giovedì 17 luglio 2014

The superbomb of the future

Hot summers dry and thirsty ground, springs shaken by storms and floods. That the climate is changing before our eyes is now accepted by all. It 'just a figment of our way of life depends on other factors, we are not able to control? That is: what impact on the growing number of weather manipulation experiments climate? For what purpose are being made? To combat global warming, or to speed it up? The alarm is raised by environmentalists, focused on the reduction of harmful emissions, but also by the "conspiracy", convinced of the existence of a genuine "climate crime", a hit for planetary manipulation to control the population and the economy various parts of the world: many experiments studying how climate change artificially, cause rain or drought, tornadoes and storms trigger.

Some time ago, says Andrea Degl'Innocenti on the "Change" was the "Guardian" to publish a map of the world geoengineering Nikola Teslaprodotta by the ETC Group, an international organization that strives for sustainability and human rights. Geo-engineering: techniques of artificial human intervention on the physical environment, from the atmosphere to the oceans, to the rocks by the water. Always the British newspaper also shows a list of institutions, organizations and corporations involved in the experiments on the climate. According to the report, the first test date back to the 40s, when the United Fruit Company, now Chiquita, tried to influence the climate of Honduras. In all 115 pages full of information certificates, which attest to a proliferation of experiments on how to change the Earth's climate, for many purposes. The most frequent are those relating to the increase or decrease of the rains; only Italy has a population of less than 7, from the seventies to the present day. The latter are those of the project "CLIMAGRI", with tests for the reduction of rain.Haarp

"The document - writes" The Change "- demonstrates unequivocally that are going on, since more than sixty years, studies and experiments on how to manipulate the Earth's climate, led by governments around the world with the help of private companies , institutes, multinational companies. "But how far you can push the weather manipulation, and for what purpose? Here there are no certainties true, admits Degl'Innocenti, for a number of reasons: "Lack of documentation, reticence on the part of the media and the political class to address these issues openly, obscurantism and attempts to hide the true purpose of the transaction in question. "There remain only the hypothesis, supported by the most disparate theories. For science officer, the human capacity to influence the climate is minimal. Experiments behind closed doors, protected by the intelligence services? "Some data - Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyansostiene" The Change "- seem to show that the ability of weather manipulation goes far beyond the official position of the scientific community."

A recent article in the "Daily Mail" reveals the work of a team of scientists secretly hired by the President of the UAE, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Mission accomplished: those researchers were able to generate 50 powerful storms in Abu Dhabi. Then China: in 2007, the Beijing government announced that it had resulted in the first artificial snowfall over the city of Nagqu. Moreover, "it is shown that one can generate artificially large tornado also, that you are even trying to draw clean energy." Spectacular demonstrations of an Italian pioneer, Professor Pierluigi Ighina, who performed well in front of the (awestruck) cameras "Report": a former pupil of Guglielmo Marconi, Ighina showed that thicken or disperse clouds using a tool created by him, propeller covered with aluminum powder, which - depending on the direction of rotation - was loaded positively or negatively, with opposite effects on clouds: the lure until he could unleash a storm or, on the contrary, Pierluigi Ighinadisperderle enough to bring back the rain.

Ighina, whose theories have never been recognized by the scientific community, also claimed to have invented a machine that can prevent earthquakes: a kind of great finds an outlet valve through which the energy contained in the subsurface. "In terms of air conditioning - continued" The Change "- Ighina is certainly not the only example of a scientist out of the chorus: before him there were many who study the behavior of energy and its transmission." Nikola Tesla, the last period of his life, he was working on a method of transmitting energy without wires called "teleforce", dubbed by the U.S. media "peace ray" or "death ray" because of its destructive potential. Tesla died, many of his papers were seized by the U.S. government and branded as "top secret".

Taking up the study of Tesla, in the eighties the physical Texan Bernard Eastlund, the MIT in Boston, he recorded a series of patents, of which the first one called "Method and equipment for changing a region of the atmosphere, magnetosphere and ionosphere." Even his patents were "kept secret" and then used for the development of the HAARP project, "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program." The declared aim of HAARP: to study the effect of electromagnetic waves on communications. But many suspects: HAARP could be used to test interventions weather manipulation. I do not say only "conspiracy" but also the Duma, the Russian parliament: "Under the HAARP program, the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the natural elements with high-frequency radio waves." According to Moscow, "the Haarpsignificato of this jump is comparable to the transition from the weapon white to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons."

And 'likely that the development of technology has reached the point of being able to have an appreciable influence on climate, to be able to cause disasters on command? The official news remains fragmentary. In January 2002, Rome and Washington signed an agreement called the "Italy-US cooperation on science and technology of climate change." The stated objective: to develop technologies for renewable energy. But already in the report, notes Andrea Degli'Innocenti, it said that one of the aims there was the "execution of eco-physiological research on different experimental sites where Italians are artificially modified environmental conditions to which it is exposed vegetation ". Among the objectives of the Italo-American, even the "design of technologies for the manipulation of environmental conditions with particular reference to the control of temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration."

More recently, two engineers at Harvard University have announced their intention to enter sulfates into the atmosphere via balloons, a sort of spray, which would be able to reflect part of the sun's rays, thus decreasing the temperature of the planet. "The experiment would take place for now only on small areas, but the two do not deny the possibility of a future more extensive use of the method," explains "The Change". On the other hand it is argued that substances capable of changing climate are already commonly released into the atmosphere: "One theory is widely used in the network, billions of nanoparticles would be daily chimichediffuse trails through the so-called" chemtrails ", contrails motes white and persistent released into the sky from aircraft are not reported. "A recent discovery, coming even from Harvard, would seem to confirm some of the theoretical insights of "chemtrails".

According to the "Daily Mail", the atmosphere would be scattered in different quantities of "atmospheric particles the size of a fraction of a human hair," which "may affect climate change." And where they come from, these particles? Exhaust gas of the car? Incinerators? "One can not rule out the possibility that they have been released into the atmosphere specially for artificially manipulate the climate." For what purpose? Foundations, corporations and governments that invest in research on weather modification argue that the goal is one: to combat global warming and to study the possible future scenarios. But the military tests are now Naomi Kleinstoria: with Operation Popeye, during the Vietnam War, it is known that the U.S. tried to extend the monsoon season over Laos loading clouds with silver iodide.

Put your hands on the climate, concludes, "The Change", is in itself a risky game and unforeseeable consequences. According to an international team of scientists led by the European Geosciences Union, "geoingegneristica a solution to climate change could result in a significant reduction of rainfall and have undesirable effects on the Earth and the human race." Experiments for new weapons invisible and dreams of domination? Or, more simply, a cynical economic motivation. Naomi Klein explains in his "Shock Doctrine": the most powerful corporations in the world make huge profits from disasters and global warming. "The future disasters - writes Canadian journalist - will not need secret conspiracies." According to Klein, everything suggests that disasters will continue in succession with increasingly fierce intensity. "The generation of disasters, therefore, can be left to the invisible hand of the market: this is an area where the market really works."

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