mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

The Nigerian crime

The Nigerian mafia.
The Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior,
describes in a nutshell the presence and clarity and dynamics
of crime in Nigeria:
"The Nigerian crime is present in patchy
Northern Italy and Campania, where he specialized in the trafficking of
human beings and the exploitation of the prostitution of their own countrymen
and drug trafficking. In the latter area by using the technique
of the "ant", taking care of the transport of the drug in small quantities entrusted
There are many carriers, with a total volume very significant. The
groups, in connection with the motherland, recycle proceeds through
businesses kinds of ethnic and remittances to family members. They shall,
among his compatriots exploited, the force of intimidation arising
the sensitivity of Nigerians against religious superstitions
(threat through voodoo). As of January 31, 2002
Nigerians in prisons were 558 (144 women and 414 men). "
It is obvious that the specific legislation, tending to establish a virtuous cycle
of legal immigrants and asylum seekers, may pose a
stop to illegal phenomenon, although they can not claim to inhibit absolute
the continuous flow of desperate people looking for a better world.
Indeed, there is a clear business on illegal immigration, which is
been exploited by criminal organizations around the world, correlating,
with expert operational capacity, to other illegal activities, primarily
exploitation of the underground market for drugs and prostitution.
It is already quoted the passage from criminal offenses instrumental in typical crime
organized in shaping the evolution of the Albanian criminal phenomenon:
This is, in essence, a vicious circle, leaning on a
Mechanical social / criminal evil, which, in the face of pressure
investigation, they are largely the methodologies outlined and the correct
categories of interpretation.
On these issues, the D.I.A. When so expressed:
"It is no doubt that the majority of these migrants is looking
of jobs and better living conditions, often invoked by those
"Informal networks" made ​​up of social bonds formed on the basis of kinship,
friendship and a common origin; but beside these are added
others, only looking for opportunities to get rich quick,
and therefore with a greater propensity for risk and a `availability
to violate the laws.
Some of these belonged, already in the beginning of criminal organizations
and emigrated to open new markets; others are part of
small and cohesive groups, who have moved with the sole purpose of carrying out
profitable illegal activities: these, however, often move
"Recalled" by a network of contacts consisting of friends and relatives who emigrated
previously. There are numerous studies that have assessed the importance
that such "informal networks" have done in the past and continue to play in emigration.
[...] The most difficult to detect are the 'networks vicious
"Of those who move with` illegal purposes. Yet even these
play a crucial role. It is through such networks, in fact, that the relatives
and friends left at home by immigrants receive valuable information
on illegal activities, as they make out, and the risks involved. "
The heavy involvement of Nigerian nationality of the
exploitation of prostitution, slavery through the reduction in the
their young victims and in international drug trafficking, induces
have to analyze the ability of specific deviance, especially because of
certain factors such as the strength of intimidation of the criminal group, which
at least seem inauspicious prodromal to a qualitative leap towards structuring
organizational mafia.
Conservatively, in this analysis, we will deal with organized crime
Nigeria, although it should be spreading, at least on average, a more heavy
semantic connotation of "Nigerian mafia."
  Project "JUJU"
In essence, it is put in place, with proper methodology
Analytical, a constant review of the global phenomenon, for the purpose of
`the thematic nature of its faces criminal, the recurrence of certain
patterns of deviance and the amenability of individual `crime to a specific framework
Types criminal (crimes against the person and public order,
as well as' relating to narcotic drugs and exploitation of prostitution),
carried out by Nigerians must, therefore, to rise to a framework
of organized crime, be well discriminated by the phenomena of mere
`social marginality, inextricably linked to the pockets of marginalization
immigration, not just illegal but also legal.
When so accomplished as for other forms of transnational crime, it is necessary
identify the presences, the possible combinations of delinquent
and any links with criminal organizations
Italian and foreign companies, in particular those of the mafia type, indicating
not only the sectors and geographical areas of foreseeable criminal aggression,
but also the logistics, a sphere of influence, the fields of activity and
methods of operation of the cells of crime in Nigeria.
It seems important to provide summary information on the Nigerian nation,
which can better frame some phenomena related to immigration
and the resulting criminal. In fact, it is not possible to understand the Nigerian Diaspora
in the absence of a minimum analysis of the situation and the history of
Nigeria is the most populous African nation and is located in West Africa,
along the coasts of the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon.
Before 1914 there was no nation called Nigeria: the territory
which is now known by this name was divided into four empires
also included parts of what are now other neighboring states.
In 1960, the Nigerians gained independence from British rule
and established a federal state based on a parliamentary system.
In 1966, through a military coup (mainly officers
ethnic Ibo), gen. Aguiyi-Ironsi took power, to lose it shortly after
replaced by January Gowon, who transformed `the 4 regions of the country in 12
states. The military governor of the Eastern Region Division and rejection `
`The situation degenerated into the Biafran war (one million deaths between
1967, and 1970).
The boom in the oil industry in the seventies `radically transform
the country, causing a massive urbanization of the population.
During the last 30 years the country has experienced a succession of shots
state and military attempts to restore civil government through elections:
the political instability, the ethno-religious conflicts, the huge inequalities
social, frequent internal disturbances and lack of human rights
featured a fundamental political landscape among the most unstable
of the continent.
In 1995, the protests of the Ogoni people, who complained (led
by the writer Ken Saro-Wiwa) the environmental damage inflicted by the oil industry
its territories, drowned in blood by the military government of
Abacha, `I cause the country to international ostracism (sanctions on exports
oil) and suspension from the Commonwealth. The death of Abacha
in 1998 the port `democratic elections held in 1999 and the election
President Olusegun Obasanjo leading a civilian government. Obasanjo
is been re-confirmed in the last elections in 2003.
Since 2000 Nigeria rocked by unrest is found between the
Christian communities (which constitutes 40 per cent of the population) and
Muslim (50 per cent), which resulted in thousands of casualties.
Reason for the conflict is the application and extension of Islamic law.
The Nigerian population is characterized by a marked character of `multi-ethnicity,
with bitter fighting still going on between the different components: the three
components are the majority ethnic HAUSA, the Yoruba and
the IBO.
The former are about 40 million, for most Muslims, that
inhabit the northern regions of the country, speak a language derived
Arabic and are devoted mainly to agriculture and farming
of cattle.
The Yoruba are about 30 million, of the Christian religion and occupy
regions of the southwest. They are the most westernized component
and politicized.
The IBO, about 20 million are concentrated in the southeast, and were the
first to be converted to the Catholic faith at the hands of the missionaries. they are
dedicated, in particular, for commercial activities, also because 'present on
territories overlooking the Gulf of Guinea and the reason of the river delta
Niger, rich in oil wells.
The current socio-economic conditions described above, the wars of
religion, the low average life expectancy, the high rate of unemployment and the
structural weakness of the naira, the local currency, have provoked strong
migration to more developed countries, both in the continent
African and out, flows that have affected to a large extent also
European Union countries and, in particular, Italy.
The inability of the various Nigerian governments to promote adaptation
structure of the economy to the new economic potentiality, combined with the spread
corruption and personalized management of power by
of its owners, has, in fact, left the country in a strong level of
`backwardness and poverty, making the economy entirely dependent on
fluctuations in oil prices.
On the subject of extradition, Nigeria has acceded to the Treaty Anglo-American
1935, the UN Convention of 1971 and the subsequent protocol
of 1972.
`You can not overlook the fact that the deteriorating situation in the country and conditions
extremely retrive women, often reduced to the status of mere objects, make, to
example, preferable for some girls the exercise of prostitution in Italy, although conditions
of slavery, rather than submit to diuturne violence, physical and sexual abuse, the
their husbands and their friends in Nigeria.
Since 'the country is not the manufacturer of hard drugs, campaigns are
relatively spared. The kola nut, a stimulant, and alcohol are
very popular. Although marijuana is quite common. Lagos is the agglomeration
urban most touched by domestic consumption.
Since the end of the nineties the continuous transit of drugs
in the port of Apapa has contributed to the creation of a local market. in
Black Africa, almost all the major city are affected by this problem,
but the abuse of hard drugs is, however, a relatively
the new urban crime on the continent and not part
of African culture south of the Sahara.

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