martedì 19 agosto 2014

Where is the democracy

Democracy and occult powers: "The Earth is under attack"
"A group of coup leaders took power and now dominates the planet. Legally, because the new laws that curb the peoples, governments and states if they are made to serve their interests immense, bending democracies with the help of 'butlers' disguised as politicians. "To reflect the rise of the so-called "illegitimate authority" is the French-American sociologist Susan George.

"A group of coup leaders took power and now dominates the planet"
If you care about your food, your health and your own financial security, yours and that of your family, as well as the fees you pay, the state of the planet and of democracy itself, there are bad news: a group of coup took power and now dominates the planet. Legally, because the new laws that curb the peoples, governments and states if they are made to serve their interests immense, bending democracies with the help of "butlers" disguised as politicians.

The big news is called "rise of illegitimate authority." Word of Susan George, a famous sociologist Franco-American, already engaged in the anti-globalization movement and the summit of world associations such as Greenpeace. Governments Legal, those duly elected, now they are in fact "gradually supplanted by a new shadow government, in which huge transnational corporations (TNCs) are ubiquitous and are making decisions that affect all our daily lives." Europe is already completely in their hands, by means of the technocrats in Brussels, the devious "inventors" dell'aberrante euro. But also in the rest of the world freedom has counted the hours.

The new oligarchs, George explains the intervention delivered at the International Festival of Ferrara, in October 2013, may act through the lobby or obscure "expert committees" through ad hoc bodies that receive official recognition. Sometimes operate "through agreements negotiated in secret and prepared with care by 'executive' of the companies at the highest level." They are very strong, they come everywhere: "They work at national, European and supranational level, but also within the United Nations itself, for a dozen years new field of action for the activities of the 'corporate'."

Beware, warns George: "This is not a kind of paranoid conspiracy theory: the signs are all around us, but for the average citizen are difficult to recognize." This, basically, is 'their' masterpiece: "We continue to believe, at least in Europe, to live in a democratic system." Not so, of course. The only lobby ordinary, remained "on the edge of governments for a couple of centuries," now "have improved their techniques, are paid more than ever and they get results."

In the United States, the lobby must declare at least in Congress, say they are paid and by whom. In Brussels, however, "there is only one register" voluntary ", which is a joke, while 10-15,000 lobbyists interface daily with the European Commission and MEPs." What do they do? "They defend the junk food, genetically modified crops, harmful products such as tobacco, hazardous chemicals or hazardous drugs." In addition, "defend the major emitters of greenhouse gases," and of course their customers with the most powerful: the big banks.

Less well known traditional lobbying, ie, those in favor of individual corporations, are growing rapidly especially in the industrial sector lobbies ghost, usually referred to as "institutes", "foundations" or "advice", often based in Washington. They are dangerous and devious: they pay experts to influence public opinion, to deny the scientific evidence, to convince consumers of the value of their products junk.

"In Brussels, their domination is total: dozens of 'expert committees' prepare detailed regulations in every possible area"
In Brussels, their domination is total: dozens of "expert committees" prepare detailed regulations in every possible area. "From the mid-90s - accuses Susan George - the largest American companies in the banking, pension, insurance and auditing have joined forces and, employing three thousand people, they spent $ 5 billion to get rid of all the laws of New Deal, passed under the Roosevelt administration in the 30s, "all laws" that had protected the American economy for sixty years. "A contagion: "Through this collective action of lobbying, have gained complete freedom to transfer assets from their balance sheets at a loss, due from banks and shadow, not controlled."

These companies have been able to enter the market and exchange hundreds of billions of dollars of toxic assets "derivatives", such as packages of subprime mortgages, with no regulation. "Little has been done since the fall of Lehman Brothers to re-regulate finance. And in the meantime, the derivatives trading has reached $ 2 trillion and 300 billion dollars a day, a third more than six years ago. "

That illustrated by Susan George, the intervention required to Ferrara and taken from "How Don Quixote" is a journey into the occult. "There are organizations such as the International Accounting Standards Board, certainly unknown to 99% of the European population." It is a structure of decisive importance, of which no one ever talks about. He was born with the eastward enlargement of the European Union, to address "the nightmare of 27 different equity markets, with different sets of accounting rules and standards."

And behold, promptly, the arrival of the usual super-consultants from the four largest companies in the world to audit. In a few years, the group "has been quietly transformed into an official body, the IASB." It is still formed by the experts of the four large companies, but now is developing regulations for 66 member countries, including the whole of Europe. Please note: "The IASB has become 'official' thanks to the efforts of an EU commissioner, Charlie MacCreevy the neoliberal Irish." Commissioner of the EU, namely: "Minister" European, non-elected by anyone. And most importantly, himself a chartered accountant. Of course, he could have acted under the protection of Brussels, that is, "without any parliamentary control." The alibi? The usual: the IASB has been presented as an agency "purely technical". His real mission? Organize, legally, tax evasion billionaires.

"Until we can ask companies to adopt detailed budgets for each country, they will continue to pay - quite legally - very few taxes in most of the countries in which they work." The companies, he adds sociologist, can place their profits in countries with low or no taxation, and their losses in those high taxes. To tax effectively, the tax authorities who need to know such as sales, profits and taxes are actually covered by each jurisdiction.

"Today this is not possible, because the rules are tailored to avoid transparency." And then: "Small businesses domestic or family, with a national fixed address, will continue to bear most of the tax burden." Susan George has directly contacted the IASB to ask if a detailed reporting for each country, it was on their agenda. Answer: no, of course. "Not at all surprising. The four major agencies whose friends and colleagues make the rules, they would lose millions in revenue if they could no longer advise their clients on how best to avoid taxation. "

The only lobby ordinary, remained "on the edge of governments for a couple of centuries," now "have improved their techniques, are paid more than ever and they get results"
The other colossal iceberg that is coming upon us, from July 2013, is called TTIP, namely Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. In Italian: Protocol euro-atlantic trade and investment. "These agreements will define the rules that govern half of world GDP - the United States and Europe." News: New rules for euro-Atlantic cooperation "are in the pipeline since 1995," since that is "the largest corporations on both sides of the ocean have come together in the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue", the biggest lobby of the West committed to "work on all aspects of regulatory practices, sector by sector."

Transatlantic trade amounts to about $ 1,500 billion per year. What's the catch? On the surface, you will negotiate on rates, but is an aspect irrelevant, because they weigh only 3%. The real goal: "Privatize the largest possible number of public services and eliminate non-tariff barriers, such as regulations and what corporations call 'barriers to trade'."

At the center of all the treaties of trade and investment, there is "clause that allows companies to sue sovereign governments, if the company believes that a measure of the government hurt your present, or even its profits' expected '". Governments under blackmail their command, Masters of the Universe.

The Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue, the super-lobby that has incubated the euro-atlantic treaty, has now changed its name: it is called the Transatlantic Economic Council. It does not hide even more. He admits what is its mission: to break down the rules and bending public power for the benefit of multinational corporations. It openly defines a "political body" and its director says with pride that it is the first time that "the private sector has landed a role in determining public policy official EU-US". This treaty, if approved according to the intentions of TNCs, it will include substantial adjustments on the regulations that protect consumers in every industry: food safety, pharmaceutical and chemical products. Another objective, the "financial stability." Translated: the freedom to investors to transfer their funds without notice. "Governments - adds George - will no longer give priority to national operators in relation to those foreign procurement contracts", and the negotiation process "will be held behind closed doors, without the control of the citizens."

And as if that was not enough penetration into the executive, the legislature and even the judiciary, multinationals now also link directly to the United Nations. Already in 2012, at the Rio + 20 conference on the environment, the super-masters formed the largest delegation, able to put on a spectacular event as the business day. "We are the largest business delegation that has ever attended a conference United Nations, "said the permanent Representative of the International Chamber of Commerce at the UN. Clear words: "Businesses need to take the lead and we're doing."

Today, says Susan George, multinationals come to ask for a formal role in international climate negotiations. "It's not just the size, the huge profits and assets that make Tnc dangerous for democracies. It is also their concentration, their ability to influence (often from within) governments and their ability to operate as a true social class defending its economic interests, even against the common good. "It's a super-clan, with its tentacles and his boss: "They share languages​​, ideologies and objectives that relate to each of us." Better that people know that. And the politicians who should protect them? Not received, of course.

Article from LIBRE

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