giovedì 28 agosto 2014

The walls

SECRETS FROM THE ARCHIVES (beyond the imagination of any film) presentation

by Paolo Barnard
I draw from my book "Perchè ci odiano" (Rizzoli BUR 2006), and put at the disposal of readers are most affected, some essential documents contained in the volume. Soon I'll add others as I can scan them. For now, in order:
- Dispatches former Top Secret State Department USA Holocaust ignored most of the twentieth century, what in Indonesia exterminated nearly two million innocent people in the name of American and British interests in the area. Who has the patience to read them, you will find not only valuable insights into the mindset of hegemonic empires and contemporary in their unimaginable cruelty, but also descriptions of horrific events that have nothing to envy to the Nazi exterminations, and that in this case were committed with the euphoric participation in London and Washington.
- A study called "Crude Designes," which reveals the long-term plans with which the United States will eventually steal their oil to the Iraqis. Followed by a very interesting account of a meeting at the highest level held at the National Press Club in Washington in 2004, where already the elders Americans and Iraq is were scores of made ​​the cake of Iraq's oil.
- Some of the infamous Ordinance with which the American proconsul Paul Bremer harnessed Iraq for years to come. It is true laws, embedded in the art in the alleged free laws that the puppet government in Baghdad has in these past 4 years. They, as I explain in detail in my book, they tear into the future, the economy and self-determination itself of that country in ways unexpected by even the wildest globalizzzatori Western neoliberals.
- Finally, an extraordinary document, although ignored by virtually everyone: the international ones judgment of the Court of Justice in The Hague in 1986, condemned the United States for terrorism ("unlawful use of force" in international legal parlance, nda) against the State of Nicaragua. In my book you will find all the details of the case. But it remains remarkable that the USA was internationally recognized 'rogue state' ten years before that term was coined between the walls of the White House in Washington.

who is  Paolo Barnard
He is a  journalist, or maybe he has been, and as such he has worked for many national publications including newspapers and magazines, such as La Stampa, Il Manifesto, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Mattino, The Secolo of Genoa, La Repubblica, The Voce of Montanelli, Il Sabato, Chorus, Oggi, and other Events. For television RAI in Samarcanda with Santoro during the Gulf War (1991) and Report for ten years, having co-founded (1994-2004). For culture magazines as Micromega, Elsewhere, Golem of Sole 24 Ore, and for news agencies and online publications. He has written books on international terrorism, Palestine and Israel, and humanization of medicine. Never joined a political party, never belonged to interest groups linked to power, he is out of work and on the edge of notoriety for this principle. For him ideas and what he has done he is very unsympathetic to the system and even more at the Antisistema. 
But for me and many others like me who love to know the truth of the facts, always, and at all costs, Paul Barnard, is the icon of journalism.

mercoledì 27 agosto 2014

The masters of the world

The masters of the world

An exclusive club of a few thousand people, not elected democratically decide the fate of entire populations, able to manipulate the financial markets and to impose itself on the policy and the States. Who they are, how they act and what goals have bankers that drive the games central bank and live on the shoulders of the middle class? And how to get out? The proposal from the book of Luca Ciarrocca.

Megabanche con i piedi di argilla

A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella when the sun is shining and I'll ask for it back when it begins to rain.
Robert Frost

Capitalism on the brink of implosion
Mid-September 2008 The world is on the brink of the abyss. Outbreak of the great global crisis, the worst in the last eighty years. We still talk about why the apocalypse could happen again. In the same terms. Another «cigno nero» as it is called, according to the theory epistemologist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a rare and unpredictable event that upsets the order of things. Almost nothing has changed with respect to those terrible days. Indeed, the scenario is worse. He missed a breath. For accuracy three hours. At the time no one had tools to understand, everything happened so frantic, but today we know. United States, Europe, the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), the entire block of developed economies, from Tokyo to London, from New York to Singapore, he was one hundred and eighty minutes to watch the implosion. Then everything would burst, exploded, leaving only rubble and devastation. As in a catastrophic third world war.

The great crisis was staged on the screens of more than 300,000 Bloomberg terminals on five continents. The Sherpas in the service of the oligarchy that leads the world - corporations, banks, hedge funds, speculators - they were going to change the fate of billions of people. The prices were collapsing, the terrible virus «tossico» of illiquidity and insolvency which had attacked the banks in the world was going to explode.

It happened September 18, 2008, the event that only a few other times in economic history had such an impact: a great flight of capital from deposits of American banks (bank run) for a total of 5.5 trillion dollars. Lehman Brothers went bankrupt four days ago, Wall Street had lost -30 per cent in a few weeks, and now the equivalent of a third of the gross domestic product of the United States was evaporating from bank deposits. No queues at the counters, all electronic. Another three hours at that pace of capital flight, a witness later a Member of Congress, «e capitalism as we know it would finito».

The apocalypse was avoided because the government presented the first draft of a bailout of the banks. It was enough to stop at the last minute escape from the doors. In those days of September in Washington rumors absurd, the atmosphere in which he lived the superpower on the brink of a Great Depression was from a state of war. Some Members (all Republicans) wanted martial law, a measure ever approved in modern times which provides for the suspension of civil rights and the death penalty. Capitalism is collapsing and the scenario of a seizure of power by the generals in the Pentagon directly under the control of the White House became real. Like in a Hollywood movie.
The secret meeting of bankers
Not long after, October 13, 2008, in Washington was summoned to a political summit-banking emergency. The goal was not changed to avoid the collapse of the American economy. The scenario remained to the state of belligerency Stock Exchange in free fall, unemployment rising rapidly, four million people out of work in two months, the collapse in global GDP for the first time since the Second World War, after decades of development. It was in this climate that a small group of banksters, the heads of the largest banks in the United States (all shareholders «di peso» of the central bank, the Federal Reserve), were «comandati» by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson «Hank» (ex CEO of Goldman Sachs) for a top secret summit off the radar of the media. Meet at nine in the morning, at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, home of the Department of the Treasury, a few tens of meters from the White House.

Pulled faces for the sleepless nights, dresses or blue grigioscuri ordinance, nine of the banksters most influential of Western capitalism, their lenders on the brink of bankruptcy, came in dribs and drabs in the building where they would have decided the fate of the economy world. The neoclassical architecture of the building, the large statue of Alexander Hamilton, the first US Treasury Secretary in 1789, gave solemnity to the moment.

The boss of Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, State Street and Wells Fargo banker Paulson were welcomed by former colleague, now minister in the administration of George W. Bush, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, and the powerful head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Tim Geithner (who a few months later, with the victory of Barack Obama in the presidential elections of 4 November 2008, would take the place of the Paulson summit of the Department of the Treasury).
The tension was palpable, the news from the financial markets continuing to deteriorate. A day in the capital, as much as 17 September 2001, when Wall Street reopened after many days of closure following the attack on the Twin Towers.

The bank run and the market crisis had a «questione safety nazionale». So he considered President Bush. In contradiction to the principles of the free market to which, for a Republican, was always so rude, appealed. The White House, with the director of the Treasury former banker, was about to give way to a historic intervention of the state to save from death the banking system.

America to its knees, as though under a tremendous and unexpected military attack by a fierce enemy, preparing his defense through an maxipiano bank rescue. With taxpayers' money. He could have done any government statist or socialist.

"Here, sign '
Working day and night, the lawyers had prepared the Treasury bailout plan that the nine bankers would have to subscribe. Hank Paulson was very brisk, even brusque. Go straight to the point it was a must, out war raged. Each of them was given a single sheet of paper, a few lines, and no notes attached zero. It said that their respective banks accept the sale of their shares to the government of the United States. The minister, without wasting time, he said: «Ecco, firmate».

And the powerful CEO obeyed. In just a few seconds, and the soft coup was accomplished, the major American banks were safe. The government in Washington came into force in the capital of banking giants on the brink of bankruptcy. The system would not have collapsed, capitalism had won another battle, albeit with infamy, using public money of unsuspecting taxpayers. A dozen people, nine bankers, plus the heads of the Fed and the Treasury, October 13, 2008 that they had rewritten the economic history.

The agreement provided for the purchase of preferred shares by the government. That is, in practice, the United States Treasury to the banks lent money to an initial annual interest rate of 5 percent (much lower than that of the market, even though it was expected to go up to 9 percent after five years) for a period of time «perpetuo». The banks would not have to repay the loan, if they wanted to.

It was then a former banker at Goldman Sachs to create the monster that still dominates us and blackmails. In a jolt resulted in the emergence and survival instinct, just before the inevitable implosion of the system, Paulson, the highest political authority and monetary policy of the United States, under the direction of the Federal Reserve, with an unprecedented decided to save American capitalism and world rushing to the rescue of a super network of banks that were supposed to bring almost all the books in court. They were born the «Tbtf» (Too Big To Fail), a financial Frankenstein that continues to do damage, direct and collateral, of colossal proportions, which we all pay the consequences.

Since September of 2008, therefore, the banks, even if poorly managed, debt, and full of toxic assets have become large «troppo for fallire». For over five years, the abnormal creature and a monument to inefficiency, to risk, to moral hazard, all'antieconomicita, subservience to the powers and - let's face it - the sleep of reason. A juggernaut that mocks the patrol extremist supporters of the free market, for which it would have been better, in those days to apocalypse, the American banking system to collapse, leaving fail institutions now compromised. Darwinism in economics, even at the cost of altering forever the scenario and power relations. You could reset and start over. Instead TBTF and today the true means by which the banksters thrive and enrich themselves with impunity, while ordinary people suffer. A totem medieval rid of.

Luca Ciarrocca is a journalist who has lived and worked for many years in New York, where in 1999 he founded Wall Street Italy, site independent of economics, finance, politics and news. In 1997 he won the prize for journalism Premiolino. He published the book Investire in tempo di guerra .

If the political power falls into the hands of multinational corporations

If the political power falls into the hands of multinational corporations and the World Bank ...

The White House has formally notified Congress on plans to start negotiations with the European Union to establish a free trade area, in order to create the most comprehensive business alliance and financial crisis to stimulate new economic growth. 

But some consumer organizations and environmental Americans, have revealed that in the treaty between America and the Old World, you'd be working on a clause in a position to put corporations on the same level of sovereign states. A return is the American version dell'Huffingtonpost. 

Under the spotlight of nonprofit organizations, it ended the "investor-state dispute resolution," a provision that would allow companies to appeal in court against international regulatory frameworks or standards. The Court has the power to impose sanctions against any country that violates its own judgments. In this role as a judge should be the World Bank. 

A spokesman for the Office of Foreign Trade of the United States, dall'Huffingtonpost contacted, confirmed that the agency "is considering the inclusion of procedures dispatched, fair and transparent resolution of disputes between states and investors" in the free trade treaty between the USA and EU, specifying, however, that this new mechanism will be "subject to appropriate safeguarding and protection of the legitimate interests of government regulations." 

The rules for resolving disputes between corporations and states are opposed by various public interest groups in America. "These rules elevate the corporation at the level of nation states and allow him to proceed against the governments for every law or policy that would reduce their future profits," said all'Huffingotonpost Ilana Solomon, an expert on trade for the Sierra Club, a environmental group. 

The clause on the settlement of disputes between the state and investors, it is a common practice in the bilateral agreements negotiated by the United States since the 1994 Trade Agreement, but is not allowed for the time being in the disputes between the USA and the EU governed, however, by the rules of the WTO , the World Trade Organization. 

In other agreements have been used by businesses. As in the case of Exxon Mobil and Dow Chemical who have used these clauses to challenge the Canadian rules on drilling off shore. [].

martedì 26 agosto 2014

Nuclear and risk of accidents


skeletons in the closet of Enel

New action to Anonymous within the broader operation '#OperationGreenRights': the group of hacktivists has stolen and then made ​​public on the blog  anon-news a great deal of material on the Mochovce nuclear power plant in Slovakia, and the electric Torrevaldaliga north, both owned by Enel. 

From the emails and documents released by the network from Anonymoyus is learned that the construction of the two plants took place in the first case without complying with the most basic safety criteria and in accordance with shoddy materials, thus making the two plants harmful and very high risk of accidents. 

The claim of the hacker group's successful operation ends with a message of support to those who struggle daily against installations harmful and dangerous to the health of all and clearly reiterating the opposition to nuclear power and the criminal policies of exploitation Enel. 

The email that we are about to publish concerning the Mochovce nuclear power plant in Slovakia. The released material also contains documents relating to checks carried out on a wide variety of components. Premise that ENEL owns the plant through its subsidiary Slovenske Elektrarnestà completing the construction of two new reactors without, as the two existing minimum standards of security such as double containment walls of the fissile material. For the construction of two new reactors (3:04) will be used Soviet materials produced before the Chernobyl disaster ( Followed by detailed explanations of two different groups of documents in which the controls relating to the aforementioned reactors 3 and 4 carried out in a case by Ansaldo and another by STF controls on behalf of ENEL.



This e-mail of 21 March 2013 ( comes from those governing STF controls. 

It's sent by a member of STF to other members of the same company. He says that "from a test carried out at the site of Mochovce is clear that the inspector who has followed the work of editing has not managed quality processes and documentation in an appropriate manner," but "at present the documentation has been brought into conformity despite the immensity of inconsistencies, "but" were not done the necessary checks. "This means that no one has really checked that the work of installation of reactors 3 and 4 are correct, in fact there is a '"immensity of inconsistencies" with respect to the project agreed. These "inconsistencies" are works poorly executed. However, the documentation issued to ENEL "has been brought into compliance," that all the problems have been silenced by manipulating the data. As underlined by the same sender (member STF) "the situation is even found piu'grave when you consider that these are mounted component in a nuclear power plant." 

Followed by another email, from Friday, January 18, 2013 is those relating to Ansaldo. (Https://


A member of Ansaldo writes, with regard to the test results, "not to get lost in the calculation notes" and pander to the comments ENEL. As can be seen from the last part of the email indicated, the mathematical models prepared by Ansaldo did not include irregularities in the functioning of the central component of the A202, but the model actually turned out to be wrong because they say "support free up" , then ENEL noted with critical comments that there is a "non-linearity" (ie unpredictability) in the operation of nuclear reactors ( Among the documents released there are others dating back to December 20, 2012, where we report the results of checks carried out on the plant Mochovce. As you can see even from a first glance, the problems highlighted are numerous and many are listed as "critical" (very severe). Similar conclusions can be drawn by looking at the details of the projects of various pipes and components, these are loads of red arrows that indicate critical.


Torrevaldaliga Nord power plant

Emissions (Source:

name             emissions_kg             year
Carbon Dioxide     4,355,010,000.00     2000
Carbon Dioxide     4,338,770,000.00     2007
Carbon Dioxide     19,504,500,000.00     2020

With this second action, Anonymous wants to make its contribution to those who day-to-day struggles in the place where he lives, against coal burning power plants that pollute the air. And 'thanks to the work of the Committee of documentation "Fearless," which fight against Torrevaldaliga north, which today we can say with certainty that the plant operates with technologies cited poor burning of coal each year an amount greater than one million tonnes at maximum, for health reasons, by the laws in force. In addition, it was found that the amount of coal contains sulfur ina three times higher than what is allowed, what causes acid rain were widespread. The mayor of Civitavecchia has complained about the fumes and dust released from the plant, a veritable fog; he also pointed out the enormous increase of devastating cancers of various kinds. This is consistent with the assessments made by the agency of the European environment in 2012 which shows that systems such as those Torrevaldaliga un'impatto have on public health even higher than that of 'ILVA Taranto. This filthy factory of death is not limited to killing by poisoning the air, but engulfs the lives of the workers who work there, in fact the last serious accident at the aforementioned building dates from March 2013, a silencer broke out, and in the fall earth, could have hit some workers with tragic consequences. The plant has been featured in numerous accidents in the past, due to the reduction of expenditure on safety and maintenance. The dead that Enel's Torrevaldaliga North has caused are well 3.


220 MB split archive files | ENEL coal Power Plant of Torrevaldaliga Nord :

lunedì 25 agosto 2014

The real world power it takes slaves

Paul Barnard: The real world power it takes slaves
Paolo Barnard
Who decides our future? Those "little men in double-breasted blue" that in theory we can promote or reject by vote? No, unfortunately: those are just "puppets of the real power," that live far away, protected by inaccessible buildings, from which branches off orders through the most deadly tool: finance. The world is caving in on you? It is no accident: it was all perfectly planned. On the contrary: organized. Who is working for decades to make "the greatest crime": the dismantling of democracy, the end of sovereignty, the privatization of the States, euthanasia policy. An octopus elusive, faceless, but almost all-powerful and a thousand acronyms: Bilderberg, the WTO, the European Union and the ECB, the IMF, with much lobbying and think-tanks, central banks, mafia.

It's the true power, one that can determine the ruin of entire nations to waffle on and realize gains fabulous, over the States and the Paul Barnardpolitica. The thesis around which they work different "heretics" Italian, has been the focus and disseminated in a systematic way and with vast documentation from Paolo Barnard, pioneer tv-truth with Santoro before the days of "Samarkand" and then "Report "rupture controversy with Milena Gabanelli for failure to legal assistance Rai in front of the sea of ​​complaints remedied in many investigations burning. Also disappeared from the web, where it is no longer visible on the site "" which collected an endless amount of papers, files and reports, the Barnard-thought can be traced directly to YouTube, where the reporter sums up what it calls "the most great crime "(from the title of the essay), or on the blog as" misinformation "that only two years ago brought the portrait of the" real power "according to Barnard.

A "prophecy" that the Italian journalist, which makes me shudder, given the global crisis more and more explosive and the inevitable "recipes anti-crisis", promptly announced years in advance by the reporter more uncomfortable in Italy: measures so hard and unpopular to declare the end of decades of democratic gains. His thesis: the old oligarchy land, thrown into crisis by the trade union struggles and democratic '900, you are "shooting the world" through high finance, reducing to impotence the United thanks to the "blackmail" of government debt, before fictitious, but then unfortunately become "private" with its quiet power transfer to the financial world. Operation crowned by the introduction of the Euro - money that does not belong to any state, even in Brussels - and the Treaty of Lisbon, a real "coup European" which subtracts the Member States of any treaty Lisbona residual sovereignty: all laws main shall conform to the dictates of the global elite, which is able to influence any government with leverage.

A "specter" of science fiction? No, not at all: Paolo Barnard ago and last names. Abstract: "The Power was exceptionally skilled in many aspects, one of them was his disguise: Power was to remain in the shadows because the light of the sun would have had infinite trouble by citizens more aware of modern democracies." We were put in front of politicians and governments, so that the "real power" could act "substantially undisturbed." Not that Casta is innocent, of course: the "puppets" trampling "the courtyard of politics" have "to be shared on Cakes', provided, however, that" then execute the orders received. "By whom? From a "colossal and all-encompassing gear invisible ', which according to former Brazilian President Lula' maneuver the system from afar often clears democratic decisions, drains the sovereignty of states and requires governments elected."

According to Barnard, today the real power "is in the air," he wrapped the world and says this: "A few selected must receive power from the many. The many must stand on the edge and wait confident that the good of the coli on top of the Chosen. Governments rise up out of the way and let that happen. " It's the old theory of "Trickle Down Economics" by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, that is, neo-liberalism, the Chicago school, the purism of the "free market." "This idea of ​​economic controls every act of power, and therefore your life, which means it really is always on the basis of the actions of governments and legislators, administrators and employers. So it controls you, the places where you live, your job, your health, your finances, just your everyday ordinary things abstruse, and not far away from your life. Its strength lies in the fact that for 35 years Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcherin every place of power just like the air we breathe in the rooms where it exists. "

Whoever comes to power "breathe this air," no escape, from the moment he sets foot at the university, then coming in parliaments, in boardrooms, in banks, in public administrations. All 'conquered hypnotized drones: Power has created around the idea of powerful bodies, "thanks to which completely dominates the planet. Who are the powerful of the earth? "Financiers, industrialists, ministers, lawyers, intellectuals, soldiers, politicians chosen with care." They are the summit of the "club", the super-structure that "assumes different names depending on where you meet." For example: take the name of the Trilateral Commission whether its members are meeting in Washington, Tokyo or Paris, sometimes in other European capitals. The Trilateral was founded in 1973 as a group of influential Americans, European and Japanese; after only two years 'draws up the rules for the global destruction of the left and the death of participatory democracies, actually took place, "and says" the supremacy of the guidance of the elite over the masses of citizens', which must be "apathetic", docile, hypnotized by the media.

Among the 390 members of the Trilateral have figured vip absolute: from Jimmy Carter to Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller Zbigniev Brzezinski, not to mention Italians Giovanni Agnelli and Arrigo Levi, and then Edmond de Rothschild, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton and the former head of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, along with academics (from Harvard at Bocconi), the governors of the major banks, ambassadors, oil companies, ministers, industrialists (Solvay, Mitsubishi, Coca-Cola, Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar, Fiat Dunlop) and foundations such as Bill Gates. "These - Barnard writes - decide each year on topics such as" the monetary system, "" global governance, "" directing the international trade "," deal with Iran, "" oil, "" energy, security and climate ", "to strengthen the Henry Kissinger with Gianni Agnelli istitutions global", "manage the international system in the future. '" In practice everything. "And reading reports that draw up, it is understandable that their addresses have become reality in our national policies with a certainty disconcerting."

When the "club" needs more confidence, makes an appointment in less visible places of the palaces of the great capitals, and in this case is called the Bilderberg Group, named after the Dutch hotel that hosted the first meeting in 1954 are always the same characters, plus many others in rotation, including monarchs or political office (while the Trilateral is reserved for the great "ex"). The Bilderberg is "much more" underground "Trilateral because its original specialization were the military and strategic affairs', managed by senior NATO. The peculiarity of the Bilderberg disruptive? Inside, the super-powerful can say whatever they want to do: "The most intimate desires of power not even find one shred of brake that requires institutionalization. Hence the tradition of Etienne Davignonmantenere around the Bilderberg an aura of absolute secrecy. "

They are, as revealed by Viscount Etienne Davignon, Chairman of the Bilderberg in 2005, to "coordinate" the leaders of the World Trade Organization, transatlantic cooperation and European integration, ie the record holders of the "free market" with supranational power and godfathers of the Lisbon Treaty, that "the coup d'etat with the European supranational power that has turned us into citizens who will be ruled by unelected bureaucrats." For Barnard are the true masters of our lives, "unappealable decisions on labor, social security, social services, mortgage rates, cost of living." Crucial choices made ​​or not at Palazzo Chigi, the Elysee, but to Geneva or Brussels, or in the central banks, having been discussed at Bilderberg. A sample of the "master race"? Peter Sutherland: at the head of BP, the super-bank Goldman Sachs and the London School of Economics, then UN Plenipotentiary for Immigration and Development, the World Trade Organization Director-General, Member of the European Commission and the Minister of Justice in Ireland. "And, of course, is a member of the Trilateral Commission that the Bilderberg Group."

If the "club" is the first organ of the super-power, the second is the "colossus of Geneva," the WTO: The World Trade Organization was born in 1994, is "more powerful than any nation or parliament." It brings together 153 countries in the Geneva headquarters, where they dictated the rules of international trade, ie practically the entire economy of the world: "Huge slices of our jobs, what we buy, eat, and we care." Decide everything "they". And, as in the case of the new Europe of the Lisbon Treaty, the rules promulgated by the WTO, referred to as "Agreements" are supranational, that is the most powerful national laws. The mechanism is not democratic decisions are dominated by the overwhelming power of the rich countries. "Who is at the helm is the so-called Quad group, formed by the United States, Japan, Canada and Europe. But the whole of Europe is represented at the negotiating table of the WTO by the European Commission, that no citizen shall elect, "says Barnard. "In reality, those who decide for us Europeans is an even smaller number of bureaucrats: the mysterious 133 Committee protests against the Wtodella Commission, made ​​up of specialists even less legitimate. Italian politics normally signs the "agreements" without even reading them. "

If a country is opposed to a rule of the WTO, Barnard continues, it may be tried by a domestic tribunal with powers huge and consists of three individuals extraction viability, whose final judgments are final. A ruling of the WTO may penalize or even overturn the democratic choices of millions of people, even in rich countries. Example: the whole of Europe has been ordered to pay the United States with millions of Euros because she refused to import American beef containing hormones. But neither the United States has power over the WTO: President Obama, in front of the last financial catastrophe, had decided to impose restrictive rules against the wild speculations of banks (real cause of the crisis), but "he was barred up their by a rule of the WTO, which is called "Agreement on Financial Services," and that states the exact opposite, that prohibits the White House and Congress to regulate those mega-banks. And you know who, years ago, that agreement negotiated at the WTO? Timothy Geithner, the current Secretary of the Treasury, who is a member of the Bilderberg Group. "

In the field of international law, the WTO is practically omnipotent has the power to "deprive the health policies of any country," and also takes away the citizens 'freedom to know under what conditions they are made goods purchases, "also hampering' Use the labels to protect consumers. Moreover, in the tender, the WTO requires politicians to allow the big foreign corporations the same conditions required of domestic companies: encourage national employment is regarded as discrimination against the "free market." Always to the provisions of the WTO "centralize in the hands of a few multinational patents of the majority of the active ingredients and plants that are used for drugs or for agriculture, since they allow the private patenting of life forms Herman Van Rompuy, the EU, member of the Bilderberge protect those patents for 20 years. "Moreover, the fact that patents are protected by the WTO for twenty years "is also the basis of the lack of life-saving drugs in poor countries."

It is not enough: the WTO is "at full blast promoting privatization and the opening to the" free market "foreign practically all the services to the citizens, even those essentials such as health, water, education and care for the elderly, with rules that prevent in fact, local administrators the protection of less affluent citizens who can not afford private services. "Obviously these "agreements" are binding on all national law, esautorando then our politicians from the management of key chapters of our economy. The strategy of the "club" of the WTO and, of course, also makes use of the third organ of the super-power: the lobbyists. Paul Barnard calls them "the prompters." They are the ones that are "received in private from every politician that matters in the world and that" suggest "(often dictate) the content of the laws and decrees, as well as the guidelines of the government and even the programs of electoral coalitions."

I "prompters" Italians are a thousand, but will become at least ten thousand within ten years, Barnard wrote in 2008, citing the agency "Networks" of the former Dalem Claudio Velardi and lobbying activities conducted by various groups to fund politicians and have huge favors in return. "With an estimate based on past budgets, it is estimated that the money paid to the submerged Italian politics amounts to several tens of millions of Euros per year, from the construction, highway, metallurgy, private health care, banking, real estate and television." The impact on citizens: laws and regulations that "going to change, often for the worse, our economy of life and work." No one seems immune Barnard cites the more than 2 million euro finished in 2008 UDC, 80% of which came by the real Caltagirone ("think of the freedom of Pier Ferdinando Casini legislate in the field of real estate"), or 50,000 euro Di Pietro family Lagostena Bassi, who "controls the market for local TV but Dick Cheneyche simultaneously serves Silvio Berlusconi and the Northern League forages." And the infamous bridge over the Strait? A favor to the group Gavius​​, strong 650,000 euro paid to the PDL.

As for the "prompters" Americans, you will enter the Guinness Book of Records: the price of two million deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, was the "oil lobby" to focus on Bush's wars and the relative profits of crude oil skyrocketed. Dick Cheney and James Baker III, but also the former Enron's Kenneth Lay, the chairman of the Carlyle Group, Frank Carlucci, and then Robert Zoellick, Thomas White, George Schultz, Jack Sheehan, Don Evans, Paul O'Neil, respectively; "in the service of Shell, Mobil, Union Carbide, Huntsman, Amoco, Exxon, Alcoa, Conoco, Carlyle, Halliburton, Kellog Brown & Root, Bechtel and Enron." If George Bush junior is "the most political" oiled "in American history," Obama is "defending" the financial-insurance lobby: "When the banks collapsed in 2008 the United States after defrauding millions of people and thousands of other international banks , 7 million American families lose their jobs and the entire world economy goes to peak, including Italy, "the new president 'signing a hemorrhage of public money after another to save the backside of the bankers crooks."

The alibi of Obama, "reviving the economy" (from 5000 to 11 trillion dollars, according to estimates), but not one of the super-crooks end up in jail. "On the contrary: his government has called to clean up the disasters of this global crisis, the same people who created it. Instead of them fail and use public money to people in trouble, Obama and his Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have offered him a mountain of easy money that buy the debts of failed banks. "Thanks to floor-Obama, offenders in the finance received from Washington for 85% of the money needed to buy those debts, putting its own only 15%, and further reserves, huge profits in the case of "recovery" without having to return the super-repayable loan. "And 'the usual' lemon socialism: the losses are the taxpayers and profits of private investors. '" Has noticed the "Washington Post", who has accused Obama of Timothy Geithneraver not place any limits on speculators who caused the catastrophe. "Question: how much money it took Obama in the election campaign by the financial lobbies? Answer: 38 million dollars. "

Another 20 million, continues Barnard, Obama has them pocketed by health insurance lobby, which countered with "a false health care reform" that in reality "has nothing to the public and is an additional gift to private insurance giants," many in the besieging army of 40,000 lobbyists in Washington on a daily basis. Including the most legendary pioneers of the network, the Jewish lobby, which affect the superpower forbidden to question the politics of Israel. In 2002, just as the Israeli army reinvadeva the Occupied Territories with the usual indiscriminate massacres of civilians in Washington was overwhelmed by boos, the then Deputy Minister of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, super-hawk "neocons" and pro-Israeli, who had permission to quote from the "Palestinian suffering". And before that, in 1992, the outgoing President Bush made a dramatic misstep threatening to block 10 billion in aid if Tel Aviv had not braked Jewish settlements in the territories, lost two-thirds of the electorate that had supported him in Hebrew '88 and paved the way for the victory of Clinton.

Even in Europe the lobby are doing their part, fielding 15-20,000 "prompters", who come to spend a billion euro per year to influence the decisions of the European Commission, which after the Treaty of Lisbon has become the true center decision-making on the continent, the super-government (not elected) of all of us, with immense powers. Large companies represented are thousands: these include Fiat and Pirelli, Barilla, Canon and Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia, Time Warner, Rank Xerox and Microsoft, Boeing, Dow Chemicals, Danone, Candy, Shell, Hewlett Packard , IBM, Carlsberg, Glaxo, Bayer, Hoffman La Roche, Pfizer, Merck. And then banks, insurance companies, investors. And 'a' siege policy, "according to Barnard, but also" a real attack on democracy, "because they are the billionaires to impose decisions, in addition to Community institutions Mario Draghi with Jean-Claude Trichetnon more direct from politicians regularly elected.

Do not overlook adds Barnard in his diagnosis, the influence of the "fourth member" of the world super-power, or the "think-tanks": literally "think tanks" to develop ideas that are intended to influence policy. To launch the offensive was Lewis Powell in 1971, when he denounced an "ideological war against the enterprise system and the values ​​of Western society," and, for Barnard, gave way to the rescue of the elite and at the end of participatory democracy of citizens. The right economic aspired to "regain the world" and "subdue the policy, that is to become the real power." How? Arming of ideas, raising money, selecting brains and shaping them, and then "putting them into the control system of the company, infiltrating everything." Today, the foundations are super-336, distributed in every continent. "One of the best known and most aggressive is the Adam Smith Institute in London, who displays an arrogance of power, which could boast this as their motto:" Only yesterday our ideas were considered to be on the brink of madness. Today we are on the threshold of Parliaments. '"

The policy-puppet, says Barnard, is the executive arm of the "real power". "Often, our economic ministers, our central bankers, but also Presidents of the Council" (two names: Mario Draghi and the then Prime Minister Romano Prodi) "are dinners or conferences at these foundations / Think Tanks, which in some rare cases the Tg damage local news. Apparently ceremonies bogged down and boring, in reality what happens there is that ministers, bankers and prime minister go there to give an account of what they have done to please the idea of the true economic power. "That is: minimum regulations for business and governments more marginal, according to the dictates of the famous Omega Project issued dall'Adam Smith in 1982: Directives that regularly "devoured public life in Britain, France, the United States," and that now have crossed the threshold of George SorosParlamento also in Italy, with the super-maneuver Tremonti imposed by Brussels, it is as if the "real power" with the advance described by Paul Barnard had thrown the mask.

Still, the signs were clear. Barnard remembers September 16, 1992, when George Soros decided to "break the back to Britain" selling hit something like 10 billion pounds. The financier caused the collapse of the value of the British currency, which was thus expelled from the European Monetary System, "Soros pocketed more than $ 1 billion, but millions of Britons wept bitter tears, and the government of London he was humiliated." Not to mention the speculator John Meriwether, who had "ensnared virtually all of the major banks in the world with $ 4.6 billion in high-risk." His manager is fregiavano the title of "masters of the universe", but in August of 1998 contemplated the collapse of world markets because of them; The Federal Reserve then had to intervene in an emergency, "with the usual rescue at taxpayer expense." A script that has happened during the last crisis, with the international speculator Joseph Cassano, slid his investment scam by $ 500 billion, call the White House to say, "Sorry, I have to go to hell your economy» .

'Panic world, the end of the credit in the world of work almost around the planet and, on the plate of our citizens, here served the most dangerous economic crisis from 1929 to today. "Blame for what Barnard calls the "Court of International Investors and speculators", another arm of the "real power" that is privatizing the world, forced marches, expropriating states and citizens. "Other than Tremonti or Confindustria: in today's world there is a community of private individuals capable of handling such huge amounts of wealth in a few hours to undermine the economy of a country rich, or the economies of hundreds of millions of workers and for them have labored a lifetime, that is bankrupt families, businesses close. Their decisions are judgments as planetary. Unappealable. "And bristling with monstrous figures: "They're doing Joseph Cassanooscillare on the planet something like 525 trillion dollars in just financial products" derivative ", ie money at very high risk of sudden bankruptcy."

It 'possible that "the markets" do disappear, suddenly, hundreds of billions, causing loss of jobs, insecurity and its domino effect on the economy. Just that "someone" is not enthusiastic obedience of politicians, or who has glimpsed a convenience speculative. "This tyranny of real power," writes Barnard, takes the technical name of "capital flight": literally, capital taking flight. It 'simply' money in search of higher profits, "to quote" "It is "huge flows of capital out of a country often so huge affect on the entire financial system of a nation." Too bad that in the middle there are the usual, bulky human beings in the millions.

The "Court" closes the circle of speculators, the super-pyramid straight from the "club" by the WTO and with the support of the European Union, the lobbyists and think-tank. "There could be added to the World Economic Forum, the Codex Alimentarius, the IMF, the system of central banks, the multinational drug companies," says Barnard. Without neglecting the gangs because "drug trafficking, prostitution, arms trafficking and recycling of toxic waste are services that the gangs engaged in on behalf of principals always related to real power, or why it affected, or because its gears Paul Barnard important. "And here's the puzzle composed of horror, from which "the capital problems of our lives as citizens, or even the daily dramas that many working families suffer."
Paolo Barnard

Is there anyone who decides everything, beyond any control. "If you care about democracy, social justice and the economy in your daily work and essential services to the person - Barnard concludes in his call - then you have to hit those who really work for sottrarceli, that is the real power. We should organize itself to reveal it to the general public and to finally lock it. Now you know, and especially now you know what kind of deadly machine, an immense and powerful it is. "If current methods of struggle of the movements are "pitifully inadequate, infantile fantasies, flashes in the pan that never a single moment have worried that real power," according to Barnard for "stem a titan of that magnitude," the only hope is to enforce against "a 'organization of activists and communicators exceptionally compact, funded, via ferrata, disciplined, on the whole, the work always, relentlessly, in the places of the common people, for years. There is no other hope. Provided that there is still a hope. "
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