The roots of war
"And 'forbidden to give advice when people do not ask for them." Eduardo De Filippo
This beautiful aphorism holds in a few simple words a fundamental concept of living together, leave space, to respect the freedom of others, do not presume to have the truth on their side, not wanting to impose our ideas by force.
To understand why humanity still consider the war an acceptable means of control and expansion, we need to gain an insight into the minds of all of us, even those who do not accept the idea of war.
The roots of the war lie in thoughts, habits, crafts, in many aspects of human existence.
Here we address the first and that is the desire to colonize the minds of others with our idea of truth.
The truth should be a word that only exists in the plural, as with the words "wedding" or "food", however it exists only in the singular.
That 's what it is confusing.
There is no single truth, if anything, is the set of most aspects of reality, there is not a right idea for everyone, a religion that is best for everyone, any form of truth more true.
The truth is not a single element, but a set of causes and conditions.
We should say: You say the truth?
All you can not ever say, then tell only part of the truth which you have knowledge and are useful to you and a tot number of people, but not to all.
Everyone knows part of the truth, everyone knows what for him is true or not, that he is right, that is healthy, which for him is better.
How many troubles caused this wrong concept of truth, so that when a person comes to know an aspect of life, and as such tends to propose it to all the inhabitants of the planet Earth!
Would not exist if there were not all the parties, there is equality if there were no diversity.
A serious error of our time: not preserve biodiversity, but choose a few dozen species and propose how best to everyone.
Although there is little choice for the ideas with the ancient concept of good and evil, right-wrong, better-worse.
It would be better for all kind of modern culture, in the name of which tear the veil from the face of the women that if they still want to keep?
The renderemmo free only to obey our ideals of "better".
Making free with bombs, make free abolishing the old and antiquated thoughts and replace them with our own, more modern and current.
Democracy and social equality obtained with tanks and torture.
But yes - we think, sitting on the sofa - now they will rebel, but then you get used to modernity, reason, thought concrete, real.
But that's not what's going on in the world, so things do not work:
people want freedom first of our ideas, they want their ancient rituals, their language, their dances, their hut.
Some want to live as primitive, getting up in the morning and gather the only banana they need to eat, go to bathe in their pond and laze around for the rest of the day.
They want to pray to a god for all perhaps unlikely, but not for them, they want to spend their time looking at the clouds or to pray, they want to decide for themselves what to read, what to eat, what to think, how wrong.
Even the Dalai Lama when he speaks of a vegetarian diet, which explains the weight of the huge meat production on Planet Earth, ecological disasters resulting from it, the damage to human health, because eating meat is bad, and finally says that almost all should become vegetarians because we are billions on this planet, we must take account of this, and we can feed well of vegetables. But he never says "everyone should do so."
Accustomed to judge others, we decide who has the merits to go to heaven, that degree of evolution have reached, or if they have no rational thought which enables them to decide for themselves.
We have become experts in giving advice, judge and watch the others, but little skilled in weighing our strengths and weaknesses.
It 's very difficult at times to discern the fine line that divides the right, the true, the best out of their opposites.
We want to offer to all our truth in the singular, but it's just an absurd language.
If we want to grow a peaceful society, we must eradicate the root of the thought that creates the mindset that war is still considered a necessary evil, naturally.
The first due to the fact that we accept the war is because we feel normal. And 'because in the end, we believe it is right that a people more advanced (and we're not to investigate the alleged superiority of Western society) to expand its domain intellectual, religious, economic to the countries and populations considered less evolved, primitive.
Through the war only enrich the powerful of the world, not humanity that instead rushes every time the plagues that war brings with it, I make a list:
violence, rapes, orphans, hunger, epidemics, poverty, exploitation, slavery, pollution, the destruction of cities and forests, grief, hate, revenge, children born with severe malformations and soldiers contaminated by their own bombs, mental problems caused by violence, harassment, looting, repression of freedom of thought and be able to practice their own religion, the deculturizzazione, racism, discrimination.
Let's keep our truth and learn to respect those of others, because in the world there is more than one truth.
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