martedì 1 luglio 2014

Big Bang machine could destroy Earth.


After the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory is the second largest particle accelerator in the world. This 'is the tool which will soon be made ​​an ambitious experiment that worries scientists and lawyers in the United States: the risk, in fact, is the destruction of the Earth.
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

Although it looks like the plot of a 'disaster movie' series b, the story that involves the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory exceeds any wildest imagination.
Scientists and legal experts in the United States have in fact raised concerns about an ambitious experiment that precedes the use of the second largest particle accelerator ever created by man.
The stakes are really high, if not definitive: the destruction of the planet Earth!
The experiment aims to generate a plasma of quarks and gluons, but it might accidentally create micro holes blacks and subatomic particles called strangelets. The Astronomer Royal Martin Rees has warned that the strangelets could turn Earth into an "inert hyperdense sphere."
The story born in the aftermath of the bill signed last month by Barack Obama, who provide un'ingente spending to upgrade the power of the RHIC. How, the up-grade of the accelerator will increase capacity by a factor of 20 compared to the original project.
How do you explain, the large investment of money has caused outrage on the part of the hawks of the U.S. Congress. However, according to some scientists and lawyers in the United States, the budget should not be the only concern of Deputies.
The current debate should take into account in particular the risks associated with new experiments that the renewed ability of the accelerator will achieve. The aim of the scientists is to accelerate atomic nuclei to the speed of light, let them collide and get a plasma of quarks and gluons incredibly warm, very similar to what is believed to be generated immediately after the Big Bang.
Although the experiment could help answer questions such as how did life on Earth, critics, including the Astronomer His Britannic Majesty, have warned that could be inadvertently created subatomic particles strangelets.
The strangelets have the potential to initiate a chain reaction is to change everything in 'strange matter', to transform Earth into a "inert hyperdense sphere" with a diameter of a few hundred meters across, as Rees explains.
Eric Johnson, an associate professor of Law at the University of North Dakota and Michael Baram, a professor emeritus at Boston University Law School, who wrote the article for, which indicate that the new RHIC should be re-evaluated because of the his new potential, suspected of being able to create a huge disaster that could wipe out the Earth.
The two legal experts argue that the same committee that recently analyzed the costs of the update should also take a look at the simple experimental program that raises the disturbing prospect of destroying the entire planet.
The defenders of the project, for their part, say that similar concerns were already raised when he used the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to find the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle
As explained in the article published by, the facts have demonstrated that it is unlikely that stable blacks holes may be created by a particle accelerator. But even if they came out, they had the potential to suck the material in such a way as to threaten the planet.
But for the two legal situations, this type of explanation is insufficient to justify a failure and accurate analysis of the RHIC experiments that scientists intend to accomplish. The reports investigating the possibility of a catastrophic chain reaction resulting from such experiments have been published six years ago, and things have changed a lot since then.
"The machine has been continuously updated since the last publication of the reports. The suitability of the models and assumptions used in the original analysis should be profitably re-evaluated, "write the two lawyers. "It 'requires a new rigorous analysis performed by an independent commission."
However, in view of the research done to date, the risk of a cosmic catastrophe is exceptionally low. Yet, the terrifying thing is that we're not talking about a probability of zero. Further investigations on the matter are obviously a prudent idea and a more soothing.

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