martedì 1 luglio 2014

The empire of multinational corporations

The empire of multinational corporations and the new global wars
The attack to the peasant communities of Colombia to the U.S. military intervention in defense of Western interests. If any conflicts on our planet is programmed and funded by the empire of multinational companies, to counteract the System Global War are necessary awareness and responsibility that allow us to 'consumer-consumerist' to understand the implications of every choice we make.

The farmers are protesting against the Colombian free trade agreement with the U.S. that involves the use of sun seed 'certified'
In Colombia,  the farmers, who are sixty percent of the population, manifest, they are beaten and arrested by the police on strike. They fight against the free trade agreement with the USA. Treaty provides for the use of sun seed "certified". And certified seed are those of Monsanto, etc. Cargyll. They are seeds USA.

Moreover, as can be free a treaty between an empire and a nation subjected to it? Throughout the country the peasants are seized and destroyed their seed. To combat this have already died twelve o'clock farmers.

Colombia is the country regularly sprayed by defoliants scattered by U.S. aircraft on the pretext of destroying coca plantations. In fact, as that seed Vietnam, causing death and destruction that continue to this day with the children who are born malformed and people dying of cancer, the U.S. defoliants spread poison to destroy the resistance to their empire: a good part of Colombian territory is controlled by the FARC, an armed organization called "terrorist." Although it is composed of men and Colombian women, unlike the mostly foreign mercenaries called "opponents" and "rebels" and funded, armed, trained by the Empire, who attacked Libya and now are busy in Syria.

The FARC were born in the sixties. In those years, many rural communities in Colombia, to defend themselves from dictatorship and landowners, were given an autonomous political, economic, administrative, declaring themselves independent. Were swept away in '64: the Colombian government attacked the community with 16,000 soldiers led by U.S. advisers and assisted by U.S. bombers; also used napalm, as in Vietnam. After the tragic and deadly failure of peaceful struggle, the survivors founded the FARC and passed to the armed struggle.

Now the new assault on the Colombian peasant communities is through a law on seed that is a copy of what the European Union has prepared for his peasants. It is always war and empire. Where the laws and dictates of the Empire are rejected we proceed with the defoliant, or napalm death squads and, even if the latter are sufficient, armed with a bell'intervento of "willing" to turn.

army weapons
"There is a war on our planet today that was not planned, instigated, aided by the empire of U.S. multinationals & C."
There is now a war on our planet that has not been programmed, promoted and subsidized by the empire of U.S. multinationals & C. So I wonder if today we can be peace without also being anti-imperialist. Today's wars are never powers between or among states, nor between religions or between ethnic groups, although they are often masked or incited to appear so. Today it is the New World Order, globalization proceeds shots of laws and drones, military and cultural conquest.

Who is at the top says: Peace and War
are of different essence.
Their peace and their war
are like wind and storm.
War grows from their peace
as the child from the mother.
He has to face
his features horrid.

Their war kills
what their peace

(Bertolt Brecht)

In 2007, Wesley Clark, retired U.S. general, in a television interview on Democracy Now (anyone can see each other on the Internet) told us that ten days after the Sept. 11, while he was at the Pentagon to meet with the defense minister, a general his friend called him into his office to tell him: "We decided to attack Iraq." Why is that? He did not know. He only knew that the 'program' of the U.S. government planned to "get rid" of seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Iran.

Do not have it done yet to complete but you can not say that there are trying.

General Wesley Clark is not a "penitent". He worked for thirty-four years in the Army and the Department of Defense, has been highly decorated, now is one of multinational executives Growth Energy and BNK Petroleum and is "adviser" of the Romanian government, of course, always on behalf of his government. It's part of the system and is at your service. If you chose to reveal everything, to make public the warmongering imperial ambitions and his government is now because these aims are large resistors in the same U.S. military.

An army fights to win and to increase the power and territory of their own country and its riches. The U.S. military today fighting to enrich a few hundred corporations, destroying, in addition to attacking countries, including his own: the United States is bleeding in the wars; print dollars like confetti and they gorge Halliburton, the Dyincorp, Blackwater, even (think ') our Beretta. The dollar would be worth less than toilet paper now, if the terror inspired by their "producers" was not dependent upon the world.

However, even when printing at full speed, not enough to pay for everything. It takes priority. And since those who govern the United States are neither Obama nor Congress nor the army but the multinationals, the choice is quickly made. Or not? Maybe not all multinationals gain from the war, maybe some you lose the war; maybe the army begins to make the tantrums ... Thus began the civil war in the Roman Empire. Moreover all empires are similar, they follow the same laws as social, economic, political and military.

So how can today be peace without being anti-imperialist? It is not enough to invoke the goodwill, brotherhood, non-violence and non-violence education in the face of an apparatus of power that foments by itself. In the face of an empire. The war is now itself a "system".

usa flag cage
"The U.S. military today fighting to enrich a few hundred corporations, destroying, in addition to attacking countries, including his own"
In 2011 the hundred most important industries that provide the U.S. military have received from the U.S. government $ 410 billion. And it is not, as many believe, only "arms merchants and death," as Boeing that has received $ 31 billion a year or Dyincorp with his 2.4 billion. It is also of industries such as Coca Cola, Colgate, Kellogg, Johnson Wax ...

Not only because all of them are octopus with a thousand tentacles, which have at the same time oil and food, electronic and print, but also because an army eating and drinking, dressing and washing.

It is no longer a question of a shot at the rim and a barrel, in the face of global wars of this global Empire that threatens all humanity. To produce the wars work now millions of people who "know not what they do."

"Intervene militarily wherever our interests are endangered," said Obama openly to the United Nations, and no one doubted that he spoke on behalf of U.S. corporations and certainly not the people.

That is why we have to fear ... that someone knows it, when none can call our power to account? ... "(Shakespeare, Macbeth)

It can not therefore fight against war and not fight against global Empire that sees together with those of the USA and of course until there is cake to be shared, even European multinationals etc..

But you can not even fight the System Global War continuing to be consumer-consumerist, buying and using car oil to evaporate tons, going by plane to bring the holidays to Sharm el Sheik, continuing to buy the latest electronic gadget that does not is never the last, filling carts in the supermarket food and beverage industry, cruising.

Why are two armies who support the Empire: the military-political-media and consumerist one, and both are essential for the survival. Therefore it is necessary to be "conscientious objectors" to both these armies, establishing once and for all that to counter a Global Empire needed a conscience and a global responsibilities, which enable us to understand the consequences and implications of every choice we make. That allow us to not have to say one day "I did not know."

"You can not fight the System Global War continuing to be consumer-consumerist"
Why is there something else that all empires are similar: their people, at some point, become populace. And the common people are complicit with the powers gorge.

Bread and circus the Romans said. The industrial-consumerist civilization has reduced us to "human from intensive farming," he reduced to the common people.

We have enough to get us panem obesity and diabetes, and to empty the oceans and fill the earth with intensive farming; we have enough circuses intasarne from the streets, the mountains and the coast, as well as the closets and shelves. And we always want more. Because the populace is used to consider normal everything that is served up on a daily basis, without wondering why or how.

Menenius Agrippa said to the Roman people went on strike against the patricians: "We are one body, you will be members and our stomachs; if you do not feed us, we will not nourish. And we'll all die. "This was the juice and he was right.

Western consumers, along with a little fed ranks of the bourgeoisie in poor countries are the members that nourish the horrible stomach multinationals. What a Menenius Agrippa not confess (and there are many, today, Meneni Agrippa) is that, yes, even us commoners end up with the Empire: we would end up as the mob to return to being people; end up as consumers to go back to being aware and capable men and women. It is no coincidence that one of the weapons that the system has proven to be more afraid of a boycott of its goods.

In Colombia, against the diabolical law of seed certification, the farmers, in addition to expressing and being beaten and jailed and killed, have called for a general strike to the bitter end; they were joined by the miners, then the truckers. After eighteen days of the strike, the Colombian government decided to freeze the law.

We can hope that farmers in poor countries, small farmers who eat what they produce, which live off the land and with the land, they understand immediately how it works on their skin and the system, are the barbarians that will give the coup de grace to this empire?

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