venerdì 25 luglio 2014

The Bulgarian crime

The Bulgarian crime is particularly interested in the following trafficking:
In general, it confirms the presence of CO Bulgarian various scenarios of
drug market, particularly in that of cocaine and heroin in transit from
Turkey. In addition, Bulgaria remains primarily a transit country, although the
Bulgarian criminal organizations certainly play an important role in the management of
trafficking of drugs coming into EU countries, as evidenced by various
investigations that led to the arrest of Bulgarian citizens in several EU countries, including
Spain, Holland, France and Italy.
As demonstrated by numerous investigations, there are contacts with the CO in Italian
specific sector.
Emblematic case of the Italian citizen FOTI Antonino, who was arrested in 2005,
currently still being held in Bulgaria, on the basis of an autonomous Bulgarian survey, for
international trafficking of cocaine from South America to Italy. FOTI, member of the powerful family
of Piromalli - Mole, was in charge of the transit of drugs from Bulgaria and have it arrive,
hidden in containers at the port of Gioia Tauro. The operation, called "Black Sea" has very
identified the figure of FOTI as key man in Bulgaria of the 'Ndrangheta for the specific
illicit trafficking.
Regarding Italy are to report numerous investigations including
particularly interesting is the survey called the "Magna Charta", conducted by the ROS DC
Turin with the direction of the DDA in Milan which ended May 28, 2012 which allowed
to identify a powerful transnational criminal organization dedicated to the traffic
international narcotics, mainly cocaine from South America to Europe,
involving, in particular, to the citizens of Bulgaria and Italian (respectively 18:09
investigated on a total of 30).
D.N.A. - Annual Report - December 2012
The investigation, which began in 2005 have highlighted the leadership in the organization of
Bulgarian Emil Banev, called "Brendo", known at home as a wealthy businessman with
interests in various sectors of the economy and suspected to be one of the greatest exponents of CO
Bulgarian. In the specific case, the leadership of the organization was Bulgarian and Italians had
reserved primarily a logistical role.
The investigations made ​​it possible to reveal the existence of a comprehensive partnership
Italian-Bulgarian dedicated importation from South America into Europe of large quantities of
cocaine. A leader of the Bulgarian national was identified transnational
BANEV Evelin Nicolov, known as "B" or "Brendo" lender of various imports,
as well as the person who, by his countrymen BOEV Matey Mitkov and GAREV Tinko Vasilev
oversaw the activities of criminal association.
BOEV and GAREV were the people responsible for maintaining contact with citizens
CATTELAN Italian Fabio and Antonio MELATO. MELATO was head of a group devoted
logistics organization (procurement of ships and pleasure boats,
identification of ports, recruitment etc. skipper. ) And transport on the mainland of
narcotic substance; specifically to the transshipment of cocaine from cd "mother ship", which
coming from South America remained off the Iberian coast, ships or boats
offshore that the association bought or rented. These vessels then remained
docked at ports in Spain (Canary Islands) and Portuguese (Madeira Island). The activity
investigation made ​​it possible to ascertain the involvement of the association in two
major imports of drugs, which the police of Spain and Portugal
riscontravano with the seizure of 6,000 kilograms of cocaine and the arrest of its
crews, as well as a further importation of approximately 1,500 kilograms of cocaine, which is not
was carried out because of the bad weather and sea conditions. subsequently,
a "leak" allowed the organization to become aware of
ongoing investigation and, therefore, suspects sospendevano trafficking.
The GIP, in fact, pursuant to the order of remand dated 28.03.2012, has
twenty issued European arrest warrants and the Prosecutor's Office has requested, pursuant to
art. 720 Code of Criminal Procedure, the dissemination of research aimed arrest and extradition of six
dwelling likely suspects to countries not members of the Schengen Information System
Of the subjects of inquiry, six have already been delivered to the AG Italian (from A 4. G. Bulgarian,
1 by 1 by the Romanian and Slovenian), other than those sought have already been taken in
arrest abroad (Bulgaria, Croatia, the Netherlands, Peru and other countries) and against them
are ongoing extradition proceedings or you are going to define the mode of delivery.
The outcome of the searches carried out by the author. G. Bulgaria on the occasion of the arrest of
BANEV was found a copy of the request for letters rogatory and assistance
international broadcast by the Public Prosecutor of Milan judicial authority
Bulgarian. Also in BANEV was seized in the documentation stating the
ship-points relating to possible meetings between mother-ship and ship smaller for transport and
trans-shipment of the drug, as well as papers which show the identification of the
Senegal as a new country suitable for the landing of the drug loads from
South America. A MELATO Antonio, finally, the Croatian authorities have seized an account
of-pocket expenses incurred by him to pay for the vessels and crews used to
the importation of cocaine and to compensate the families of some members of a crew dead
in the sinking of a boat (about one million Euros).
As soon as the suspects were arrested abroad will be delivered to the AG
Italian, will be exercised prosecution.
Bulgaria is notable for being the country of origin of victims of trafficking
humans, especially women, for prostitution, illegal workers and children,
especially ethnic Roma, for use in begging and pickpocketing.
In the specific sector there have been many that have affected operations in Italy
Bulgarian citizens and to remember the two are conducted by special operations group
Carabinieri of Udine, Elvis Bulgaria in 2006 and Mayback in 2009, carried out in Bulgaria in
against Roma Bulgarians, operating in Italy and in other EU countries, specializing in the reduction in
slavery of children to exploit them by forcing them into begging, theft and selling girls
young girls in double purpose other Roma
We should also mention the phenomenon of selling babies, mostly of Roma origin
also in this case, found in various EU countries.
Bulgaria is also confirmed as a transit country for illegal immigrants
from Afghanistan, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries, which appear to use
borders with Greece and Turkey for the illegal transit.
Also reported the presence, primarily in regions of southern Italy, workers
illegal workers and exploited in the agricultural sector. In particular, it has been reported
flow of these illegal immigrants to Calabria. It is not clear at present whether such activities are carried out
with the support of C.O. Calabrian or whether they are Bulgarian citizens initiatives that offer
cheap labor to employ and exploit local mediators that autonomously
illegal immigrants, after paying suppliers Bulgarians.
Prostitution is one of the most profitable business of organized crime
Bulgarian abroad in various EU countries, but not only. Often these organizations do not
too large; in some cases one can speak of "family businesses" in which the exploiters are
related or even married to the girls they control. Then there are organizations of medium
caliber, who run 5-6 girls, while the biggest reach 50-60 girls.
The common factor that occurs is that particular regions or cities in Bulgaria
"supply" specific regions or cities. For example, the Bulgarian prostitutes who work
Strasbourg to come from the area of Varna to Oslo from Dobrich to Valencia from Gabrovo
various Italian regions from Plovdiv and Vratsa. It can be said that many criminal organizations, which over the years
had established strong positions in various parts of the EU, use their own hometowns
as a reservoir for the specific criminal sector.
Bulgarian organized crime is confirmed particularly active in specific
criminal activity. Continue to be received from various countries reports of Bulgarian nationals arrested
and condemned by cloning payment cards and computer-related fraud.
The survey perhaps most importantly in the specific field that has been led by Italy and
called "Night Clone Card" completed in 2011 by the Postal Police and Communications
which led to the execution 73 arrest warrants, most of them done in
Bulgaria. The operation was wide coverage in the local media and public opinion Bulgarian
realized that "hackers" Bulgarians have virtually conquered supremacy in the
criminal cloning of payment cards and related computer-related fraud.
Particularly successful in the past, before the entry into the EU, it seems that the illicit market
now have faded. Bulgaria seems to have become more a country of transit for
destination of the stolen cars in the EU area, especially luxury cars, towards the eastern countries or
the former USSR. Interestingly, however, in the markets for used cars, especially in
areas Blaogoevgrad and Dupnitsa, near the border with Macedonia - FYROM are
more cars stolen in Italy, from which, according to estimates by the local Ministry of the Interior,
about 40% of the used car market in Bulgaria. Often these car wrecks and
exported, therefore, illegally in Bulgaria, as well as in other Eastern European countries.
After the fall of the communist regime and the opening of borders this type of
Criminal activity has found food.
The Bulgarian archaeological and artistic heritage continues to be plundered because
the lack of protection of sites and structures. And 'to keep in mind that there are sites in Bulgaria
archaeological sites of great interest, especially regarding the ancient Thracian civilization and the Roman one. for
cope with this situation recently, the Bulgarian government has approved the project
on the establishment of a database for the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural goods on
model that introduced in Italy by the Carabinieri for the Protection of Artistic Heritage.
D.N.A. - Annual Report - December 2012
The smuggling of TLE has always been one of the sectors that provide substantial
gains against organized crime in Bulgaria. According to the Director of the Revenue
Vanyo Tanov, law enforcement efforts put in place in 2011 has reduced by 20%
smuggling of TLE and marketing in the domestic market.
Italy, according to information provided by GDBOP (General Directorate for Combating
CO) in the past few years, is concerned, for the time being as a transit country, at a flow rate of
high magnitude of TLE for the countries of Northern Europe.
Many operations of the Guardia di Finanza led to the seizure, in various ports
Italians of large quantities coming from Greece via Bulgaria

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