The Power was exceptionally skilled in many aspects, one of them was his mask. The Power had to remain in the shadowsbecause the light of the sun would have endless trouble by citizens more aware of modern democracies. And so thepower has trimmed a false image of himself in the role of politicians, governments, and their minions, so that our attentionwas all on those catalyzed, while the real power was actingessentially undisturbed. Generations of citizens are in factgrown in complete belief that the power was in the blue car that came from ministries, national parliaments, in their regional ramifications, and in their business and malaffari. Unfortunately, this mental habit is so ingrained in millions of people who onlytell you the opposite is greeted by incredulity if not derision. Butthe truth is, as I will demonstrate below. Literally, what you allbelieve is the power is nothing more than a series of puppetswhere the real power is leaving the courtyard of politics with their cupcakes to be shared, as long as they are running thenreceived orders. Those orders are the real important decisions about how we all have to live. It 's so for at least 35 years old. In essence, the point is this: to fight the C series of the democratic problems is certainly something useful, do not deny it, but do not think that will change a single comma of the capital problems of all Italians, that is your life problems, because theirorigin is enacted elsewhere and the real power. Or is this operand includes a big leap of consciousness, or we are on the wall.
"A colossal and all-encompassing gear invisible maneuver the system from afar. Often delete democratic decisions, drains thesovereignty of states and requires governments elected. "Brazilian President Lula at the World Hunger Summit of 2004.
It is in the air
As I said, I'll be specific, but it must be understood above all things that today the power is first and foremost an economic idea. Today the real power is in the air, literally you have to imagine that there is a metaphysical being, precisely that idea,that has enveloped the world and that says this: 'A few selected must receive power from the many. The many must stand on the edge and wait confident that the good of the coli on top of the Chosen. Governments rise up out of the way and let that happen '.
Some of you have recognized, it is still the old theory of TrickleDown Economics of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, that is, neoliberalism, that is, the Chicago school, or the purityof the Free Market. This idea economic controls every act of power, and therefore your life, which means it really is always on the basis of the actions of governments and legislators, administrators and employers. So it controls you, the places where you live, your job, your health, your finances, just youreveryday ordinary things abstruse, and not far away from yourlife. Its strength lies in the fact that for 35 years in every place of power just like the air we breathe in the rooms where it exists.The breathing, try to understand this, men and women of power,without stopping, from the moment they set foot in the universityuntil his death, as found in parliaments, in boardrooms, in banks, administrations, conferences where they know each other and work together, everywhere, no escape. I amconquered, hypnotized, homing missiles. The Power has created around the idea of powerful bodies, which will nowdescribe, whose job is just to put it into practice, nothing else.They are thus the physical part of Power, but which for convenience we call the real power.
First organ: The Club
The first organ of power is the Club, ie the clustering in specific places and exclusive real powerful. Who are they? They arefinanciers, industrialists, ministers, lawyers, intellectuals, soldiers, politicians chosen with care. Please note: this club is never in the places that we believe are the places of power, that is, in parliaments, presidencies, in the courts, ministries or inbusiness. It is formed by men and women from those places,but they always gather outside and in private. How to say whenthose men and women sit in democratic institutions are onlyexecutors of acts (laws, investments, cuts ...) which werethemselves determined by the Club. It takes different names depending on where you meet. For example: take the name ofthe Trilateral Commission whether its members are meeting inWashington, Tokyo or Paris (but sometimes in other EUcapitals). The main facts of the Trilateral: founded in 1973 as agroup of powerful Americans, Europeans and Japanese; after only two years draws up the rules for the global destruction of the left and the death of participatory democracies, actually took place; affirms the supremacy of the elite leadership of the masses of citizens who must be "apathetic" and other nations;has 390 members, among which the best known are (past and present), Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, David Rockefeller,Zbigniev Brzezinski, Giovanni Agnelli, Arrigo Levi, CarloSecchi, Edmond de Rothschild, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Peter Sutherland, Alfonso Cortina,Takeshi Watanabe, Ferdinand Salleo; along with academic(Harvard, Korea University, Seoul, Nova University at Lisbon,Bocconi University, Princeton University ...), governors of banks (Goldman Sachs, Banque Industrielle et Mobilière Privée,Japan Development Bank, Mediocredito Central Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Chase Manhattan Bank, Barclays ...)ambassadors, oil companies (Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon ...),ministers, industrialists (Solvay, Mitsubishi Corporation, TheCoca Cola co. Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar, Fiat, Dunlop ...) foundations (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Brookings Institution, Carnegie Endowment ...). Theydecide each year on topics such as' monetary system ',' global governance ',' direct international trade ',' deal with Iran ',' oil ','energy, security and climate ',' strengthen institutions global ','manage the international system in the future '. That is all, and reading reports that shortlist is understood as their addresseshave become reality in our national policies with a certaintydisconcerting.
When the Club needs more confidence, makes an appointmentin less visible places of the palaces of the great capitals, and inthis case is called the Bilderberg Group, named after the Dutchhotel that hosted the first meeting in 1954, the hard facts of this organization: it is largely the same characters above plus many others in rotation, but with a crucial difference because in thisgroup also have access monarchs or politicians currently in office, and the Trilateral Commission are normally ex. We speak in every case of the same race, so that was an offshoot of the Bilderberg founding in 1973, the Trilateral Commission.The Group is, however, much more 'Carbonari' Trilateral, and this is because its original specialization were the military and strategic affairs. In fact, in it are several militants Secretaries-General of NATO and not easily lavish in the work of lobbyingas does the Commission. The peculiarity is that disruptiveBilderberg inside the powerful can, you know, take off theiruniforms and be at liberty to declare that what you really think orwant without all the obligations and institutional role. Preciselyin this lies the danger of what is being discussed in the group,since in it the deepest desires of Power do not find even oneshred of brake that requires institutionalization. Hence thetradition of keeping around the Bilderberg an aura of absolutesecrecy. The participants are the usual suspects, including agroup of Italians in key positions in the national economy, culture and politics. Do not list them because they do not existon official lists are encountered only in a welter of contradiction(a list is on Wikipedia anyway). A fact not smentibile instead,and very significant, is the clear statement by Viscount EtienneDavignon, who in 2005 was chairman of the Bilderberg,interview with the BBC: "At the annual meetings, we automatically around our tables internationalists ... those who support 'World Trade Organization, transatlantic cooperationand European integration. "that is the record holders of the Free Market with supranational power (see below), and thegodfathers of the Lisbon Treaty, namely the coup with the European supranational power that has transformed intocitizens who will be ruled by unelected bureaucrats. Again, the usual masters of our lives, which means final decisions onlabor, social security, social services, mortgage rates, cost of living etc.., Not taken at Palazzo Chigi or the Elysée, but toGeneva or Brussell or in banks plants, after being discussed at the Bilderberg.
To give a concrete idea of how these clubs and other organs of power are in reality a single block that is exchanged always the same characters, I submit the figure of Peter Sutherland. He it was found to direct the British Petroleum, the super bankGoldman Sachs, the University The London School ofEconomics (one of the forges of the world's economic ministers), and was also the UN Special Representative for Migration and Development, Director General of the WorldTrade Organisation (second member of Power), a member of the European Commission (the super-government in Europe),and Minister of Justice of Ireland. And, of course, is a memberof the Trilateral Commission that the Bilderberg Group.
According organ: The Colossus of Geneva
It's called the World Trade Organization (WTO), was born in 1994 and is more powerful than any nation or parliament. It brings together 153 countries in a single location in Geneva, where they dictate the rules of international trade, and sayingyou'll understand what we're talking about virtually the entire economy of the production world, that there is decided. That ishuge slices of our jobs, what we buy, eat, etc. with which we care., Things of our daily lives, not abstract and distant. Thedeciding them, and as in the case of the new Europe of the Lisbon Treaty, although the WTO rules enacted, theseagreements are supranational, that is the most powerfulnational laws. And as in the case of the Treaty, it becomestherefore crucial that such strong rules are decided in a democratic way. In the Treaty are not, and the WTO? Even. In fact, the organization of voting is distorted by the overwhelming power of the usual rich countries in the following way: the poor countries and less developed countries do not have the economic resources and qualified staff in sufficient numbers to be able to follow the colossal work of drafting the agreementsof the WTO (27,000 pages of complicated international legality,2,000 meetings a year), so they are cut off. Who is at the helmis the so-called QUAD group, formed by the United States,Japan, Canada and Europe. But the whole of Europe is represented at the negotiating table of the WTO by the European Commission, that no citizen shall elect and to be more precise I tell you that in reality those who decide for usEuropeans is an even smaller number of bureaucrats: the mysterious 133 Committee of the Commission, made up of specialists even less legitimate. Italian politics normally sign theagreements without even reading them.
If a country is opposed to a rule of the WTO can be tried by a court within it (Dispute Settlement Body), with enormous powers. This court is composed of three (sic) individualsextraction viability, whose final judgments are final. A ruling of the WTO can penalize or even overturn the democratic choicesof millions of people, even in rich countries. For example, the whole of Europe has been ordered to pay the United Stateswith millions of Euros because she refused to import American beef containing hormones. Even the United States has authority over decisions of the WTO. President Obama, under pressurefrom the citizens because of the financial meltdown last year,had decided to impose new restrictive rules of the wild speculations of the banks (the cause of the crisis). But was dammed up just by a rule of the WTO, which is called the Financial Services Agreement, and which states the exactopposite, that prohibits the White House and Congress to regulate those mega banks. And you know who, years ago, that agreement negotiated at the WTO? Timothy Geithner, the current Secretary of the Treasury USA, which is one of the members of the Bilderberg Group. It makes you think.
We still do a quick idea of the power of the WTO. Agreementsthat gave birth to:
1) have the power to deprive the health policies of any country,cracking the old precautionary principle that protects us from the exchange of dangerous goods (WTO: Sanitario-Phytosanitary Agreement).
2) take away the citizens' right to know under what conditionsthey are made goods they purchase and what criteria are made, also hinder the use of labels for consumer protection(WTO: Sanitary-Phytosanitary Agreement & AgreementTechnical Barriers to Trade, with implications on workers' rightsand environmental protection).
3) require politicians to grant to foreign corporations the same conditions required of domestic companies in tenders, irrespective of the need to encourage national employment;and threaten the choices of local administrators in case they want to facilitate the integration of disadvantaged groups of workers, since such policies are deemed to be discriminationon the Free Market (WTO: Agreement on GovernmentProcurement - Principle of National Treatment, etc..).
4) centralize in the hands of a few multinational patents of the majority of the active ingredients and plants that are used for drugs or for agriculture, since they allow the private patenting of life forms and protect those patents for 20 years. Moreover, the fact that patents are protected by the WTO for 20 years is also the basis of the lack of life-saving medicines in poor countries.(WTO TRIPS Agreement on Intellectual Property).
5) are promoting at full blast privatization and opening to theFree Market Foreign practically all the services to the citizens, even those essentials such as health, water, education, elderly care etc.., With rules that prevent de facto administrators localprotection of the poorest individuals who can not afford private services (WTO: GATS agreement under negotiation).
And remember, if it were needed, that these agreements are binding on any national law, esautorando then our politiciansfrom the management of our economy in the chapters that count.
Third body: The prompters.
Take a bill and a decree in the economic field, even a financial asset. Think of them in the hands of the politicians whoimplement them, and now imagine what lies behind it. What?The 'prompters'. Who are they? They are lobbyists, ie those thatare received in private from every politician that matters in the world and that 'suggest' (often dictate) the content of the laws and decrees, as well as the guidelines of the government andeven the programs of the electoral coalitions . The lobby is not the invention of imaginative wasters Network.'m Institutions withnames, with offices, with budget (huge) expense, where they work the best brains in the public relations representative of the true Power.
In order of firepower, you are obviously the international lobbies, the European ones, and finally the Italian ones. I start with the latter. It should be said that in our country the interference of 'prompters' has never reached the levels ofdominance of American or European counterparts, whose work, however, that law for contagion in our house. Butnevertheless it is there, and should not be neglected, becausein Italy there is a legal vacuum total activity of lobbies: Afterdozens of bills, none of them ever landed in the Official Gazette.Lobbyists Italians are about a thousand, organized into severalcompanies, including check the nets, 6 million euro annualturnover and management, Claudio Velardi (other groups: Cattaneo Zanetti & co., VM Institutional Relations, Burson-Marsteller, Beretta Di Lorenzo & partners ...). The projection for the future of 'prompters' Italian is at least ten thousand unitswithin ten years, at least according to the demands of the mostwell known. In the absence of rules, then, is how things work: itexploits the law of Berlusconi for the financing of political parties that allows covert funding for political parties of up to 50,000 euro for each donor, with the ability to lobby on duty to have paid 49,999 euro A banker from the other 49,999 from his wife, some 49,999 to his son, and so on. infinity. In this way, an estimate based on past budgets, it is estimated that the moneypaid to the submerged Italian politics amounts to several tensof millions of Euros per year, from the construction, highway, metallurgy, private healthcare, banking, television, estateamong others. The impact on the citizens and laws and regulations that are going to change often in the worst economyof our lives and work. One sobering fact: While it seems obvious that the big money is spent for the 'tips' to the two major Italian political parties, it is striking that the UDC haspocketed in foreign offers something like € 2,200,000 in 2008, of which 80% by a single lobbyist (the real estate agentCaltagirone).
The 'prompters' Americans ... what to say. In the USA, theindustry lobbies is no longer even recognizable from political power, really do not understand where the first and end upwhere you start the second. Too much to tell, a great story, but I can summarize with some sketch. The oil lobby and administration of George W. Bush, as a result, two illegal warsand bloody (Iraq and Afghanistan), mountains of deaths (over 2 million), war crimes, the international community in danger, the price of oil to stars, therefore the cost of our lives to the stars,but the stars also the profits of the oil companies. Who decided? Answer: Members of the above-mentioned oil lobby, which are Dick Cheney, James Baker III, the former Enron'sKenneth Lay, the chairman of the Carlyle Group Frank Carlucci,Robert Zoellick, Thomas White, George Schultz, JackSheehan, Don Evans, Paul O'Neil; in the service of Shell, Mobil, Union Carbide, Huntsman, Amoco, Exxon, Alcoa, Conoco,Carlyle, Halliburton, Kellog Brown & Root, Bechtel and Enron.George W. Bush is the most political 'oiled' in American History, with only from the coffers of giant oil and gas, a haul ofmore than 1 million seven hundred thousand dollars.
Lobby financial / insurance and Barak Obama: US bankscollapsed in 2008 after defrauding millions of people and thousands of other international banks, 7 million American families lose their jobs, the entire world economy goes to peak,including Italy. Obama signing a hemorrhage of public moneyafter another to save the backside of the bankers and swindlersto revive the economy (from 5000 billion to an estimated11,000 seconds), without either one of those ruffians end up in jail . On the contrary: his government has called to clean up the disasters of this global crisis, the same people who created it.Instead of them fail and use public money to people in trouble,Obama and his Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have offered him a mountain of easy money that buy the debts offailed banks. How it works: these offenders have received fromWashington, 85% of the money needed to buy those debts,while they will put only 15%. If things go well, if that will come back to earn, you will pocket all the profits; if it will go wrong, they lose out only 15%, because 85% of the USA has put thegovernment and is not to be returned (so the funds donated are called non-recourse loans.) And 'the usual' lemon socialism: the losses are the taxpayers and profits of private investors. "Not only that the president proposes the summer of 2009 aregulation of the financial sector that the Washington Post hasderided as being "Lacking an analysis of the causes of the crisis ... and without any real control over hedge funds, theequity funds and investors structured ", ie no real limit to the speculators who caused the catastrophe. Question: how much money it took Obama in the election campaign by the financial lobbies? Answer: $ 38 million. So, who's in charge? The President or the lobby of Power?
Then there are the 45 million Americans without health care.Obama offers a false healthcare reform to protect the excluded,but that despite the nonsense written by the Italian media, has nothing of the public and is an additional gift to the insurancegiant American private. Question: how much money it tookObama in the election campaign by the lobby and healthinsurance? Answer: more than 20 million dollars. So, who's in charge? The President or the lobby of Power?
Washington has invaded every single day by something like16,000 or 40,000 lobbyists according to whether they areregistered or not, the perception of the power they wield is clearenough to push one of them, Robert L. Livingston, excited toblurt out, "There are business no limits for us out there! ", whilefrom the windows of his office spied on the premises of Congress.
But the last sketch of the power of 'prompters', always in an American context, is that of the Jewish lobby. Here the debate is between those who claim that they are the lobby to managethe entire American policy in the Middle East theater, and thosewho deny it. Personally, I think more to the first hypothesis, but it does not change: in fact, we are once again faced with the demonstration that even the most powerful government in the world can escape from the influence of the real power. Here are a couple of famous examples: in the spring of 2002, just as the Israeli army reinvadeva the Occupied Territories with the usualindiscriminate massacres of civilians, a group of prominentAmerican supporters of Israel held a conference in Washington, where he represents the 'administration of George W. Bushwas invited to the then Deputy Secretary of Defense PaulWolfowitz, known neo-conservative right-wing extremist and an open supporter of the Jewish nation. The late Edward Said,professor of English and Comparative Literature at ColumbiaUniversity in New York and one of the most respectedAmerican intellectuals of the twentieth century, told of aparticular event with the following words: "Wolfowitz did what all the other had done - praised Israel and offered him his total andunconditional support - but unexpectedly in his report made afleeting reference to the 'suffering of the Palestinians'. Because of that phrase was booed so fiercely and for so long that he could not finish his speech, leaving the podium in shame."We're talking about one of the most powerful politicians of the third millennium, to a man with a direct access to the houseBianca and that many credit as the eminence grise behindevery act of the same former president of the United States. Yetit was enough overdriven only three words in its subservience to the state of Israel to be humiliated in public without fear and by whom, obviously, has more of him in America today. TheJewish lobby in America have well-known names: AIPAC(American Israel Public Affairs Committee), ZOA (Zionist Organization of America), AFSI (Americans for a Safe Israel),CPMAJO (Conference of Presidents of Major American JewishOrganisatios), INEP (Institute for Near East Policy), JDL(Jewish Defense League), B'nai Brith, ADL (Anti Defamation League), AJC (American Jewish Committee), Haddasah. In the corridors of Congress can create serious headaches forSenators and Representatives alike. A united front thataccording to the same Edward Said "can destroy a political career by pulling a check," referring to the generous donationsthat those groups bestow the two major parties overseas.
In 1992, George Bush senior had the nerve (and therecklessness) a few months from a possible re-election to the White House to threaten Tel Aviv with the block of ten billion dollars in aid if he did not put a stop to Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories occupied. Misstep American Jewishvoters, who traditionally are already likely to vote Democratic,vanished before his eyes on the promptings of the lobby, and in the final bill of the votes Bush found himself with a measly 12% of the electorate against the Jewish 35% who had cashed in 1988 on the contrary, the election campaign of his rival BillClinton was instead watered by its lavish funding of those organizations of supporters of Israel, that the then president hadthus alienated.
And last in Europe, namely the European Union. That eventuallymeans Brussell, ie the European Commission, which is the realdecision-making center of the continent, and that after theratification of the Lisbon Treaty has become the superunelected government of all of us, with immense powers. ABrussell swarm from 15,000 to 20,000 lobbyists, who spend a billion euro a year to 'suggest' policies and laws to those who must make. And as always, here are the names of the majorgroups: Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) - European Services Leaders Group (ESLG) - International Chamber ofCommerce (ICC) - Investment Network (IN) - EuropeanRoundtable of Industrialists (ERT) - Liberalization of Trade inServicies (LOTIS), European Banking Federation, the International Capital Market Association and others. Theirdominance can be made by saying that, for example, theInvestment Network met directly within the European Commission building in Brussels, or that the TABD compiledlists of desires that delivered to the Commission which thendemanded a written report on obedience to those orders. The companies represented in the thousands, including cite a number of well-known names: Fiat and Pirelli, Barilla, Canonand Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia, Time Warner, Rank Xerox and Microsoft, Boeing (which also makes weapons) , Dow Chemicals, Danone, Candy, Shell,Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Carlsberg, Glaxo, Bayer,Hoffman La Roche, Pfizer, Merck, and then banks, insurance companies, investors ...
I stop. The risk in continuing is that you lose sight of the main point, namely the siege that lobbyists put politics. It, in addition to demonstrating once again that real power is not in the firstand in the second, it is a real attack on democracy. Because it has now completely distorted the constitutional principle ofevery civilized nation, according to which elected representatives must serve the interests of the majority of citizens and protect minorities, not be the doormats of the elitesand their 'prompters'.
Fourth organ: Think Tanks
Literally "think tanks" in the translation in Italian, the Think Tanksare exactly what, or foundations where some of the best brainsare to give birth to ideas. Their power lies in the assumption that this opens my discussion, namely, that the ideas are to dominate both the History of the policy, and therefore our lives, and in particular economic idea. Lewis Powell understood thisvery well in 1971, when it gave way to the rescue of the eliteand at the end of participatory democracy of citizens (read'Here's how we died', In fact, he wrote: "There is an ideological war against the enterprise system and the values of Western society." The word 'ideological' is the keyhere, meaning that if the right economic aspired to regain theworld, if you aspired to subdue the policy, that is to become thereal power, you should arm of ideas that undermine each othersystem life. Here are his words that gave birth to the first Think Tanks, such as the Heritage Foundation, the ManhattanInstitute, the Cato Institute, or Accuracy in Academe. Their strategy was simple: raise money from wealthy donors, pick thebrightest minds in the universities, pump it to know one way, statements prestigious, and input into the control system of the company infiltrating everything. To give you an idea of what kind of impact these Think Tanks have been able to have, and I quote a few facts. Only in the field of the Free Market, that the idea of the true economic power, there are now 336, placed in rich countries as well as in strategic countries such as Argentina and Brazil, Eastern Europe, Africa, the 'India, China,the former Soviet republics of Asia, as well as in Italy (AdamSmith Soc., CMSS, ICER, Ist. Bruno Leoni, Acton Inst.). Somehave cheeky names, such as the Minimal Government, the The Boss, or the Philanthropy Roundtable; one of the best known and most aggressive is the Adam Smith Institute in London,who displays an arrogance of power, which could boast this astheir motto: "Only yesterday our ideas were considered to beon the brink of madness. Today we are on the threshold of Parliaments. "Again, the fact remains the same: politics is the puppet, or, at best, is the executive arm of the real power. In fact, the careful observer will have noticed that very often oureconomic ministers, our central bankers, but also chairmen of the board (Draghi and Prodi all) are at dinners or conferences at these foundations / Think Tanks, which in some rare case, the local damage Tg news.
Apparently ceremonies bogged down and boring, in reality what happens there is that ministers, bankers and prime minister go there to give an account of what they have done to please the idea of the true economic power. In 1982, Adam Smith published the notorious Omega Project, a study that had an enormous impact on the management of our lives of ordinary workers, and where it was stated that its purpose was to "provide a complete path for every government based on the principles of free Market, minimal taxes, minimal regulations for business and governments more marginal (sic). "In other words, everything that has already devoured the public life in Britain, France, the United States and who is now "on the threshold of Parliament" in Italian.
Fifth organ: the Europe of unelected bureaucrats
I will not repeat, as this chapter has already been exhaustively described here But I repeat the point: after the ratification of the "coup d'etat in Europe", which is called the Treaty of Lisbon, 500 million Europeans will soon be ruled by the elite of unelected bureaucrats in accordance with the principles of economic, political and social spaces lined by part of the true power that you are dealing with here, and that none of us could choose either to discuss. The Italian government has ratified this legal monstrosity without a word, obedient as ever.
Sixth Organ: the Court of International Investors and Speculators
It was September 16, 1992, a Wednesday. That day an individual decided to break her back to Britain. Mind you, not to Burkina Faso, to Britain. And he did. George Soros, an international investor and speculator, sold all of a sudden something like £ 10 billion, causing the collapse of the value of the British currency so that was expelled from the European Monetary System. Soros pocketed more than $ 1 billion, but millions of Britons wept bitter tears, and the government of London he was humiliated.
It was August of 1998, and in the heat of New York an individual contemplated the collapse of world markets because of him. John Meriwether, an international investor and speculator, had been playing dirty for years and ensnared virtually all of the largest banks in the world with $ 4.6 billion at high risk. His company, Long-Term Capital Management, was known on Wall Street because his manager is fregiavano the title of 'The masters of the universe', that is, a few drunk individuals of their own power. Meriwether lost everything, and the markets of the world, which in the end are our jobs, trembled. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York had to step in with the usual emergency rescue at the expense of taxpayers.
It was last year, and in a London office of the insurance AIG American, an individual, of a new international investor and speculator named Joseph Cassano, had to take on the phone and tell the White House "... I have a mandate to hell your economy, sorry. "And he really did. This time the scam of its investments was 500 billion dollars, the usual international banks (including Italian) there were up to their necks with figures of trillions of dollars at risk. Worldwide panic, the end of the credit to the labor of almost the entire planet and, on the plate of our citizens, that served the most dangerous economic crisis from 1929 to the present. That is the usual bitter tears, really love, for the families of Toronto as for those of Perugia, for those of Cincinnati as for those of Lyon, Vercelli as in Madrid and so on. Not to mention the last of the Earth ...
Three stories terribly true, that describe clear, indeed, very clear, what is meant by the 'Court of International Investors and Speculators', and what is their immense power in the world today. Other than Tremonti or Confindustria. In today's world there is a community of private individuals capable of handling such huge amounts of wealth in a few hours to undermine the economy of a country rich, or the economies of hundreds of millions of workers who have toiled for them a lifetime, ie families on the streets, companies that close. Their decisions are judgments as planetary. Final. Think, if you can imagine such an enormity, that they are swinging on the planet something like 525 trillion dollars in just financial products 'derivatives', ie money at very high risk of sudden bankruptcy. 525,000 billion ... I offer a comparison to understand: the Gross Domestic Product of the USA is 14 trillion dollars. It makes the idea? Italy depends as any other nation by foreign investors, for which figures are around 40 billion euro per year, or more than two financial state combined. Imagine if a similar figure were to disappear from our economy today. In 2008 almost happened, in fact it disappeared suddenly more than half (57%) with the result in terms of loss of jobs, insecurity, and its domino effect on the economy that we talk about the record. I repeat: someone who is not at Palazzo Chigi, Italy decides that must be subtracted from the value over an entire financial asset. Thus, from year to year, an amount equal to all that the state can spend on the citizens is subtracted from the 'Court of International Investors and Speculators', a whim. This tyranny of the real power takes the technical name of Capital Flight (literally taking flight capital), and it is interesting to note the candor with which the 'Court' describes the practice: just read where it says that "Capital Flight is the movement of money in search of higher profits ... that huge flows of capital out of a country ... often so huge affect on the entire financial system of a nation. "Too bad that in the middle there are the usual bulky human beings in the millions. In addition to the Italian case, think of France, another country rich and powerful, but not enough to escape the judgments of the 'Court', who punished the Elysium with a capital flight amounted to $ 125 billion for a legislated single tax distasteful to the business.
The executive bodies of the real power is not limited to these six, you could add the World Economic Forum, the Codex Alimentarius, the IMF, the system of central banks, the multinational drug companies. But those mentioned are essential to know the primary. A final brief note should be given to regional mafias, which are often erroneously counted among the great powers (and unfortunately I can not come in here because they are such a characteristic phenomenon Italian). The fight to them is sacrosanct, but the power that would be subtracted from a possible victory for civil society is nothing compared to before as illustrated above, and secondly, it is still a power granted to him by others. Drug trafficking, prostitution, arms trafficking, and recycling of toxic waste are services that the gangs engaged in on behalf of principals always related to real power, or because it put its gears or because important. Serve as shown here in 1994 by the investigative program 'Panorama' from the BBC, where an insider of the British organized crime was willing to lead the reporter in the heart of the "mafia most powerful in the world," in London. The car they were traveling with hidden camera stopped at its destination ... in the center of the City's financial capital. Pointing out the window of the skyscrapers of the giants of international business, the repentant said, "Here they are, they're all there." (think of the worldwide turnover of the thighs is estimated about 80 billion dollars, which are a third of the turnover of a single multinational drug like Pfizer)
If these few lines have been effective, at this point, readers should turn our gaze to those little men in double-breasted blue jiggly the evening in our Tg with the prefix Hon., Or the suffix PDL, PD, UDC, and should have no I say pity, but at least see them for what they are: the marionette of another Power. But most of all, readers should finally be able to connect the dots of the puzzle, and I understand where they are in reality the capital problems of our lives as citizens, or even the daily dramas that so many working families are suffering, that is, those who decided, those who decide today and what do you call them. From here, a simple consideration: if you care about democracy, social justice, and your daily economy of work and essential services to the person, then you have to hit those who really work for sottrarceli, that is the true power. We should organize itself to reveal it to the general public and to finally lock it. Now you know, and especially now you know what kind of deadly machine, an immense and powerful it is. It is obvious from this that the current methods of struggle of the movements are pitifully inadequate, infantile fantasies, flashes in the pan, which is never a single moment have worried that real power. As a result, I appeal once again:
There is no other hope, as long as there is still hope.
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The main sources for this article:
Trilateralism, Holly Skalar, South End Press, 1980.
Who pulls the strings? John Ronson, The Guardian, 10 March 2001
Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group, BBC News, 29 September 2005
Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece - and here's Their address, TimesOnline, May 14, 2009
The Council on Foreign Relations and the Center for Preventive Action, Michael Baker, March 6, 2008, ZNet
WTO, material taken from the investigation globalizers, RAI 3 Report, 09/06/2000, Paul Barnard, - Public Citizen: Trade Watch, USA - The Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - The World Trade Organization: The Marrakech Treaty - Corporate Europe Observatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands - The Economic Policy Institute, Washington DC, USA - Friends of the Earth, Brussels, Belgium - Corporate Watch, USA - Oxfam UK - Global Policy Forum Europe, Bonn , Germany - Institute for Policy Studies USA- et al., and from studies of authors such as Joseph Stiglitz, Jeff Faux, Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, Susan George, Richard W. Behan, Alexandra Wandel, Peter Rosset, Dean Baker, Barry Coates et al.
Master in Public Affairs, Lobbying and Public Affairs, at the University LUMSA of Rome, texts of prof. Franco Spicciariello.
Gianni Del Vecchio and Stefano Pitrelli, The Treasure of the cast, L'Espresso 16/03/09
Roberto Mania, The Power Matte which governs Italy, La Repubblica 02/03/09
Paul Barnard, 'Primaries, Democratic Party, the law on conflict of interest', Golem del Sole 24 Ore, 2007
Big Oil Protects Interests ITS, The Center for Public Integrity, July 15, 2004
JOHN M. BRODER, Oil and Gas Aid Bid For President Bush, New Yor Times, June 23, 2000
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, The Road to Riches Is Called K Street, Washington Post, June 22, 2005
Electronically Federal Election Commission data released on Monday, October 27, 2008.
KUTTNER & ROBERT MICHAEL HUDSON, Democracy Now February 13, 2009
Paul Barnard, 'Why do they hate us', BUR Rizzoli, 2006.
Paul Barnard, 'For a Better World', 2004
Corporate Europe Observatory, Financial Lobbies - A Guided Tour of the EU Quarter Brussels, 23 September 2009
Paul Barnard, 'Here's how we died',, 2009
Free Market Think Tank Links, Atlas Economic Research Foundation ~ 1201 L St. NW Washington, DC
Financial services industry lobby groups listed on EC lobbying register, 9 March 2009, Corporate Europe Observatory
The Adam Smith Institute, The Omega Project, by Norman Chapman et al. from Research Conducted for the Adam Smith Institute.
Globalizers, Paul Barnard, RAI 3 Report, 09/06/2000
Paul Barnard, 'The Scarecrow and the true catastrophe',, 2009
Collapse foreign investment in Italy -57 percent - Sole 24 Ore, 17 September 2009
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