed in the war. There are children who 
escape out of the war. And there are children that war 
takes even when it is already over. Cluster bombs 
Unexploded are a constant danger, because if they are 
everywhere. Remain in place for thirty years before 
a child, curious, take it in your hand and so a 
making the jump face.

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