giovedì 24 luglio 2014

Foreign criminals and mafia Italian-Canadian

Can a police force of only 28 thousand men, even as the legendary RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), to ensure an adequate standard of safety in a great country like Canada, with 34 million inhabitants, an area thirty times that of Italy eight thousand miles of border with the United States and sixty-six thousand kilometers of the Pacific coast and the Atlantic? Corporate extremely difficult, almost impossible, to deal with crime in general and drug trafficking in particular become more and more invasive and violent. The report of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington (2012), estimated at about 950 criminal groups in the country. The RCMP task is made even more difficult by a national political context rather unstable if you think that, over the past seven years, four times you went to early elections (the last in 2011).

Foreign criminals and mafia Italian-Canadian

The criminal landscape in Canada is, in fact, very varied, with groups of Asian origin, in particular Chinese and Thai who excel in the distribution of heroin, motorcycle gangs that have a monopoly in the trade of marijuana and synthetic drugs, Dominican and Jamaican associations groups in Canada and the inevitable (I'm a bit 'everywhere!) "experts" Colombians. A special mention should be made of the Italian mafia crime present for several decades in Toronto and Montreal. The Rizzuto family, a historic ally of Cuntrera-Caruana, is still dominant in the presence of his boss, Vito Rizzuto sessantasettenne. "Don" Vito, finished the sentence in the prison of Denver, a few months he returned home to Montreal, from his "family", determined not to give up the "business" initiated since the seventies. It would explain so few private meetings "work" had recently (January 2013), in the Dominican Republic. Far, then, from Canada, after a rather violent mafia war, which began about three years ago, the Irish mafia allied with gangs of bikers, against the "power" of the Rizzuto. A dispute began in December 2009, with the murder of Nick Rizzuto, in downtown Montreal, which was followed by the "white lupare" by Paolo Renda (May 2010), brother of Don Vito and Augustine recenter (June 2010) , godfather Vito. In November, the assassination dell'ottantaseienne Nicola Rizzuto, the patriarch of the "family", who was killed while he was in the kitchen by a sniper in the woods near his home. The killings continued in 2011, after an agreement to eliminate the Rizzuto and check the square of Montreal, signed earlier this year, in Vaughan (Toronto) Canadian members of the 'Ndrangheta (could not miss the Calabrian Mafia!) And Cosa Nostra. Is killed, so, while Antonio Di Salvo some goons try to kill (February) the wife of a "partner" of Rizzuto and, in October, the killers eliminate Lorenzo Lopresti. A month before had miraculously escaped an ambush Raynald Desjardin (linked to the Hells Angels bikers). In November, the Italian-Canadian is killed Salvatore Mantegna (nicknamed the "boss boy"). He grew up in Sicily and then in the Bronx becoming a leading exponent of the Bonanno family. This will end up in prison for murder Desjardin and Irish Jack Arthur Simpson, author of the murder. In November 2012, the murder of the old Joseph Di Mauro (a time close to the Rizzuto) and, more recently, in January 2013, the elimination, in Montreal, Gaetano Gosselin, near Desjardin, are still worrying signs of how the fight for the control of the territory is by no means complete. I am also concerned about those Italian citizens resident in Canada (131 thousand, more than 200 Italian companies), that with the vast majority of Canadians who reported having Italian ancestry (1.5 million), are well integrated in the fields of politics, commerce, information, culture.

The trafficking of drugs

For organized crime, of course, the thriving drug market continues to be the main target to keep under control. The RCMP, in 2012, estimated at about 15 billion Canadian dollars the amount of money laundered from drug trafficking. Huge seizures of Canadian marijuana in 2012 (data not yet official, speaking more than 40 tons), mostly from Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, which is grown in areas uninhabited and inaccessible areas. Greatly increased the cultivation of marijuana (consumption in Canada is among the highest in the world) in homes, sheds, greenhouses ("indoor grow operation"), a technique that allows for greater production (resulting in increased exports to the U.S. market ) and a product with a higher concentration of active ingredient (tetrahydrocannabinol, tHC). Hashish is predominantly of Jamaican origin and Indian, in the Vancouver area, is very widespread "Budder" hashish oil synthesized with a high percentage of THC. Heroin remains at low levels with seizures which amounted, on average, around 100 kg per year (with a peak in 2009 of 213 kg). The seizure in July of 2007, the first cultivation of opium in Afghanistan, was followed in August 2011, in Chilliwack (British Columbia), a field of just under three acres with 500 thousand plants "cured" by two Canadian of Indian origin. The cocaine market (sourced from Colombia and Peru), stable in the period 2005-2008, has increased sharply in 2009, with more than two tons and three hundred kilograms seized and, in 2010, with a ton found aboard a sailing ship with the Panamanian flag off the coast of Vancouver Island. In 2012, 170 kg seized in the port of Saint John (New Brunswick) hidden in the hollow parts of wooden pallets used to transport food from Guayana, were added to the 500 kg being imported by a motorcycle gang in Kelowna , all arrested. On the issue of synthetic drugs Canada continues to be among the world's largest producers of ecstasy with very competitive prices (less than ten dollars a pill) and sales techniques very "attractive" making pills "glitter", that is shiny. From the kidnappings of more than a ton of 2007's down to half a tonne in 2009 before recovering to around 700 kg in 2012 (as yet non-consolidated). Also notable is the production of methamphetamine with export significant quantities to the Japanese and Australian markets. Next to this "traditional" market of drugs, has been developing another that sees various substances such as LSD, ketamine, GHB the (gamma hidroxy butirate), the roypnol (derived from benzodiazepine), khat (very common among Ethiopian and Yemeni communities) and a popular drug, pills, called "hagigat" (Hebrew "hagica" which means "celebration" and khat) widespread in the Israeli community.

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