giovedì 24 luglio 2014

The new frontiers of organized crime

The new frontiers of organized crime

Has taken root in all Italy and crossed national borders to put its bases in Europe. It invests primarily in hotels, financial companies and waste collection. Its core business is the smuggling of cigarettes where in just six years has increased tenfold revenue is the Camorra spa, a turnover estimated at around 10 trillion, for six thousand one hundred and ten clan members. This is the company that developed after more criminal mafia. In recent years it has managed to settle in many regions of the Centre-North and Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Abruzzo where he found fertile ground especially in the tourism and hotel sector which obviously allows for easy re-use of funds derived from illegal activity: racketeering, wear and smuggling. But the Camorra businesswoman also extends abroad: among the countries where it is more massive than its presence there as Germany and Switzerland, where the clan invest in real estate, local companies in various sectors, manage and exploit illegal immigration company local as nominees of trafficking.
While in Naples held a strike against crime, contracts are signed and proliferate security debates, the Camorra goes his own way: it is organized as a holding company and continues to shed blood in the streets of the city. What is the response of the state? The prefect of Naples Giuseppe Romano makes a promise: "We will monitor - he says - that the Camorra does not put his hands on the planned investments for territorial pacts and area contracts."

The evolution of the Camorra as an industry, superorganizzata, flexible and ever more refined, is contained in the final report (1997) prepared by Gico, the core investigative Guardia di Finanza led by Major Alessandro Popoli, to study and better combat the phenomenon , has designed real geographic maps that the money is Enlarged to anticipate. There are ten in all sectors of activity illicit and licit controlled by a handful of clans in Naples and Caserta. The 'massive entry of the Italian economy "mafia" Chinese and Russian. How does the industry of the underworld has been able to manage this process of internationalization? How has arrived in the northern regions and in Northern Europe? The belief, widespread in the seventies, that the mafia would not thrive in areas with high growth rates turned out to be wrong. Instead, out of Campania, the organization grows, find new markets, is set in advanced sectors such as the service sector and the banking sector. How is it possible? Investigators are convinced: stays forced tens of Camorra in northern cities, resulting in the emigration of relatives and friends, has encouraged the export of the "model" of entrepreneurship. Thus, the bubble were gradually rooted primarily in Tuscany and Lazio, the Casalesi in Emilia Romagna and Abruzzo, the Galasso in Piedmont and Val d'Aosta, the Mallardo in the Marches, the Zaza in Liguria (see map on this page). In Tuscany and Emilia Romagna, the Camorra has managed to infiltrate and consolidation in the tourism sector and housing noting hotels, accommodation building (bathing establishments and discos) on the coastline. In inland areas, for example in the province of Lucca and Prato, there are suspicious appearances in financial and insurance companies and groups that deal with the collection of wastes. Thanks to the tax rolls, the investigators were able to uncover unmask the criminal organizations that, through a limited liability company with a capital of 20 million and represented by nominees, were at the head of real estate and financial empires whose sole purpose is the laundering of the proceeds from illegal activities carried out in Campania. Two regions revenue only recently in the viewfinder of the Camorra are businesswoman Abruzzo and Molise, where infrastructure projects initiated to strengthen the network of roads and ski resorts is attracting more and more businesses related to gangs.

The process of internationalization of the Camorra spa begins from Switzerland, the realm of banking secrecy. The ease in money laundering by criminal organizations increasingly favors that use front companies for the transfer of capital. And the Camorra uses the Swiss confederation as a financial base of the illegal trafficking of cigarettes. But not only. The Mazzarella clan and Stolder have in this country a variety of activities, including arms trafficking and toxic waste. But the country with the highest rate of infiltration Camorra is Germany, where there are three clans, Bardellino, Licciardi and Contini, who in addition to real estate investment trafficking in weapons, drugs and illegal immigration control. Moving from the countries of the North to the East and those of the Mediterranean basin, the task map is enriched with the traffic of stolen cars (especially in Russia, Albania and Turkey).

The Camorra spa is, in short, an international company based in the capital of Campania where to draw strategies, alliances with the "partner" of the Mafia, and Sacra Corona Unita 'Ndrangheta for some time and does not mind links with foreign mafias. When it comes to this organization criminal should not, however, think about a centralized structure: the Camorra, unlike the Mafia, does not have a dome. Investigators and experts draw it as a dusty structure in which the groups are brought together and break down easily. Not by chance has a clan for each eight hundred and fifty inhabitants of Campania. Of these, however, are only about a dozen that count and those who have managed to infilitrarsi in the vital areas of the economy. Carmine Alfieri and Anthony Bardellino were in the eighties the "founders" of the Camorra in the spa to correct it to create a unitary structure on the model of our thing.
For a time the mechanism worked: the industry of crime "made in Campania", active especially in public procurement, has been controlled by a small number of gangs. Then, after a series of arrests and "repentance", the organization has again broken up and opened the gang war.

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