giovedì 7 agosto 2014

The gap between the exploited and managers

CENSIS, the crisis adds Scrooge: it increases the gap between the exploited and managers
The 10 men more rich country have a wealth equal to that of 500 thousand working families put together. A deal on the social divide in Italy is CENSIS. What emerges is a disturbing picture, by which we understand that the crisis is not equal for everyone. 
The figures are really impressive and speak to a real "transfiguration" of our country by the economic crisis. "The 10 men more 'wealthy of Italy have assets of about € 75 billion, equal to almost 500 thousand working families put together. This means that a little less than 2 thousand wealthy Italians, members of the club of the world's ultra-rich, have total assets exceeding 169 billion 
euro (not counting the value of the property): ie '0.003% of the Italian population has a wealth equal to that of 4.5% of the total population. 

Paolo Ferrero, secretary of the PRC, "is immediately a capital tax on large wealth to immediately distribute at least 30 billion euro from the rich to workers." "If the government does not do anything - he adds - it's because Renzi protects the rich and banks . the 10 richest Italians who earn as half a million working families are pigs: this wealth is an insult to Italians and Italian. "

The historical comparison is relentless: the popular classes continue to lose income 
It 'clear that if this information were to be confirmed, we affirm the dynamics of a "crisis one way", that is a price you are paying only the very poor, while the rich even benefit. By comparing the historical gap comes to light with greater force. Today, in the midst of a crisis, the assets of a director and 'equal to 5.6 times that of a worker, and was approximately 3 times twenty years ago. The assets of a freelancer and 'equal to 4.5 times that of a worker (4 times twenty years ago). What an entrepreneur and 'equal to more than 3 times that of a worker (2.9 times twenty years ago). "Compared to twelve years ago, the annual household income of the workers have declined, in real terms, by 17.9 %, those of employees by 12%, those entrepreneurs by 3.7%, while the incomes of executives have increased by 1.5%. "1% of top earner (about 414mila taxpayers Italian) - says CENSIS - and 'split in 2012 a net annual income of more than € 42 billion, with net income individual flying above the average 102 thousand euro, while the average value of net income declared by taxpayers Italian does not reach 15 thousand euro. E share over the top income earner and 'remained broadly stable during the crisis. "
The deferred consumption confirms the picture 
In the years of the crisis (between 2006 and 2012), "annual household consumption of the workers have been reduced in real terms by 10.5%, those of the entrepreneurs of 5.9%, those of the employees of 4.5 %, while consumption of managers have only recorded a -2.4%. Distances already 'wide that spread, then, that the social compact crumbles, and the race to the middle class typical of the 80s and 90s and 'replaced today an escape in opposite directions, with many going down' and only a few that manage to rise. Against this background and 'high risk of a return to social conflict, rather than the culture of development as a prerequisite for a better life ". In 2013 the Italian families - Lastly Coldiretti - cut spending from fresh fish (-20 per cent) to the pasta (-9 per cent), milk (-8 per cent) extra virgin olive oil (- 6 percent) dall'ortofrutta (- 3 percent) to meat (-2 percent) while increasing only the eggs (+2 percent), based on the analysis of Coldiretti Ismea on data relating to the first eleven months. In particular, and 'witnessed a decline in the amount' of food purchased at a reducing waste but especially to the emergence of low cost products at low price for sale in discount stores that are the only ones to record an increase (+1, 6 per cent) in the retail sector in 2013.
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