giovedì 31 luglio 2014


Smuggling of persons, extortion, kidnapping, money laundering: the Mafia eastern launched its offensive. The powerful secret organization rages across Europe, and seems invincible. His strength? the slaves

And BUSINESS CRIME. A CONFIDENTIAL FILE FROM THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR TO ALERT: Triads THE RAMP IN ITALY TITLE: THE NETWORK OF DRAGON traffic in illegal immigrants, extortion, kidnapping, money laundering: the Mafia eastern launched its offensive. The powerful secret organization rages across Europe, and seems invincible. His strength? Slaves A gang hid false documents in colorful bottles, uppers of shoes, books, boxes of ginseng. In prison, people are over 28 restaurants are the real heart of trafficking, including the sorting of new arrivals from the region of Zhejiang, south of Shanghai ------------------- ---------------- To ask the lace draw a Red Sun on the gate of the chosen victim. It is a symbol precise: with a 'tender, the kind that you can not refuse, and a threat. 'Cause the Chinese mafia and' powerful and violent. But very quiet. In Italy is hiding behind the banner of restaurants, leather goods workshop, mutual aid associations. And, according to a confidential report of the Department of Criminal Police, he also had contacts in diplomatic levels. Without treading on the toes of criminal organizations in our house, the men of the Triad now have huge interests in activities 'such as drug trafficking, extortion, prostitution, gambling d' gambling, fraud against insurance companies, the smuggling of weapons and money laundering. But at the top of the hit parade of criminal 'East remains smuggling: real slaves imported, with the' deception and the promise of a guaranteed well-being, from the region of Zhejiang, south of Shanghai. Everything is' controlled by a complex and articulated structure, very difficult to monitor. But the police document, the result of information of intelligence and reports of police stations throughout Italy, seems to draw quite clearly the 'identikit of crime' Chinese in our country. And in 1988 the first report of the 'Italian embassy in Beijing that signaled the possibility' of a migration of illegal labor to Europe ', in particular Spain, Italy and Portugal. In the file is specified as reserved for the sorting of illegal immigrants would take place through a company 'in Rotterdam, the "Khaex International Trading Company", which was used as a hedging activities' trade not specified. In addition to the Tunisian Romdhane Ben Amor Khalifa, Chinese J. Yue Pu and to 'Dutch H. De Vries, one of the persons reported as traffic coordinators c' and 'a Chinese resident in Rome, Oio Shao Ron. These gentlemen, always according to the document, they organized official visits, trips delegations 's business or tourist group whose members, however,' would have lost track in Europe. The basis of the 'organization in Italy have since received tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. Especially young men and women. One of the points of entry to our country was, and 'even in part, Trieste terminal of the Beijing Shanghai route Budapest Yugoslavia. The Chinese slaves arriving crammed onto trucks or locked up as prisoners in the truck. Once in Italy are loaded onto boats that go back a few rivers that flow in the 'Adriatic Sea, the Po, for example, and then dispatched to the various cities'. What awaits them and 'l' hell. For expatriate men have paid at least 20 million of the Triads. Better yet, the mafia has lent them the money. But please not 'be returned if not a hard job, not offset, in laboratories shacks where you sew, you eat, you sleep in terrible hygienic conditions. Or in the restaurants, the real heart of the many illicit trafficking in China. L 'organization and' always present. But invisible. In Milan, Rome, Florence, Turin, Varese, Vercelli: unexpected centers where they teach relaxation techniques Orientals, but also official associations that bring together members of the community 'as well as' shops and malls would hide very active boss of the Triad. That among the 'other in Palermo, with the consent of the local mafia, they would also hand in a slice of the market of' heroin. All the people involved, and specific tasks, would operate in a very restricted circle, hierarchical constraints under well-defined and under the 'authority' of a chief, called uncle. The leaders of the groups present in Europe would be linked together. The internal justice to the clans and families and 'ruthless. Punish members who violate the codes of conduct. And every problem related to debts, assault, extortion, but also issues of affective character and family are always resolved with the 'intervention of the boss through threats and even temporary seizure of the culprits. And when 'necessary punishment can' get up to 'murder. This absolute power over every illegal immigrant, and 'possible thanks to the economic dependence of irregular since their introduction in Western countries. Not only that, once convinced to leave China, illegal immigrants are forced to surrender his passport to the men of the Triad. Valuable documents that would then be invalidated and returned to Shanghai to promote new immigrations. But this exchange of mail and 'mutual. A perfect set-up of the 'gear Chinese crime would take place in 1992, the year in which the dossier report of the head of the Triads journey through some of the major cities' in Europe: London, Geneva, Paris and Milan. A trip will probably be essential, given that the migration had already 'then reached incredible figures. If it is estimated that the Chinese settled in Italy are 25 000 (53.7 per cent in the North and 42.3 per cent in the 'Central Italy, only 4 per cent in the South) an estimate given in the report shows in 8 thousand possible number of illegal immigrants each year fail to reach our country. But c 'and' the rest of Europe 's to manage, slave for slave. And the head of the Triad would have given this task, and 'written on the confidential report, Mr. A.Feng, who would live in Paris. A. Feng and 'referred to as the boss personally supervised the sorting of illegal immigrants in Europe who travel on the route China Hungary Austria Romania. But let's get to 'activities' economic, that 'more and more' important. The Triads are in fact making a large investment in Europe in view of the return of Hong Kong (where there are 55 Mafia families) to mainland China in 1997. In France, for example, the police found that since 1992 the Chinese mafia controls a network of recycling, built with a mechanism as simple as effective. The bosses of the Triads trivial recruited through advertisements in newspapers of economic Paris staff to send in the best boutiques in the city center for shopping. Each of these clients were delivered impromptu notes 5OO francs, hot off the press and, often, with consecutive serial numbers. All of illicit money, and that 's magic, turned into clothes and fashion accessories, then resold downward Japanese markets. Of course the exchange on the 'axis Paris Tokyo also required the participation of the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia, and as' and then' emerged from the investigation ended with the 'arrest of several members of the organization' s. The 'police operation and' completed 's arrest 100 people and the seizure of 2,500 leather goods and, above all, the confiscation of about 10 million Swiss francs in cash. In Spain, then, as is evident from a note sent to the authorities' Italian secret services of that country since 1989 have sprung from nowhere chain of Chinese restaurants. Something similar to the cases French and Spanish, and 'also happened in Italy. Beginning with the second half 'eighties and' was found that some pairs of Chinese had made ​​contact with the owners of Italian restaurants in trouble '. Behind offers always superior to 'actual value, even 700 million lire, restaurants duly ended in the hands of the Chinese. Many of these local (unlicensed commercial) have become, according to the report, the coverage "for the gradual establishment of a network of information in the fields of military, political and economic Italians." And just in 'investigate this point, the police and' ran into a strange episode, reported in the report: 's meeting in Ancona in 1988, including an Italian Montespertoli (Florence), who took care of the interests of many Chinese restaurants, together with Lii Qi, first secretary of the 'Chinese embassy in Rome and Cao Guojing, the third secretary. Obviously this does not prove anything. But it 's a fact. At stake, after all, there are mountains of billions. Maybe investing money to recycle, as happens in Tuscany lately, activities 'business, lawful in the field of textile and manufacturing of leather: through purchase of equipment or acquisition of firms in difficulty' financial. Or continuing to buy local restaurants or where segregate the slaves to work. But the growth of activity 'criminal business has inevitably arise contrast to' domestic community 'Chinese. According to the report the first clashes were reported in Milan between the two groups for years now settled in Chinatown Metro: one controlled by Sun Tzi Hsi that would deal, says the police, the exploitation of the labor force, of 'illegal immigration and loans usurious; the 'other headed by Hu Chin Chan, committed instead to regularize the largest number of members of the community'. "Pero '. Explains Roberto Cavaciocchi, responsible for' foreigners 'office of police headquarters in Milan. Duel and the true' among Chinese immigrants in Italy directly and those who, after having entered illegally years ago in France, are encroaching on to manage the company's business here from us. the "French" are the most 'violent and are trying to overlap with "Italian" with kidnappings, stabbings, extortion. "Everything silently. Yes, 'cause the main characteristic of the Chinese mafia and' to act with great discretion. And he disappeared without a trace, guaranteed by 'omerta' almost 'absolute of every member of the community'. For this reason, although it is clear from the file that the authorities 'know name of clan leaders or simple "people smugglers" without precise testimonies and' very difficult to intervene. "I am against this conspiracy of silence 'I do not know more' what to do," says Don Giovanni Momigli, and that 'a special priest. Became a priest in '91 after ten years of trade unionism in the ranks of the CISL, and' was shipped to San Domninus (renamed San Peking), in the province of Florence, where c 'and' one of the most 'great community' Chinese 's Italy: over 2000 immigrants in a population of 4500 inhabitants. He took to heart the problem. And a thousand difficulties' and 'managed to put a little' d 'order, and above all to bring a little' peace in the country. "But. Explains. Understand what really lurks behind the 800 laboratories leather goods that have been opened along the Via Pistoia in recent years and 'almost impossible.'m Doing to help me even by a Chinese nun, but is not nothing quarry. D 'On the other hand immigrants here say: "Better to be a nobody,' cause if you're someone at least a fine, sooner or later, you have to pay for it."

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