martedì 1 luglio 2014

The Earth, desolate, sobbing.

"Shaken and poisoned by his own blood, as if his very soul was torn. This planet is blasphemy shapeless in the throat of the Universe. With military bases in every corner, armed armies everywhere, and piles of shame so high, the Earth, desolate, sobbing. "
(Eugene Yevtushenko)

Things you already know.
Everyone today talks about ecology and biochemical structures of living organisms they are distributed in the organic and inorganic chemicals.
But, even if you know the cycle of the elements and the natural equilibrium Their self-determined compensation, human activity pours into the biosphere products in quantity and rhythms to which the environment can not adapt, and the man first , being the most delicate ring of the chain. Solar energy passes through forests, fields, oceans; organisms interact with each other to maintain the structure and functions of the community; the physical and chemical forces of the system are circulated repeatedly, in ecological succession, with precise balance in which life is born and develops. Every grade, every percentage of values​​, it is perfectly calculated to be as close to all the others and can not vary. Meanwhile, today, after having passed the point of no return, they are discussing whether to give up fertilizers and preservatives with the fear of starvation, or from nuclear power not to die of cancer and leukemia.
And while we are discussing, the atmosphere becomes more and more dirty oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, clorofluorcarburi, carbon dioxide, with processes that destroy ozone, trapping thermal radiation, creating the greenhouse effect increasing temperatures, melting glaciers , disrupts the seasons and the hydrological cycle, expanding deserts and rain outside UV rays. The rains are mixed sulfuric acid and nitric acid to acidify lakes, land, kill the forests, erode respiration. In the water they end up about 5,000 chemicals made ​​of fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, preservatives, dyes. So these 4 million km3 of drinking water on the planet, in its natural circle, get stronger compounds including phosphates, heavy metals, oils and petrochemical industries, added to what was already raining from the sky. And everything is mixed and ends up in the soil becomes salty, poisonous. Everything enters the food chain, causing irreversible accumulation of toxicosis liver, nerve, cancer, immune and genetic lesions, allergies, largely unknown. The forests and the seas die, life succumbs more and more, but the man not happy, produces the worst poisons: pharmaceutical chemicals that tend to treat some effect causing injury to other parts of the body. Experiments with genetic engineering organisms that escape lethal laboratories and become incurable. Continues with technology in an increasingly sophisticated range of generators of electromagnetic waves, radio, TV, motors, power lines, microwave ovens, computers, etc.., Which damage the nervous system due to the electromagnetic bombardment on our body, interfering with the delicate network of electrical signals.
Our body is a delicate veil in front of these fast waves or particles. An example is the deadly swarm that accompanies an atomic explosion already proven capable of producing a blak-out to 2000 km away, among other things, the magnetic penetrating heat kills the cells of the affected area. Not yet content with this, the man continues to produce radiation from nuclear power. It has been recently proposed to the public by a Canadian company a small nuclear power plant in home use. It's a good idea to encourage the private nuclear terrorism. A single terrorist can blow up the atomic war. A very serious is the spread of radon gas from the atomic decay of uranium, wherever it is present. The radon gas triggers the fission reactions on fissile elements found in nature, or even better in the reserves or stockpiles of radioactive waste. It should be borne in mind some mysterious explosion occurred in certain places on the planet. The radioactive material spreads easily through the cycle of air and water, accumulate in organisms. Handling, breathing or drinking radiation that shows the life cycle, it is only a matter of years to manifest tumor diseases. These particles pierce the DNA of our cells, disturbing the duplication that goes with crazed cells, neoplastic.
Experimental science plays with life, without wanting to respect the knowledge of the cause and function. The interdependence of each physico-chemical factor, binds each other living organisms in an order well crafted by natural cycles that man should not handle. Billions of years it took to create a wealth of different solutions to living systems.
From a passage of the American Indian culture: "The Earth was created with the help of the sun, and should remain so. The Earth was made without dividing lines and it is not man divide. The Earth is the Mother, and is sacred. Each step on you should be as a prayer. "

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