martedì 8 luglio 2014

Red Brigades and secret services


History is littered with incidents and events that remain shrouded in mystery. The kidnapping councilor of the DC Ciro Cirillo by the Red Brigades, which involved the secret services, senior leaders of the national policy and the Nuova Camorra organized by Cutolo, is one of these. Many questions related to the facts, the actors involved and the reasons that led to the kidnapping of Cirillo and his release have not been answered. Definitely too little time has elapsed since July 1981, when the political Tower of Greek was released by his captors. 
Many protagonists of the events could not bear the weight of the truth that most likely lead to the fore the implications of less tolerable compromise between politics, organized crime, economy and subversion. The kidnapping, in fact, is located in one of the most turbulent periods in the history of Italy, the early eighties, marked by economic crisis since the second half of the seventies has left its mark on the social fabric. The Red Brigades, the black terrorism, banditry, and the struggle between Cutoliani belonging to the New Family, Cosa Nostra are the answer to extreme poverty, ignorance and the inability of institutions to contain the gap between North and South, between masters and workers, between center and periphery. 
In April of 1981, Raffaele Cutolo was in a maximum security prison in Ascoli Piceno. He had been transferred to that institution of punishment after the earthquake of 23 November 1980. Campania While the whole seething for reconstruction, "O 'Professor" Cutolo continued to conduct his business from behind the golden bars of a cell with all comfort at head of the New organized Camorra, one of the biggest criminal organizations in Italy, perhaps the most powerful Cosa Nostra after.
Raffaele Cutolo was born in Ottaviano, a small town in the countryside near Naples, December 20, 1941. Here he had his first contacts with the underworld when his father, digger, he entrusted himself to the local boss, Alfredo Maisto, to cope with embezzlement of large owner don Aversa who did not want to grant privileges on the farm. In the dense web of patronage, which is typical of the Camorra, the little Raphael was an accomplice to the murder of a cattle market of Aversa. A broker, linked to Don Alfredo Maisto, took him to negotiate the purchase of certain animals and to prevent the checks at the entrance of the market, gave the kid a revolver. Once inside the enclosure of the fair, the gentleman began to argue with another seller and in the heat of the quarrel drew his pistol from his pants pocket Raffaele. He fired. A blow to the stomach dismissed the counterparty. He put the gun back in his pocket and the boy returned to the farm of his father Cutolo unhindered by the security forces. 
In a family marked by the presence of numerous mentally ill, a cousin of his father and two grandchildren suffered from schizophrenia and an uncle and aunt were congenital idiots, Raphael was distinguished by remarkable intelligence, in addition to curiosity and cunning. However, once finished elementary school, he abandoned his studies, he was convinced to be a genius and have skills as a miracle worker. He was an apprentice at a blacksmith and carpenter. It is said that in his spare time did the healer, in fact her aunt, who all considered the point of death, at his command suddenly rose to his feet and made ​​coffee. He said he could not afford to pay for a funeral. 

In the early sixties he led a small band specializing in extortion and petty theft. In those years, the Camorra was no longer the sect, the faction that had dominated throughout the nineteenth century, the criminal scene in Naples. The Beautiful Company Reformed, in fact, was the captain of Frabboni smashes in the early years of the twentieth century, with the process for the case Cuocolo.
At the time, dominated the Neapolitan Camorra. He had imposed his presence in every social sphere. The Camorra men harassed the general population with heavy blackmail applied to any business. Were present in the salons of the bourgeoisie and were beginning to peep inside the exclusive circles of the nobility. As soon as the echo of the antics of the leaders of the Camorra stepped through the doors of the elegant palace of Capodimonte, the residence of Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta, the exponent of the House of Savoy declared war on Beautiful Company. 
The opportunity to make a clean sweep of organized crime in Naples is presented following the murder of Gennaro Cuocolo and his wife Mary Cutinelli. The fact that blood will lead to one of the processes most of the tangled history of Italy in which the protagonists were the police, public security in conflict with the "deserving" and countless repent. The investigation inevitably led to the weakening of the Camorra, following the arrest of its capintesta and capintriti.

The trial was held in Viterbo, in a former church, held in classroom court with huge cage in which he was incarcerated all the staff of the Reformed Beautiful Company. The verdict which read the sentence to thirty years for murder and principals was read on July 8, 1912. 
Fascism gave a decisive blow to criminal organizations. The Prefect Mori at the head of a veritable army put an end to the excessive power of the Mafia in Sicily. The strong and effective state presence and institutions in every area, economic and social, allowed to contain the spreading of criminal phenomena in large scale. Many mafia leaders, former Camorra and common criminals as immigrants found refuge areas in the New World. 
And from America, after the fall of Mussolini came the new leadership of the crime. Lucky Luciano, was contacted in prison by U.S. naval intelligence. The head of "Murder Inc." who for years had dominated the scene of prostitution and drug rackets in North America, he was responsible for establishing a network of contacts with some of the old mafia bosses to promote the advance of the Allies in Italy. On October 1943, Naples was occupied by the Anglo-Americans and the side of the new governor of the territories freed Charles Poletti was, as an interpreter, the deputy of the Crime Syndicate Luciano, Vito Genovese. Immediately established contacts with members of the smuggling and black market that they fed to an entire city, prostrated by the war. Many of these were thugs that they shared the sectors of an economy reduced to the bone.

The fruit and vegetable markets were under the control of Alfredo Maisto, Raffaele Esposito and Antonio Baiano. Pasquale Simonetti, known as "Pascalone 'and Nola" was busy extort farmers while the brothers were fighting Spavone the market for "blondes" of smuggling with the Julian and Mormon. 
It was a decidedly different view from the one in which stood the top-down organization of the Good Society Reformed, in which the people recognized, from the earliest years of the nineteenth century, the plot of a shadow government with which they had to compromise the Bourbons first, Garibaldi and the Piedmontese then. In fact, in 1860 the Camorra was so powerful and enjoyed such authority that Liborio Romano, Minister of Police, took charge of the city guard the supreme head of the Reformed Beautiful Company, Salvatore De Crescenzo, "Tore 'and Criscienzo" that Cutolo was inspired by several times to the organization of its Nuova Camorra. 
At that time, the hierarchies, the duties and responsibilities of the institution were rigidly fixed by the criminal capintesta, which made ​​reference to the twelve capintriti that monitored and regulated many areas of influence in Naples. The organ that controlled and judged the work of the Camorra on the basis of frieno, a statute rigid, established on the farce line of code to a secret society Spanish of the fifteenth century, it was the court of the Great Mother. The so-called "card tresette ', the gangsters after the war, were very far from the sectarian model of the Camorra nineteenth century. 

They were much closer to the unscrupulous trader, which contrasted the competition with a pistol instead of rebates. 
One of them is precisely that Spavone Antonio Cutolo will have the opportunity to meet and hate during his first stay in prison. 
Carmine's brother, said, "'O Malommo," took his nickname after his death, which occurred on January 3, 1945, following a duel with John Mormon. They had entered the conflict zones of influence of the smuggling of cigarettes and Carmine was less fortunate with the gun. So Antonio inherited the role of "card tresette" and in April of the same year avenged his brother's death, killing Mormon in a restaurant in Marechiaro. In the hit to death, Antonio shouted, "I'm not that kill you, it's my brother Carmine." At the age of eighteen he was sentenced to twenty in prison that he served in part to Procida and, as a result of the stabbing cellmate in Florence. In 1966 he distinguished himself during the flood for having saved his comrades, some of the guards and the daughter of the prison warden. For this reason, the President of the Republic at the time, Joseph Saragat, granted him a pardon. He could not long enjoy the freedom. In fact, seven years later, fired for reasons of jealousy to a billionaire Italian-American. Convicted and later acquitted, he continued to come and go from the prisons of half Italian and in these comings and goings he was joined by a shotgun shot to the face, probably ordered by Cutolo. He went to America to undergo a long and painful reconstruction of the face and returned to Naples where he became a regular at nightclubs.

He was sentenced again. Was acquitted again, this time from the charge of Mafia association, in 1986. Seven years later he died and his funeral was memorable for the pomp and pageantry, worthy of a boss of his caliber. 
The life of the other famous "card tresette," Pasquale Simonetti, was less lengthy but much more intense. As a young boy slapped in the forums racecourse Agnano, the boss Lucky Luciano, who was freed in the United States for the help offered to the Motherland and was expelled from the United States as "undesirable". The Boss, who continued to preside over the heads of international drug trafficking, that day, for some inexplicable reason, did not react, thus ensuring the climb "Pascalone 'and Nola" to the command of the racket that taglieggiava the fruit and vegetable markets. Pasquale was dictating the prices of products beyond the law of supply and demand until you put on his step Antonio Esposito. Several times groups controlled by the two "cards tresette" clashed, until Simonetti was put underground by a gunman, only four years after the slap to Luciano in 1955. Blame fell on "Totonno" Esposito and Pupetta Maresca, the widow of Pasquale Simonetti, pregnant, confronted him in broad daylight and killed him with a pistol. 
Lucky Luciano, meanwhile, sought to subjugate the "cards tresette," while disputing the Sicilian Mafia families of Marseilles drug trafficking. Luciano and other "undesirables" prevailed and emerged as a liaison between the Neapolitan underworld and the Italian-American families at the top of the Cosa Nostra laying the foundation for the internationalization of trade of the "new mafia" that he was going to born. 

The former leader of the Crime Syndicate died of a heart attack in January 1962. That same year, the Committee considered it unnecessary to deal with the anti-mafia of Naples and the surrounding area. The following year, Cutolo was arrested for the first time. 
A quarrel between young people, insults and looks of contempt, a push and the tragedy took place in a gunshot. The murder of Michael Slimy on the course of Octavian cost him a life sentence. 
A Poggioreale Cutolo elaborated his plan for a new order of organized crime. Within the walls of the institution of punishment he met "O 'Malommo." 
Antonio Spavone enjoyed all the privileges of a boss of his caliber. Had gathered around him a court officials, protected and lackeys who met all his needs and had to trade that game 'O' Malommo "continued to lead from prison, according to well-established tradition in the environment of criminality. The prison director and commander of the guard reserving all respects. From the outside it did get lunch and it was rare that shared its privileges with other inmates. 
In contrast Cutolo worked for the dream of a new criminal organization, powerful, like the Good Society Reformed. For this he was studying, was busy to pick up under him a large army of derelicts, criminals trivial, extortionists, thieves, which held the match and then they would continue to play his game once free. 

Outside the prison was the sister Rosetta, which grow with the organization became the real mind of the administrative NCO, New Organized Camorra. 
To become a true boss, Cutolo would have to challenge the only antagonist that was faced in prison, Antonio Spavone. Under the pretext of not bear more privileges and attitude, Cutolo sent his minions to challenge 'O' Malommo "to a duel, during the lunch hour. The Boss did not show up and the future head of the Camorra not had the satisfaction to replace him with the classic method of Zumpata, the challenge to the white with which you decided promotions nineteenth-century Reformed Company. Nevertheless, the episode of failure to challenge helped to increase the popularity of Cutolo inside and out Poggioreale so that even some small mafia bosses turned to him to get the support on some smuggling operations and newcomers in prison for the attempted themselves under his wing. 
At this point in correspondence with the "cumparielli" freedom begins to appear in the name of New Organized Camorra. Cutolo introduces a kind of ritual, similar to the one that tied the affiliates of the Company Beautiful reformed, formulated a statute. It is entrusted to a blood oath to face influence and enhance the simple minds, uncultured aspiring Camorra, as the case would have to risk their lives. 
At this point the car was well underway and the proceeds of extortion and illegal trade were not slow to grow into the coffers of the organization of the Cutolo.
Extortion had become a mine. Industrialists, businessmen and professionals 
the Vesuvius area gave their monthly contribution to the NCO. Opponents were punished by TNT or, in severe cases, with bursts of gunfire. 
Rosetta, with the help of Michael Casillo and other lieutenants in freedom, was in charge of the redistribution of income to "cumparielli" in prison, their families, the Camorra in freedom and money management that remained in the coffers of municipalities in the case of family. They were the first moves of a financial empire to dominate much of the economic areas of Naples and the Campania region, with alliances throughout Italy, the United States and much of Europe. 
The court case of Cutolo, meanwhile, continued. On appeal, his sentence was reduced by life at twenty-four, and appealed to the Supreme Court, after only seven years in prison, he regained his freedom to expiry of terms in May 1970. Outside the prison was able to consolidate its authority and weave new relationships and strategic alliances with members of the Italian underworld, with "suppliers" in South America, North Africa and other major drug traffickers and "blondes", who preferred a single point of contact instead of the various "cards tresette." 
Meanwhile, the second-instance judgment was confirmed, but Cutolo failed to appear before the authorities. 

Thus began his first period of inaction in which the trade of the New Organized Camorra received new stimuli and took further avenues for development. From estrosioni, trafficking in drugs and cigarettes, the Camorra began to extend its tentacles on canning factories, procurement and the first public works, while the authorities passively to the growth of a phenomenon that within a few years would bring the dead and degradation in the whole area and not just the bell. 
Man of letters, a lover of culture and incredible graphomaniac, Cutolo left many written records relating to the overall management of its affairs, as well as descriptions of his turbulent love affairs and the fictional diaries. In this way it was possible to trace the hierarchy of the Nuova Camorra organized, be aware of fees and dues. The NCO had a decidedly pyramidal structure, whose summit was "O 'Professor" with Rosetta and its faithful. Going down were capizona, sgarristi, santisti, stokers and picciotti. 
The authorities also found numerous recordings, including real proclamations and manifestos of a Southerner turned on the edge of folklore. In addition, it was possible to find the full text of the rite of membership. 
A firefight with the Police in March 1971, put an end to the inaction of Cutolo, who was imposed a new sentence of fourteen years. The defense of 'O' Professor "was able to obtain on appeal insanity. 

The head of the NCO was locked up in the asylum for the criminally Sant'Eframo, where he was treated with every consideration. He was welcomed by the Chief and his wife, and was often invited to dinner with his tacit consent, he continued to receive co-workers, entertain long phone working with partners overseas. During this period, important contacts tied with Peru for cocaine trafficking. 
Sant'Eframo proved to be an ideal stay until it was learned that with the Calabrian, Cutolo was organizing the escape of Michael Dattilo, a boss of the 'Ndrangheta locked up in a maximum security prison in Porto Azzurro. 
At this point, the Camorra was transferred to the asylum at Aversa, where they were given to him the same favors Sant'Eframo. The business grew outside the walls every day, and despite the years spent locked in a cell he had been given confirmation that a leader must command from prison, he decided it was time to regain freedom. Rosetta entrusted the task to organize his escape. On 5 February 1978 the wall of the prison in Aversa gave way under the force of a charge of dynamite, placed by two faithful companions who were waiting for him with a big-bore machine. Eboli was led quickly to Montagu's, where he found a refuge respectable well hidden in a farmhouse in the countryside of Pian del Sele in the province of Salerno.

Some groups of the Camorra denied to members of the Nuova Camorra organized the 
chance to take part to the proceeds in the areas and markets under their control. Again, Cutolo was facing the threat of "cards tresette" at the top of the clans of Zaza, the Bardellino, of Julian, Ammann and Alfieri. Since both sides are beginning to count the number of deaths. Cutolo acted in person. It ran on armored cars, accompanied by a new flame, Radhia, a beautiful Tunisian who had been submitted by friends. A relationship that gave him a little Yosra. Fatherhood left a mark on the boss. He had already had a son, Robert, his wife Filomena Liguori while he was in prison. Freedom was able to give new emotions, new ideas and energy. 
He moved constantly in search of alliances. In Milan he established a partnership with the rising star of the underworld of Milan, Francis Turatello, the refined "Angel Face", which impressed him for cuts and gentle ways. In the salons of Milan to drink tightened terms for distribution of cocaine that came from its supply channels from South America. 
Soon he received an invitation from the Cosa Nostra to travel to the United States, to talk about "business". He was received at the airport by a chauffeur in livery, accompanied by dark car and a large escort, arrived at the Waldorf Astoria, where he spent a night in luxury before meeting Gambino and Francois, an old acquaintance of 'O' Malommo "in a restaurant in Little Italy. 
The meeting with the Cosa Nostra, marks a new era for the Camorra, which until then had remained a national phenomenon, at most regional. 

The two criminal organizations that had their origins one o'clock in the exploitation of the peasants in the Sicilian countryside, the other in the proliferation of gambling in the slums of Naples had now taken on the appearance of two real crime multinationals. Clutching alliances, occupied most of the areas of the mala, the traffic to the sale of narcotics. Bribes from traders to defrauding the European Union, through its control of the cultivation of tomatoes and their processing in the canneries owned. From the underground lot at casinos. From prostitution to rush to the public money allocated to contracts for public works. 
The State, engaged in the fight against terrorism, in consultation and in finding a solution to the strong social conflicts data from the spread of inflation and unemployment had left a wide range, in which families adverse Cutolo did not want to give way . 
So at the end of 1978 the leaders of Zaza, Bardellino, Julian, Vollaro, Ammann, Alfieri and Speech met to forge an alliance anti-Cutolo. The temporary agreement signed was called New Family. The main objective was to fight the New Organized Camorra and the subsequent annihilation of "'O Professor". 
Even the New Family took a regulation, a code, a court rituals and affiliate borrowed from tradition. The sentences were much stricter than those of the Nuova Camorra organized. To the charge of high treason, l '"infamy", the honored families provide for the execution and consequent destruction of the corpse and the murder of close relatives, and the code of the Nuova Camorra organized included the beheading. 

The struggle between the New Family and New Organized Camorra began immediately on all fronts, and the first act of war was the murder of Roberto Cutolo, the son of the professor and his wife. 
Maps were drawn with the zones of influence which included the major cities of Naples and Campania. As the conflict became tighter, it was that frequently occur in overlapping spheres of domination and it could happen that a trader he was to pay two bribes. The war was rampant on all fronts. In the countryside, in cities, prisons, the number of dead in shootings and explosions grew exponentially while Cutolo continued to consolidate the structure of its organization by giving orders in verse and moving incognito while the farmstead of Montagu had been transformed into a real bunker. 
On 15 May 1979 the helicopter noise heralded the raid on a farm in the province of Salerno. 
The police laid siege to the refuge of the boss who offered no resistance, only, all'appuntato that put the handcuffs he said, "who do you think you are? General Dalla Chiesa, perhaps? Only he deserves the whim to stop a great leader as me. "
Back to Poggioreale Cutolo began to direct his organization now had acquired enormous powers. Shooting to give orders to his loyalists from the parlous or from the luxury of his cell. In the streets the war between the two teams Camorra continued to rage. Between 1980 and 1981, both inside and outside the prisons, were counted over four hundred victims. 

To avoid violent confrontations inside the prisons, at the time of the offender was asked to declare the membership of the New Organized Camorra or the New Family. 
On November 23, 1980 earthquake was the accomplice of a triple execution and wounding eight Camorra which were stained with infamy passing from the ranks of those of cutoliani Bardellino, belonging to the clan of the NF. That day, the cell doors were thrown open so that the prisoners could escape and, in general panic Pasquale Barra, "'O Animal" and Raphael Cataldo, "' O Executioner", had free reign to obey the orders of categorical Cutolo who wanted to assert its authority even in prison. Indeed, the presence of members of the NF began to be more important each day. 
In the days that followed the earthquake, the boss was transferred to the maximum security prison in Ascoli Piceno. Despite the tough prison regime, Cutolo was able also to give orders and order executions from within a cell. 
The plots and the reports of the bosses were not confined to the underworld. The Professor came into contact with some brigades and, while not recognizing valid their positions recognized the same roots, the misery, the shortcomings of the state, unemployment. 
On 27 April 1981 the men of the Red Brigades kidnapped Councillor John Senzani Democrat Ciro Cirillo in the Campania region, in the garage of his home in Torre del Greek. Killed in action an agent escort and driver. 

Cyril was Chairman of the Committee of the reconstruction after the earthquake, so it was a tempting target for subversion that could count on a large ransom for a political way out, linked to Gava and the major manufacturers Naples. 
To free the commissioner, the Christian Democrats came to terms with the Red Brigades. What you did with Aldo Moro. The contacts between politics and subversions were established by Cutolo. 
The manner in which the meetings took place between representatives of politics, the secret services and the Camorra, remain shrouded in mystery to this day. Yet, most likely, the first to start negotiations with the Camorra were some agents Sisde, including one thinks there was the number two of the secret services, Vincenzo Parisi. Soon intervened in its place some SISMI agents. The investigation conducted by the judiciary Carlo Alemi in 1988 pointed Abelardo Mei, the number two in the military service which was the lobby of builders, as the first to make contact with Cutolo. The operating SISMI who dealt with the case were the general Musumeci and Colonel Belmonte. The reference points were Cutolo and his right arm, his constant friend of Professor Vincenzo Casillo, "O 'Nirone." 
In the prison of Ascoli began as an intense and goings of politicians, policemen and various kinds of extras that went to pay homage to Don Raphael asking him to intercede, to convince the Brigade to release Cyril. The records of the prison were manipulated. The politicians who denied any involvement of the upper echelons of DC were denied by the investigation that confirmed the presence of Alemi Ascoli figures from the likes of Small, Charles Gava and the mayor of Giugliano, Julian Grenade. 

On July 25, 1981, after eighty-nine days of captivity, the commissioner was released. 
Cutolo lived its time greater glory and exaltation. In his future saw privileges ... 
Cutolo had its moment of greatest glory and exaltation. In the future he saw his privileges for its most loyal cronies in jail, he expected reduction of sentence, a survey of mental illness for him and a big slice of aid for the reconstruction of its earthquake. 
Also expect some actions of the Red Brigades Senzani against judges, magistrates and officials who had openly spoken out against the excessive power of the Nuova Camorra organized. All this did not happen. 
The continuous killings in the struggle between NCO and NF and the role played by Cutolo in the liberation of Cyril, which although not officially been on everyone's lips was, moved public opinion strongly against organized crime. 
The anti-Mafia commission only then began his work against the Camorra and a speech by the president Sandro Pertini had as a consequence the immediate transfer of Cutolo all'Asinara. In isolation for forty days, and no more privileges under strong constraints of communication with the outside world, Don Raffaele finally lost his battle for control of the offense. 
The old fellow, he soon forgot him moving from part of the New Family. The sister was not able to rush to his aid, forced into hiding after the police had surrounded the Castle of Octavian. 

The truth about the case Cyril and its consequences has not yet come to light. I doubt there are still many. Most likely after the release of Cyril, the political class bell saw Cutolo and "O 'Nirone" a real threat to their business. They went therefore to two new bosses who gravitated to New Family, Carmine Alfieri and Pasquale Galasso. 
In all probability it was Alfieri and not Cutolo or Secret Service to liquidate Casillo with a charge of dynamite placed in his car. At that time, most of those who had had something to do with the kidnapping Cyril was out of the way. Even Nicholas Nuzzo, a restaurateur Acerra who established the first contacts between politicians and Cutolo, was killed with an iron bar in a Roman clinic where he was hospitalized. 
In this way, Alfieri and formations Camorra away from Don Raffaele were able to move undisturbed in the business of reconstruction, the squandering of the appropriations of the government. 
Not even the amount paid for the release is certain. 
Five billion or one and a half? 
And what favors Cutolo had asked the Red Brigades? 
From what motives had led the group of terrorists who opened fire in 1986 on the assistant chief Ammann and the agent Pasquale Paola, since police officials were always engaged in the fight against the Camorra? 
These are some of the questions as yet unanswered. 
There is only one certainty, contained in the words of Raffaele Cutolo, the "supreme", the appeals process in 1993 for the kidnapping of Cyril: 
"It 's true, I saved Cyril, but the men of the Red Brigades threatened to retaliate against them and against their families. Else and I do not mean I do not want to repent. I'm not a villain."
Source :

  • La camorra, le camorre, di Isaia Sales - Editori Riuniti, Roma 1988.
  • Il Camorrista, di Giuseppe Marrazzo - Tullio Pironti Editore, Napoli 2005.
  • La trattativa: l'ordinanza del giudice Alemi sul caso Cirillo, di Domenico Santacroce - Editrice l'Unità, Roma 1988.
  • Gomorra. Viaggio nell'impero economico e nel sogno del dominio della camorra, di Roberto Saviano - Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano 2006.
  • Storia della Camorra, di Vittorio Paliotti - Newton & Compton Editori, Roma 2002.

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