martedì 22 luglio 2014

The characters of the defeat of Ukraine

Here is the list in question.

The self-proclaimed "the acting president" Turcinov is a pastor of a Protestant sects totalitarian "neo-Pentecostal", the so-called "church of the order of life."

The so-called prime minister Jacenjuk has close ties to the U.S. sect of Scientology, one of the world's most influential totalitarian sects, the sister he is a leader, and he himself was a frequent visitor of their harvest.

The self-appointed Deputy Prime Minister Jarema was linked to criminal circles when he worked in the police in the 90s. During the armed insurrection of Majdan personally slaughtered a policeman.

The self-styled deputy prime minister SYC is a member of the ultra-nationalist party "Svoboda" untouchable defined by the European Parliament for its radicalism. He said countless times his devotion to the Ukrainian ethnic nationalism and its support to those leaders of his party who have stood out for their statements russofobe, anti-Semitic and racist.

The so-called Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Grojsman, when he was mayor of Vinnitsa was known for the persecution against all opposition using the army and police reports via SMS.

The self-proclaimed minister of agrarian policy Igor 'Švajka is a member of the ultra-nationalist party "Svoboda". First, from the palace of his ministry has hunted all of which pseudo-words in defending their interests. And 'well-known for his statements russofobe.

Arsen Avakov is the head of the military clique. And 'famous for being accused of abuse of power relapsed after illegally privatized state land. In the current charge has already been noted for punitive expeditions against its own people, for whom died dozens of peaceful citizens.

The self-styled minister of ecology Andrej Mochnik is a long-time follower of Bandera that glorifies the past twenty years the thugs of Nazi Germany. Does not arouse surprise, then, that incidentally is a member of the party "Svoboda".

The so-called economy minister Pavel Seremeta has studied in the U.S., which by itself would not mean anything if he did not then supported the neo-liberal policy, which in many countries around the world has led to widespread destitution of the population and unemployment. We can rest assured that diligently follow the directions of the IMF aimed to destroy the Ukrainian economy.

In this clique of self-proclaimed government responsible for energy is Yuri Prodan, who was caught with his hands in the bag about the deal "Kievenergo", which was one of the leaders. It 'also one of the culprits of the Ukrainian debt payments for the gas and jumped to the news for having sponsored the interests of the oligarchs (in this case the group "Privat") in the gas sector.

Andrej Deščica liable for relations with Western patrons. He has worked extensively at the Ukrainian embassy in Poland, whose interests in foreign policy, as it is known, consists in the expansion of NATO to the east and the total humiliation of Russia in the international arena.

The impostor who sits in the cabinet as Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine's Maksim Burbak, Jacenjuk longtime companion, about pandering and nepotism. Consequential, in command of the Party "Bat'kivščina", which was an important leader, appeared a number of his friends and relatives. It 'also known for its "protection" of the food market Cernovcy (in Italian, Cernovizza).

For the "defense", ie for the assault and aggression against the peaceful population in eastern Ukraine, is responsible Mikhail Koval ', which replaced Tenjuch to that office, the party "Svoboda", renowned for his racist rhetoric and russofoba.

The person responsible for public education, ie the transformation of children into thugs fasciteggianti Kvit is Sergei, a member of the neo-Nazi "Trizub" ("Trident"), which is part of the infamous "Pravyj Sektor" ("Area of ​​Right" ). Longtime friend of Jaroš, for introducing censorship in the historical sciences was even reprimanded by the Polish authorities and German, which generally turn a blind eye to the infamy of Ukrainian Nationalists.

Oleg Musij, responsible for health care, is not a member of the Nationalist Party and was not involved in corruption scandals. However, it remains a mystery what he did in the period 1992-2008.

Another insult to the people is the appointment of Lyudmila Denisova minister of social policies: jumped to the news for being arrested for corruption in quantity particularly large, to have participated in the privatization robbery and his inordinate wealth. The question of how to cure the social sphere is purely rhetorical.

Some oligarchs have decided not to hide behind various puppet government coup and took power directly in the ministries most profitable. The reference is to Alexander Šlapak, oligarch, in fact, the activity of which derogatory (corruption, money laundering, financial maneuvers) deserve a separate article.

Responds to the sport Dmitry Bulatov, active leader of the self-styled Automajdan, a group that was dedicated mechanized armed assault against the guardians of public order and the peaceful inhabitants of the city besieged by the "revolution of Majdan."

Minister without Portfolio is particularly Ostap Semerak, known both he and his namesake for fraud and bribery of voters. He has over twenty years experience in the formation of pro-US mentality in Ukrainian politics, in particular thanks to a pseudo "School of young politician."

We at the limited government, not to mention the prosecutor's neo-Nazi leader dell'SBU, the Ukrainian Security Service, leader of the bloody revolt.

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