venerdì 18 luglio 2014

The negotiation

When we speak today of negotiation "State-Mafia," we can not go back in time and report this reviled and abhorred binomial to the origins of our country understood in its unity. In other words, this companion relationship between the mafia and the state was established with the unification of Italy, or even worse, with the unification of Italy and bad since the time of the invasion of Garibaldi that he used for his dubious discussed and wins the decisive contribution of the Mafia in Sicily and the Camorra in Naples.
In that distant May 1860, came with their "famous picciotti" Garibaldi to the rescue of the most influential Mafia bosses of the time as Joseph Coppola of Erice, the brothers Sant'Anna di Alcamo, the Miceli of Monreale , the infamous Holy Apples so well described by Cesare Abba, Giovanni Corrao referent of the Palermo mafia factions that operated in the district of Borgo old and even then it will become general partisan and killed three years later in August of 1863 in the countryside of Brancaccio in a mysterious and enigmatic mafia lurking in dark colors.
A decisive contribution of the "men of honor" then it will say the historian Giuseppe Carlo Marino, in his book "History of the Mafia," which Garibaldi without the decisive help of the Mafia in Sicily could not absolutely go a long way. As, moreover, the same Garibaldi would incur in large logistical difficulties if, when reached Naples, in September 1860, he had not had the decisive help of the Camorra, which openly siding at his side, they assured the maintenance of public order with their heads stick Tore de Crescenzo, Michael "or chiazziere" and many others. Aid decisive and fundamental that, with good reason, like it or not, Giorgio Napolitano, and the head of the Risorgimento way, authorize us to say that the Mafia and the Camorra gave, for their convenience, their own peculiar contribution detrminante and the Unity of 'Italy. A shameful and reprehensible contribution promptly and deliberately ignored, for love of country, from school books and the official historiography.
Convenience that the Mafia had to side with Garibaldi gives us significant and ample testimony to the Italian-American mafia originariogaribaldi bisdi Castellammare del Golfo, Joseph Bonanno, better known in the jargon as Joe Bananas, who in his autobiography "Man of Honor" by Sergio Lalli, about the history of his family, on page 35 of the book in question, so literally describes the contribution made by the Mafia firm Garibaldi. "I told my grandfather that when Garibaldi was in Sicily, the men of our 'tradition' (= Mafia) sided with the red shirts because they were functional to our goals and our interests." More explicit than that, about determinant of aid given by the Mafia to Garibaldi, the old boss could not be.
With the unification of Italy and with the decisive contribution to the company of the Thousand mafia comes from anonymity and the embryonic state which it had been relegated to the pre-unification Italy Sicily and lawful in all respects, making a quantum leap. From that moment will become a de facto permanent black spot and a cancer ineradicable in the troubled history of Sicily and Italy. And this metamorphosis of the Mafia, pre-unification Italy to the unit, he was deeply convinced Rocco Chinnici, the creator of the anti-mafia pool and one of the highest figures in the judiciary and rocco chinniciprestigiose Sicilian killed July 29, 1983 in front of his dwelling in a bloody attack in Federico Pipitone in Palermo.
Rocco Chinnici, as well as worthy magistrate as head of the education of the Palermo court as aforesaid and creator of the anti-Mafia pool which then became part of the other young magistrates such as Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, Giuseppe Di Lello, was also a profound scholar and expert on the Mafia and its historical dynamics criminals.
As a scholar he was speaker and participated in several conferences organized on the subject of the Mafia. In one of those promoted in Grottaferrata July 3, 1978 by the Superior Council of Magistracy so, about the evolution of the Mafia in Sicily, had to give verbatim: "Picking up the thread of our conversation before you deal with the Mafia in the period from 'unification of the Kingdom of Italy in world War I and the advent of fascism, we must briefly, but by saying that it necessarily as an association and with such a name, it had never existed in Sicily. "
"The Mafia was born and developed in Sicily - Chinnici said on that occasion in comfort from what we have said - not before but after the unification of the Kingdom of Italy." And yet in a subsequent interview with some of the media about the mob legittimatasi with the coming and with the decisive help given to Garibaldi and later with the unification of Italy, Rocco Chinnici had this to say: "The mafia has been always reaction, conservation, defense and therefore accumulation of resources with its tragic, mad, cruel vocation wealth. The Mafia itself is a way of doing politics through violence, then you are looking for is fatal complicity, feedback, an alliance with the pure politics, that is, practically with power. "
And it is this "infamous pact" between the Mafia, political power and institutions, held a baptism first and then as argued by the Garibaldi Rocco Chinnici the Unification of Italy that lasts, between negotiations, connivance and papelli of any kind, seamless continuity to the present day. A long string of tragic events since the beginning of the unification of Italy have bloodied our land to begin with the same killing of General John Corrao Brancaccio, then the tragic and mysterious happenings of pugnalatori of Palermo, and the Notarbartolo Palazzolo case, the bloody repression of the Fasci Siciliani in which the mob chanted their role, the massacre of Portella della Ginestra, massacres Ciaculli and Via Lazio, the killing of Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa and many servants of the state and many judges that the fight against the Mafia have made it a way of life and unfortunately also of great sacrifice unto death.
To get to the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio which killed Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. That same Paolofalcone and purse bisBorsellino that because, in recent times, and in the light of new findings of the proceedings that they did vile and criminal justice of false leads, we have been given to learn he had opposed with all his might to any possibility of negotiation between "state and mafia" and it paid off, to the collusion between the Mafia and the secret services deflected with his life for his act of courage.
A long trail of blood and turpitude that saw the protagonists always a mix of actors: the state, mafia, bandits (in the case of Salvatore Giuliano), political power, intelligence, Freemasonry deviated and anything else that have plagued and continue to poison, for 153 years now, the lives of honest Sicilians. When there we deliver? With the current climate it will be difficult.

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