sabato 26 luglio 2014

Indiscriminate action against civilians

I tried between words and embarrassed titles of newspapers and national news to find out if there is a way to understand something of the story of the Gaza Strip and, unfortunately, it seems to me to be in front of yet another attempt to re-mystification of reality and words. There is no civil courage to call things by their name, and those who try is accused of being "with the terrorists", whoever that is, try to question the legitimacy of military action by Israel must necessarily pass for "legitimate right of defense."

The facts, facts. The numbers. Against ten thousand deaths does not tell of a war. We can call it a "punitive expedition", a "massacre," an "indiscriminate action against civilians," a "genocide" ... but not a war. And they are terrible excuses.

Israel does not even bother to deny that they have knowingly bombed a UN school refuge and is justified: "We had news of terrorists in the school." And so in the name of legitimacy to defend themselves from indiscriminate rocket by an Islamic organization justify everything: shoot on ambulances; bombing with helicopters, with the F16, with cluster bombs, phosphorous bombs with, bombing schools, convoys and UN headquarters knowing to fire on civilians ... (and this is not "terrorism"? Dov 'is the difference?). And then there's the ideological apparatus, television deployed to emphasize that it is a "war against Hamas"; the frantic search for statements in accordance with the logic of the "level playing field" (yes, even though Hamas launched rockets!) underscores the President of the Jewish Community of Rome ("Hamas uses children as shields").

Let's say you have news of the presence of groups of the Camorra in Secondigliano. Living close to others in the same neighborhoods, in the same buildings. Have children, relatives, neighbors ... what do we do? We send Tornado bombing? We make them shoot from aircraft carriers at anchor in the Bay of Naples? We send the tanks on the streets of Naples? Shave down entire neighborhoods and we justify that there were killed by the Camorra? We justify the killing of the children because they had the guilt of being close to the Camorra or because their homes were no weapons? You would find it all so normal?

Because this is what is happening. Gaza is not much bigger than a neighborhood of Naples, and no one finds it strange that the fourth military power (and nuclear) will throw the world with all its military potential, air force, navy, artillery, infantry against a "ghetto" (with the highest density of population in the world) besieged for several years. No one finds anything objectionable in the fact that over a thousand deaths a third are women and children.

In Warsaw, in the '40s, the same happened. The Nazis closed all the Jews in the ghetto. They closed all entrances (crossings). They blocked all their economic activities. The Jews were organized with small businesses smuggling (the tunnel through which passes the food and weapons). Someone began to organize resistance. A few Molotov cocktail (Kassan rockets). At the appointed time, the Nazis decided to attack the ghetto and began the massacre (a legitimate act of defense of the race!) ... Machine guns against guns and Molotov cocktails. Tanks against bare hands. Ideology of race against the struggle for survival. The God of the Nazis against the God of Israel. All this happened in Warsaw.

Stating this is anti-Semitism? Someone can legitimately be "anti-Israel" without this "anti-Semitic"? Is there any jew in the world who can honestly acknowledge the atrocities of a "Jewish state" (as defined Israel journalists) who has never even met one of the UN resolutions against it (Iraq was bombed for this ), which violates the most basic human rights, which starves an entire people, closes in a ghetto, it causes all the time and at the end of the bombing from the air, by sea and by land, leaving no way out? This is the consequence of terrorism or "is" terrorism?

I have fixed in my mind and in my heart the image of the child in the Warsaw ghetto with the bewildered look and hands behind your head and find that it is surprisingly equal to that of every Palestinian child (or any other people) killed in the name ravings of theories of "national defense" of the Jewish state (or of any other state, of any ideology of race, Nazi, Jewish, Christian or Islamic). I know the Bible and I know, dear Jews of Israel, who are your prophets themselves (which are ours) to condemn your actions ... That picture condemns you and tells you that you are using the same barbaric methods of your former oppressors and ... I do not think you have much to fear something that you yourself generated by anti-Semitism (not a state you are in danger you have money, political support and just enough power to guarantee the impunity) as the "revenge" of the God of Israel that "crushes wars "and punishes" all the workers of iniquity! "

Don Milani, one day, sat in front of his boys a picture of a man with his hands tied behind their backs and kneeling on the ground while another man was pointing the gun to his head and asked abruptly to his boys: "You, by which side are you on? ". No matter the uniform. An oppressor is an oppressor. A murderess is a murderess. A terrorist is a terrorist, whether Kassan launches rockets to hit indiscriminately here and there, is that pilots an F16 or a tank Israeli army to strike indiscriminately entire neighborhoods (and, if anything, are the proportions are staggering! ). A man is a man and if there is to be on the right side you have to be always on the side of the weak, the poor, innocent children ... of all the ghettos of history, they have never named, nor religion, nor political affiliations. Kids are kids and it is not their fault they are children of Jews or Muslims. They have a right to live, forever. And do not shoot the children, ever.
by  Gianfranco Formenton*
Source : www.adistaonline

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