martedì 15 luglio 2014

The bees of the multinational

Bees robots for military use, and of course GMO multinationals 


Pollinators play a vital role in the sexual reproduction of plants. When you eat an almond, a beet, watermelon, or even when you drink your coffee, you're tasting the fruit of the ancient relationship between flowers and animal pollinators. 
Unfortunately, since the nineties, the health of bees, all over the world, was also in danger due to the increase in test points of new toxic pesticides, created by companies such as Shell and Bayer, among others. These problems of contamination must also add that, because of the increasing spread of the GMOs monoculture, created in the labs of biotech companies like Monsanto, the loss of genetic diversity has caused many problems for small bees. 

But do not worry, commonly known pollinators, birds and bees, may soon be irrelevant to the food needs of civilization. In fact, Harvard Robotics is developing a solution to the crisis: piccoleapi swarms of robots, built in titanium and plastic that can pollinate the gigantic expanses of GMO crops. 
The laboratory microrobotics Harvard he worked on his project of Micro Air Vehicles beginning of 2009. Drawing on the knowledge developed in the field of biomechanics and studying the social organization of bees, the team of researchers is building small robots winged suit to fly from flower to flower, immunialle toxins dripping from the petals of the flowers to spread pollen. Scientists also believe that soon they will be able to program the robot to live bees in a hive artificial, coordinating different algorithms to be able to communicate with each other about the different methods of pollination and the location of particular crops.

Of course, the reports issued by the laboratory also describe potential military uses, such as surveillance and mapping, however small robot bees have not yet been equipped with retractable stingers equipped with neurotoxin.

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