sabato 12 luglio 2014

Pesticides in food


In the face of a slight decrease of the analyzed samples (8048 in 2012 compared to 8078 in
2011) the results were in line with last year: the percentage of samples vegetables
irregular stands still at 0.6% and that of the samples with only one remaining 18.3%.

The multi-residue samples decreased only by one percentage point to stand at 17.1%
(18.5% in 2011), in favor of an increase in regular samples without residues that reach to 64%
(62.9% in 2011).
It is the fruit that concentrates most of the multi-residue: 52.4% of the pears is smooth but with
more than one chemical compound, as well as 44.7% of the grapes, apples or 43.3% of the 42% of the strawberries.

It then shows a marked improvement in the category of processed products, where next to a
increase of regular samples (from 69.2% to 64% of 2012) and those with only one residue (from 16.5%
to 17.7% in 2012), it also adds an obvious decrease in multi-residue samples that
increased from 14.2% in 2011 to 8, 7% this year.

In the face of a slight decrease in multi residue (1%), there was an increase in
so-called samples from records. Samples are considered in good standing but that have different
chemicals-active and synergistic effects on human health and the environment should be
adequately verified through appropriate scientific studies.

Particularly evident cases of this phenomenon are found in different regions and often
relate to the same type of samples. This is the case of the Province of Bolzano, where 65% of
apple samples are multi residue. A sample of local apples is smooth but with six residues
different chemical (Boscalid, Captan, Clorphyrifos, Irodione, Clorantraniliprolo) and other 6 samples
of local apples are regular but each with 4 chemical residues.
Out of 22 wines analyzed, 13 are multi residue, and of these, 2 wines have respectively 8 residues
different chemical, other 2 wines and still have 6 3 with 5. fruits in, we highlight three samples
9 grapes with chemical residues simultaneously active. Among the most common active ingredients are found
the Captan, Boscalid and Dodina.

Over 96% of the wine samples analyzed by public laboratories in Friuli Venezia Giulia
regular multi residue. A sample of wine has up to 7 different chemical residues (Boscalid,
Cyprodinil, Azoxistrobin, Dimethomorph, Iprovalicarb, Metalaxyl Procymidone), 2 samples with 6
chemical residues and 5 others with as many different chemical residues, respectively.
83, 3% of the samples of apples are multi residue and residues are found more frequently
of Boscalid, Clorphyrifos (volatile insecticide), Captan and Etofenprox (insecticide); in 95% of
instead there are traces of citrus Clorphyrifos (insecticide), Fenhexamid (fungicide), while
Imazalil (fungicide) was infrequent but large quantities.

Similar cases are found in the analytical results generated by laboratories in Piedmont, where a
sample of oranges have been traced up to 5 chemical residues (Clorphyrifos, Difelinnamina,
Fenexamide, Orthophenyl, Tebuconazole), a sample of fennel with 4 residues (cyprodinil,
Fenexamide, Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl), a sample of strawberries with 6 chemical residues (Boscalid,
Bupirimate, Cyprodinil, Fludioxonil, Iprodion, Pyrimethanil), a sample of pears with 5 residues
chemicals (Carbendazim, Azoxistrobina, Fludioxonil, Iprodion, Cyprodinil), 2 samples of grapes
respectively with 4:06 remaining (Clorphyrifos, Cyprodinil, Metalaxyl Penconazole, Pirimetamil,
Trifloxystrobina), a wine with 5 chemical residues (Boscalid, Cyprodinil, Fenexamide, Fludioxonil, 8
Lambdacyhalothrin). In neighboring Liguria active substances are most frequently traced
Boscalid, imazalil (in citrus fruits) and Chlorpyrifos-ethyl.

In Emilia Romagna irregularities were found in pears, peaches, strawberries, cherries, plums,
plums and pomegranates, and apricots and cherries are the samples that were found more than
five different active ingredients. Of these, however, can not be traced, so you may
they also include samples on the market but from other non-EU countries.

In general, the irregularities are mainly due to exceeding the maximum residue limits
(MRLs) of active substances authorized by law. This is the case of Calabria which were found
upper limits to the law in a sample of chili containing Myclobutanil and pyridaben and
a sample of peaches with Dimethoate. Instead, in the Veneto region, in samples of strawberries, dill, peas
spring and Okra were traced residues of chemicals no longer authorized in Italy for
these crops (Oxamyl, Flusilazole, Monocrotophos, Boscalid).

Among the active substances most frequently found in the samples regular multi residue:
Boscalid, Captan, Clorphyrifos, Fenaximide, Fludioxonil, Triadimenol, Phosmet, Penconazole,

The data extant in the complex have a wide variability regarding both the number of
samples examined from region to region and both the results themselves. From the methodological point of view,
Also this year, missing data Abruzzo and Molise that we were not provided the data.
While the data of Sicily having been aggregated in a different way than the matrix used and
failing to distinguish between regular samples with a residue and those with more than one residue, do not
were counted in the final table.
The regional offices do not always provide complete information about the origin of the samples and
active ingredients that have been found in the samples. In general, however, where this information
are provided and are also analyzed a number of samples, the most frequent are the

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