sabato 12 luglio 2014

A victory against the multinationals

virunga gorillasA victory against the multinationals, the Virunga National Park has been saved 
Planet Earth is continually marred by human greed, which does not scruple to wreak havoc territories for its sinister interests of death. The Earth undergoes any type of bullying, and "milked" of all its resources, since it does not count more than the beauty and harmony, but only degradation which can encyst inhumanity alien life on this planet.

Things are not always bad, sometimes a "miracle" occurs, as happened in the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the oldest in Africa, where the activities of the British oil company Soco International PLC, have been detained and can not continue in oil exploration.

In this case, a corporation was stopped and a UNESCO World Heritage Site has been saved thanks to the WWF and all the activists who have not given up, but who continued to fight to preserve this piece of life, of which are part of the gorilla "silver back" who are the main inhabitants of the Virunga, now reduced to a few specimens.

It all started last October following a complaint against the WWF Soco at the OECD, the organization that drives the multinational cooperation and economic development, bringing 750 thousand people around the world to sign a petition to safeguard this World Heritage Site.

It is hoped that this will serve as defining a new course, in which the interests of local communities and the planet are, however, before those of private companies. Was also in danger Lake Edward, but above 50 thousand families who depend on the resources of this basin, for work, food and drinking water.

The evil and wants to destroy pressed continuously trying to separate my life. Alien forces in this humanity channels are constantly trying to feed at the expense of the planet Earth that needs to be fleeced of all its resources. Greed knows no limit and the pressure from the multinationals become ever more pressing.

The consciousness of this planet is still ignorant for it to be cohesive in fighting evil. Too many flaws are still present and the job can seem so great as to arouse frustration. Love is patience and persistence, and in this case a leak has been repaired and the Park of the Virunga has not fallen in the bloody hands of evil.

These flaws are present in the consciousness of the planet, but are also present in each of us that we do parte.Cerchiamo, where life has placed us, to heal our parts greedy, they work by having to separate their own interests at heart. In this way we will help to heal your life as a whole.

It should however be vigilant, because evil does not give up easily because they do not contemplate defeat. The consciousness of the planet will be shaped by "small" everyday gestures that they love in the first place, courageous gestures that go against the opposing evil even when it seems to go against our interests.

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