venerdì 11 luglio 2014

The article that corporations would not you ever read

The article that corporations would not you ever read

They lied to us for years and continue to do so under our eyes:

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Each day a hundred thousand people die of hunger, a quarter of whom are children. Twelve million children under the age of fourteen working in industry exports. Most of the time their working conditions are inhuman. Producing consumer goods that are sold all over the world, to you, to you, to me, even from companies known brands with earnings of billions. Millions of people die in war, so that large companies can carry on the arms trade and can get valuable raw materials. "It's the economy, stupid", replied often Bill Clinton, former President of the United States: of course, it's called the economy, stupid! Behind poverty and war, racism and environmental destruction, dismantling of the welfare state and discrimination are hiding mostly economic interests. Globalization is now implemented, carried out deliberately by the lobbies of large corporations and governments, has made ​​it difficult to even answer a simple question such as "Who owns the world?" Money means power. Multimillionaires and billionaires would not be as rich as they are, if they had the power and authority they have. And that power if they buy with the money they already have: those who have money multiplies them with relative ease and the rich is more likely to protect its assets. If money means power, multinational means money, then it means multinational power. The "multinational" is defined as the fusion of several companies in a single economic unit and the increasing globalization has strongly promoted the establishment of multinational companies through facilitating the international exchange of goods, capital and services. Today, almost all of these companies profiting from the production of so-called countries with low labor costs. It is impressive to discover, for example, that Exxon Mobil, - whose products are gas stations, fuel and lubricants trademarks of Esso and Mobil - invoices annually $ 390 billion, more than an entire country, Poland, for example, where the annual GDP of 339 billion dollars. However, it is really relevant to a study conducted recently ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Zurich, which is one of the best universities in the world, which are linked to a dozen Nobel Prizes. The study has for its subject the network of corporations that have influence on the global market competition and financial stability. And this is the first study that has examined the architecture of the international ownership of the network and the control potential of each corporation: that the actual influence of shareholders in the economic strategy. So looking at 37 million economic entities in 194 countries, between people and businesses, it has come to be considered important to 43 060 multinational corporations or TNCs (Transnational Corporations). It is thus seen that there is a core of 1300 companies which only controls about half of all corporations, and the ownership of which remains largely in the nucleus itself, through complicated mechanisms of mutual participation. That is, there is a small group of multinational corporations, closely related, which hold the majority of shares of each other: 737 of the largest shareholders hold 80% of the control of all the most important multinationals. In other words, about 4/10 of the control of all the corporations in the world is in your hand (through an intricate network of relationships and properties) to only 147 corporations that have full control of their own: most are financial intermediaries. In addition, firms with more investments are related to each other, the so-called rich-club phenomenon: the rich are getting richer. But why a corporation should be considered as a negative phenomenon? The answer is always the same: money. Who has the money and who gains much to the detriment of the rest of the population, are the same people who give us education, health care, information, food and clothing. Usually corporations are listed companies, of which individuals or institutions, have holdings in the form of shares, and they have powerful representation bodies. Several TNCs influence on governments and international institutions for their own ends, manipulating public opinion, the democraza, taking advantage of cheap labor, destroying entire environmental areas, leading to death, very often, underpaid workers are forced to work over 14 hours day for a few cents. Who has money, he also holds the power, so who gives us drinking water, clothing, entertainment, information, jobs and occupations and interests is not the government, or the state, but very often the same companies or companies that the other side of the world have just cleared yet another forest in the Amazon and funded yet another civil war in the Congo.
With the passing years are gradually surfacing on the surface of the top secret documents many multinationals, making consequently trigger public opposition. The information sincere, effective and direct as always plays a vital role in combating the lobby and multinationals. Precisely for this reason, below we offer a "card" distinctive of the largest corporations documented:
Fast food chain, an annual turnover of around 22.8 billion dollars - updated to 2009.
The charges that are moved are those of exploitation of workers in supplier companies and sales offices, catastrophic environmental and social consequences in the production of forage. According to McDonald's every day 52 million people eat in one of the 30000's subsidiaries around the world. Documents show that in Brazil, where the dear Donald procures raw materials, many workers work in difficult conditions and even reduced to the level of slaves. He was accused of importing genetically modified soya to produce hamburgers and was forced, after numerous campaigns of Greenpeace in 2006 to comply with the ethical and moral codes for the production. In addition, animals that provide the meat burgers are forced to continue pregnancies and are pumped full of antibiotics and drugs and are often bred under hygienic conditions that border on the Middle Ages. McDonald's does not sell only sandwiches and refreshing drinks but also the famous Happy Meal that contain within them toys for children. In the summer of 2000, an organization of Hong Kong reported that the production of these toys are exploited 160 children aged between 12 and 13 years, who were receiving fake documents and 1,50 € per day compensation. When Klaus Werner-Lobo, author of the book "The book that multinationals would not you ever read" denounced the fact, company representatives said that they were already working to fix the problem. 5 years later, the Vietnamese workers who produced the figures for the Happy Meal claimed to have been treated like animals, working 12 hours a day, during which they could use only a glass of water and two visits to the toilet. In 2007, the magazine Frontal21 interviewed a former shift manager at McDonald's admitted that the nightmare of every customer: "More than once I caught colleagues who spat in sandwiches, as a sign of frustration at McDonald's."
Bayer AG
Bayer is one of the most powerful chemical and pharmaceutical groups in the world. It produces drugs, plant protection products and the brand Bayer Schering as Aspirin, Alka - Seltzer, Supradyn, Yasmin and many others.
The annual turnover dating back to 2007 is 32.4 billion euro; allegations that are moved are distributing medicines and dangerous pesticides, exploitation in the production processes and research. In 1952, Bayer, along with other pharmaceutical companies, became part of IG Farben, who collaborated actively in National Socialism. During the war he produced for the Nazis, the gas Zyklon B, which was used in the death camps for the mass murder of the Jews - the famous gas that leaked from the showers. The H.C. Starck, until 2007 the Bayer subsidiary, manufactures tantalum, a precious metal used in the manufacture of electronic components for mobile phones, computers and other technology products. Through the sale of this material, the company has contributed for years to finance the civil war in the Congo between 1998 and 2003 that cost the lives of more than 5 million people. In 2003, the United States, hemophiliacs filed a lawsuit against Bayer and other companies in the sector, as these were produced and sold in the eighties, contaminated drugs, among other things, by the HIV virus. Still, in 2007 it became known that the partner companies of multinational Levekusen in India, continued to be employed hundreds of children.
ExxonMobil Corporation
Service stations, fuel and lubricants trademarks of Esso and Mobil. Turnover dating back to 2007: $ 390 billion.
ExxonMobil is the company with the largest turnover and higher profits in the world. The charges that are moved are those of: indirect financing of civil wars and arms trafficking, environmental destruction of millions of people in the territories and oil lobbying against environmental protection. In a study of the UCS - Union of Concerned Scientists - was able to demonstrate that ExxonMobil, with a lot of money and a sophisticated strategy, managed for years to conceal scientific discoveries, to manipulate politicians, the media and the public and to impede the adoption of measures to reduce CO2 emissions. In many countries, ExxonMobil has been accused by environmental and humanitarian organizations known to have caused the destruction of the natural environment or have supported corrupt regimes. Even today, ExxonMobil is leading a consortium that has made a huge oil pipeline in Chad and Cameroon. According to some humanitarian organizations, much of the money paid to the government of Chad has been used for the purchase of weapons. Those who have criticized this project have suffered persecution and intimidation.
Obviously the list of corporations that trample on human rights, environmental deforest entire areas and exploit the population that's not all; we have an example of some of the largest TNCs in the world but the list goes on and on. Rircordiamo Apple, Microsoft, Kraft, Nike, Adidas, Reebok, H & M, Mattel, Monsanto, Nokia, Siemens and so on.
Free from judgment, free to think, free to interpret.
Sources: "The book that multinationals would not you ever read" - Klaus Werner - Lobo
OS.C.AR. Report Observatory (Arms Trade) IRES Toscana (Institute of Social and Economic Research of Tuscany)

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